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Questionable pictures

Mon, Apr 10 2017 7:30 PM (89 replies)
  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 12:24 AM


    If you want to play with a friendly squirrel, let me know. Nothing meant by my profile picture. Sometimes, genetics can be cruel. Just look at the face, NIc Nic is a sweet guy.

    Yo Renn I forgot their name but a member of WGT had stolen your profile pic . Thought it was you until I saw their name. Man I should have written their name down . Sorry . I love the lil creature BTW in a manly way of course lol.

    Still waiting for a game with ya too.

    224 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 2:50 AM

    .. Well I'm not a prude either and I see it more often then most as I get around a bit more than the norm.. ..It is a relevant issue that should be ad'dressed' n does at times by WGT.. ..

     A few months back I told one of them off  n had big blew.. ..  'her' story was that 'she' had a great body n wanted to flaunt it,,, thus it  ended in them dropping the game.. .. its amusing too with the women avatars, some of my guy pals use them n say they like looking at a female rather than a bloke.. .. i personally cant get my teeth around that one either to be honest,,, but each to their own i spose........ lol

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 7:58 AM

    its amusing too with the women avatars, some of my guy pals use them n say they like looking at a female rather than a bloke.. .. i personally cant get my teeth around that one either to be honest,,,

    LOL,,,,cartoon porn.  OHH!

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 9:27 AM


    all images that break our rules should be reported to or to myself (if it;s a profile picture and not in-game).


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 10:11 AM

    What about Profile names Icon? Seems there are members creating accounts with vulgar profile names. If one looks at these profiles a vast majority of them have never played even 1 round of golf on here.

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 10:45 AM


    Thanks for the support guys. There are trolls out there but I call them "chick trolls" they hunt females . . . I don't go looking for them . . . but when I get an invite I check the profile and get a good idea of what they want by their friends - also questionable pics. 

    Good news - I was about to turn one in but the pic (along with some of his friends) have turned into greyed images.  Wahoo - I am only guessing, but way togo WGT!


     i totally agree with you. my pic is not me but if you go to my profile you would discover that for yourself. i agree about the fact that there are "chick trolls" out there and i have disappointed a few of them when my male avatar appears. some of them friend me just because of the pic and some i have unfriended immediately. i agree and i disagree at the same time at what point does it becme censorship. and at what point should it become censorship. i have seen some pics that shouldn't be on this site and i think myself a liberal thinker. pics can be sexy without being sexual.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 10:50 AM

    i think myself a liberal thinker. pics can be sexy without being sexual.


    I agree wholeheartedly..However....I would like ALL offending pics, sent to me at :- ......So I can make a fair assessment ....Andy

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 10:55 AM


    For the most part these kinds of avatars are put up by very young guys who are still virgins, persons of either gender that are looking for some advantage, or very ugly women.  There are undoubtedly exceptions.  I just don't know what they are.

    I would say that anything you want to look at can be found on the web.  Big waste of time to look for it (or present it) here.

    WOW  at least Patty had an open mind

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 12:45 PM

    looks like you got your way both patty and bubbadork. it appears the censor gods agree wth you n my pic. at least they could have communicated wth me. but WGT i famous for not communicating.

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 12:59 PM

    Open minds are great.  They lead to objectively assessing situations.  When the facts are in, then you accept them or wimp out in some attempt to win a meaningless popularity contest.

    There is always the possibility that someone will post a picture of their boobs in order to help the starving children of Africa.  There is also the chance that putting a quarter in a slot machine and yanking the handle will make you financially independent.

    Just sayin'.  Contrary opinions are always allowed (well, at least in my country, so far, but declining).