WGTpizza:You just consistently displayed a skill level higher than your current tier, so you were moved up faster than those who perform at a skill level equal to their current tier.
May or may not be true, since wins are the thing the get you tiered up, and legitimate wins and wins through disconnects/forfeits are being thrown in the same basket and please don't even try to say that's not true after all that's been written by now.
If I lose to a master in a MP because I had a terrible round or my connection was crappy, that doesn't mean they have skills to become a legend, it just means my game and internet were bad.
Oh Lordy sounds like me your describing Pu !!!
This on going debate is amazing. Pu has referenced me (for which I will charge him a fee for using my name in vain Haha) quite a few times. At the end of the day I was struggliing and continue to struggle with WGT. Whether it be internet or reflexes or equipment I don't know which, but I can manage 1 good round out of lots when the moon turns blue. I often say I am a good par player on the level I was on (master) but rarely scored below Par. For the sake of the discussion Pu sacrificed his playing record and I sacrificed a tier ranking.
But here is where the averages and tiers concept comes apart. What does an average do for you ? Basically diddly squat in most cases except serve to set an artifical number that a heck of a lot of people struggle to maintain, The average does nothing for on WGT really. We don;t have stableford system unfortunately which is a true handicap event I assume because it is so open to flagrant abuse. It happens in real life and it's one of the "black marks on the game".
What feature is needed more than anything is for averages to resemble the real game. In what way ?
Well in the real game such as on the PGA Tour if you don;t win enough you don;t keep your Tour Card and you have to work like crap to keep it. SO here's a thought - let's start looking at performance with a view to keeping eligibility to entering the "credit tournaments". What would that do you ask ?
OMG the sandbaggers won't qualify for a tournament if the don't keep playing well !!
SOOOOOOoo qualifying for the money rounds by playing consistently well. Aha ! And you know what ? I think there's probably a lot of people out there would be perfectly happy playing in tournaments just for the bragging rights. I don;t enter the money tournaments I haven't got a hope in hell of winning anything. I tried a couple times and was that far off the pace. I did manage to win I think 1.35 credits once or twice ! Woohooo don't spend them all in one place now Stormy !
A nice little trophy icon on my profile page would be great and whilst I would love some credits I can live without them !
WGT hows about it !
A PROFESSIONAL WGT Tour (credits/money prizes) and an AMATEUR WGT Tour (nada nix except for a graphical icon denoting a winner and a big head in the comfort of your own home).