Greyyowl: So basically when you see a glitch on the swing meter, it is because there is a problem with your computer. For everything to run smoothly you need a fast system where there are going to be no external factors causing the meter to jump or stutter. The people at WGT can do nothing to control what is going on on your computer while you play the game. So how can you control the environment that you play in.
How can you explain my perfectly smooth meter and perfect gameplay 99% of the time when i use my kidies PC which is 2.8 ghz dual core, 1 GIG!!! RAM, no graphics card and 6.8 mbs internet,no gamebooster, clear cache once a fortnight (if i remember), high flash quality in game options, makes no difference with having animated water and flag on either, well below minimum requirements but game is perfect. Its not our PC's its what happens between our PC's and WGT, servers, local internet which causes problems