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lost my consecutive days streak by 4 minutes, lame

Tue, Nov 27 2012 7:49 PM (24 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,686 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 4:38 AM


    I think you're all missing the point. Time management hasn't got anything to do with it! The guy started playing within the time limit, and was therefore 'robbed' of his streak. My sympthies go to him!

    You and the OP are the ones missing the point. Time management has everything to do with it. The rules as it were say that you must complete any type of game within the 24 hour period. IT doesn't say you can start a game before the 24 hours is up and finish it anytime after the deadline and still get the points.And like many of the other posters said he had 24 hours to get that game in. Why wait until the last minute?

  • kirla
    73 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 6:05 AM

    All you need to do is to complete one hole on any course and get credit for playing that day. One hole only takes about 5 minutes or less to do.


    At the top of the page you will see WGT COMMUNITY,  select GOLF COURSES in the drop down box. Select any course of your liking. Select any one of the holes you might like to play and click on the PLAY HOLE NOW  button.


    Five minutes later you get credit for the day. Good Luck 

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 9:14 AM

    They also missed the point that the OP DID get credit for the round as part of a consecutive days bonus streak. Because of the finish time it was counted as Day 1 of a new streak, meaning he didn't have to play the next night to maintain the new streak.

    The consecutive days bonus is based simply on finish time. As you correctly point out, BTB, the rules say completion of a game. The start time is irrelevant.

  • Cmehammer1
    13 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 9:26 AM

    I want to thank those that posted for the good and the bad. I just wasn' t clear on one of the rules, my mistake. It was a busy week and got home after playing golf with friends and remembered  I hadn't yet played. I wasn't beating up the game as this is a great game. It is a big step up from the "Links series whch I played years ago. See you around.


  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 3:33 PM


    Oh , it must be nice to plan around wgt! Im a master and played for 175 straight days,I TOO tried to keep a cushion, but sometimes you have more important things you have to do! I missed my deadline by minutes,is it fair? yes for you and myself,but there should be a cushion for when you have to miss a night!  deduct points for a week, instead of making max. points, give me half that for a week! Sounds fair to me,better than starting all  over!



    I too am a Master , working on lvl 91, with 438cdp. My start time is at 8pm, which means that I have until 8pm tomorrow night to get it done. I usually play 3 random hole selection and bingo 920 XP`s. It`s just that simple. Start your rounds late in the evening, that way other than serious emergencies, nothing should get in the way of your game. Happy Swinging


  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 3:39 PM

    i had 200 consecutive days - i played a couple of muliplayer (alternate shot) games well within the alloted time and still lost my streak. now consecutive days just don't matter. keep your stick on the ice and keep playing !!

    1,189 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 3:52 PM

    All you need to do is to complete one hole on any course and get credit for playing that day. One hole only takes about 5 minutes or less to do.


    More like a minute and a half (loading time included) if you choose an easy par 3, lol.

  • jonahvark
    47 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 12:56 PM



    I think you're all missing the point. Time management hasn't got anything to do with it! The guy started playing within the time limit, and was therefore 'robbed' of his streak. My sympthies go to him!

    You and the OP are the ones missing the point. Time management has everything to do with it. The rules as it were say that you must complete any type of game within the 24 hour period. IT doesn't say you can start a game before the 24 hours is up and finish it anytime after the deadline and still get the points.And like many of the other posters said he had 24 hours to get that game in. Why wait until the last minute?

     I seem to remember a few times when I started playing at 23:50, finished after midnight and still continued my run of games!

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 2:04 PM

    Glad to see everyone helping out the OP with their situation. He got his answer and everyone remained classy. Well done :)


    Stay classy,


  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 3:33 PM

    He got his answer and everyone remained classy.


    Yep,  even though the title was a little less than classy.