To this I will say what I have said in other threads:
Show me someone who claims they have been moved up only be winning a few MP games, and I will investigate the matter.
Not doubting your claim, it just is contrary to what I know about this feature, and if true, would require investigation.
Stay classy,
Well Mister Pizza
Yes I threw myself on the sword of fame and in conjunction with my good friend PUHOLINO we arranged such an event. I was a Master with an average of 69 when we first started the expedition with a couple of forfeits by him. I went down to around 65 avg.
Today a further series of 4 forfeits saw the following :
1st Game forfeited By PU - average dropped to 64.65
2nd Game forfeited by PU - average dropped to 63.90
3rd Game forfeited by PU - average dropped to 63.15
4th Game forfeited by PU - average dropped to 62.90
Congratulations you are now a TOUR MASTER !
Now I don't mind that occuring as I was going nowhere as a Master so it was not skin off my nose to allow myself this heady elevation. I don't play ReadyGo's or Majors for Winnings as I don;t have a hope in hell of winning anything at Master or Tour Master level.
But Pizza you wanted proof there it is matey !