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Questionable pictures

Mon, Apr 10 2017 7:30 PM (89 replies)
  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 2:47 PM

    first of all i would like to apologize to patty - i did not mean to imply anything malicisiosly at all.and to all the users i'm sorry but i pushed it to  the limit. my intent was to express the rules -that's all . i found a loophole in the logic and pushed it too far. once again patty i apologize. thank you pizza for making me see it in a different light

  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 2:57 PM

    Edit: Posting names to bring shame is against forum policies

    These are a few inappropriate names that are in the system and have been for a long time.

    I ask for them to be removed.

    Have a look at shoop and jumpmybones profiles and you will find many more. They both write on their walls many times each day, and then quickly delete their posts.  (I guess they could be same person.)

     ((p.s. I say that because after confronting shoop in the these forums I was quickly blocked from his wall, and then jumpmybones at the same time. Even though I had'nt said anything to him))

    This needs looking into, as we play on a virtual golf site here, it's not a porn site. I for one dont want to be associated with this practice. 

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 3:07 PM

    All of those names are accounts that have been disabled.

    Please do not list the account names you feel need attention. Doing so will make you subject to moderation. Please email any account names in question to our support team here:

    bypass07 - you are quite welcome, and your humility speaks volumes of your character.


    Stay classy,


  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 3:17 PM

    Thanks for taking action on these accounts,

    I ask not to be moderated, as I was only repeating names which are present on your site. 

    I'm personally glad that I dont have to be associated with these names for any longer and please look further into it, with the info that I have provided in my last post.

    Trying to stay classy....

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 3:21 PM

    Thanks for taking action on these accounts

    I ask not to be moderated, as I was only repeating names which are present on your site. 

    You are welcome, chris2345  :)

    The only moderation here is I removed the names from your previous post. To be clear: if you post player names with the intention of bringing shame to them, you will be subject to moderation.

    It's also important to note that even after we have disabled these accounts, you will still be able to find their disabled account if you use the WGT Players search option.

    Stay classy,


  • nativemale
    20 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 3:43 PM

    welcome to the fu kup wgt at its best !

  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 3:45 PM


    You are welcome, chris2345  :)

    The only moderation here is I removed the names from your previous post. To be clear: if you post player names with the intention of bringing shame to them, you will be subject to moderation.

    It's also important to note that even after we have disabled these accounts, you will still be able to find their disabled account if you use the WGT Players search option.

    Stay classy,


    I understand your post, but need to make this clear : That I wasn't posting with the intention of bringing shame to the members in my OP. I was only bringing  your attention to where more of these inappropriate user names can be found.   

    We may think that the members actions are shameful, but that's not for me to say.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 3:58 PM

    Alright, we are in a semantic miscommunication. Let's clear things up.

    First, I appreciate you explaining your intentions, but if you look at this sentence, it is a contradiction:

    I wasn't posting with the intention of bringing shame to the members in my OP. I was only bringing  your attention to where more of these inappropriate user names can be found.

    When you type the name of a player, you are bringing attention to them. Not just to WGT staff, to anyone reading the thread. When you bring attention to them, your motives will be questioned by our moderators. If our moderators (myself included) come to the conclusion that your intention is to bring shame upon the mentioned account name, you will be subject to moderation.

    What you did, chris2345, was list account names that you feel should be corrected. Even though you posted account names that were already deemed inappropriate and were previously disabled, this is exactly what we do not allow on the forums. I hope I cleared things up, let me know if you have any more questions.


    Stay classy,


  • MulliganPatty
    885 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 4:03 PM

    No need to appologize bypass, but do accept and appreciate it.  I've stirred the pot and said enough on this matter. I am satisfied that others are also concerned and the right people are on the job. Perhaps I'll meet some of you on these courses and enjoy a game of golf - if you play that is.  I have learned a lot and enjoyed the exchange.

    Thx, Patty.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 4:06 PM

    Gr8 ending to a good thread..Everyone came out 'Classy' imo ....Andy