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Very close to posting names.

Mon, Oct 15 2012 10:09 AM (74 replies)
  • Android188
    1 Posts
    Wed, Oct 3 2012 10:08 PM

    Its no goldentee


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Wed, Oct 3 2012 11:00 PM

    Yep, it's closing time on the West Coast :)


    And how about them A's?


    Another Bay Bridge Series in the works?


    Sorry, OT but what the heck:)

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 6:12 AM

    They deserve protection from the parasites who circumvent the system.
    This is agreed with unilaterally. This is the reason we have a Customer Support team, and a Community Management effort. If these teams consisted of more people, we could possibly offer a more comprehensive disciplinary system. Unfortunately, as with all other businesses, we have finite resources.

    With so many branches on this tree I re-read the entire thread and when I got to the above paragraph it reminded me that six weeks ago you stated:

    "We are currently in the process of adding more staff to our community management team (recently WGTgator, WGTwildcat, etc)"

    You don't appear to be getting much help on the forums lately, did this fall through?  If you need us to pepper MisterWGT with PMs to get you staffed say the word. :o)

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 9:58 AM

    "We are currently in the process of adding more staff to our community management team (recently WGTgator, WGTwildcat, etc)"

    You don't appear to be getting much help on the forums lately, did this fall through?  If you need us to pepper MisterWGT with PMs to get you staffed say the word. :o)

    Good memory, Andyson! This is another good example of "tangible" results, or rather the lack thereof which is noticed by the community. So, I'm sure it looks like as though I am a lone ranger on the forums, but I assure you those WGT staff members are helping me. I am more vocal than the others, while they are more hands on with the "moderation" or any "administrative" actions needed.

    I couldn't do my job without: WGTicon - offering his YEARS of expert knowledge of the game, WGTgator - managing the "behind the scenes" administrative duties and WGTwildcat who heads up organizing and disseminating some of our more major company announcements, which you'll see in a thread from time to time.

    We are a team - a verrrry small team. We all have eyes on the forums, but we rely on each other to accomplish the over all goal of this Community Management effort.

    There's a good quote from a tv show that I like to keep in mind:

    "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."


    Stay classy,


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 11:51 AM


    There's a good quote from a tv show that I like to keep in mind:

    "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."

    Sounds like a statement by an expert arsonist. LOL

    "If you don't toot your horn people won't know you're there."


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 12:08 PM


    "If you don't toot your horn people won't know you're there."

    Or the squeaky wheel gets the most oil.


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 5:15 PM

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 5:32 PM

    I've refrained from getting involved here because I think it's a great, and honest, thread.  But, one thing popped in my mind that I hope is heard by WGT.  This was a snippit from a message between me and a friend.  So, if WE are talking behind the scenes, too, imagine what isn't even getting posted, Pizza/et al.


    i hope wgt listens to them when they(voices in this thread) say "the customer service has NEVER been good."  i don't care about wgt's decisions to the technical stuff, but when your customers say you suck, you'd better listen hard and fix it immediately.

  • daddd1
    171 Posts
    Fri, Oct 5 2012 5:55 AM

    It seems people  who are not doing their homework are getting their do. If I see a tourny I can't win or even come close, I don't invest any credits. SMART

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Fri, Oct 5 2012 9:10 AM

    I encourage you to do some research on the matter and find what limitations/allowances companies are given when dealing with disciplinary action. If you feel strongly about this matter and think you can come up with a suggestion for us to improve this aspect of our operations, we'd love to hear it :)
    Short and sweet (and classy) I hope. : )

    When Michelle Wie was DQ' wasn't  because she didn't sign her scorecard (as is often stated). It was because she signed it "outside" the scoring area. Such a minor infraction , nevertheless a violation. Do you think the tournament committee  or the USGA were concerned with "legalities"   ?   Do you think that tournament committee's 1'st thought's were --->  "Hmmm , Michelle's lawyers may have our A** for this."    ?

    When  Dustin grounded his club , not once , but twice in an area that had been pelted by gallery traffic and in no way resembled a bunker and was penalized completely out of a playoff that he was prob. favored in ; do you think legalities ever crossed that "tournament committee's" mind before making these  serious , game changing rulings ?  I doubt it considering that every player received a memo stating  that   "any and ALL sand"  would be considered and played under bunker rules/conditions.   ...and BTW...You want to talk about class...Dustin's picture is in the dictionary beside the word "class"  after that ruling was enforced. "Much respect Dustin"

    Sorry I've rambled here , but , my point being ; A good 1'st step in a business sense might be to remember that this is a "GOLF" game and that the "rules" of golf apply as well as the rules found in  "Welcome to WGT"  and  "Community Introductions"...and oh yeah ,   you are the tournament committee.    Hmmmm

    Respect and loyalty will be gained and maintained by simply  "ENFORCING" them !

    Then , players will know what your made of and what your all about  ---> "The game of golf"  or  "money"   You tell us Pizza. 

    If your company chooses the "game of golf" , you can have both. If you choose "money" over such an entity  as "the game of golf and all it represents" , your only headed deeper into the mess that you have now , and without a doubt ---> "Short term."

    "The game of golf" is bigger than you or I , and deserves better than what we (the members) are seeing...and I'm referring NOT to game play , you all are doing a wonderful job in that department ,  but rather  "Golf honor and ethics."

    It's your choose !  
