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Flop shot way to easy

rated by 0 users
Wed, Nov 7 2012 6:51 PM (33 replies)
  • PaulCadieux
    196 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 7:04 PM

    Flop shot on WGT is way to easy and does not represent in any way the flop shot difficulty rating in real golf.

    Its so easy, most players don't chip or pitch and put the ball within 2 feet on most attempt and in the hole on occasion.

    Here on WGT, it's easier to hit a flop than to hit a pitch or chip. I laugh when I see guys on the fringe with a flat green hitting flops at 1-24 inches from the hole 80% of the time, while the average scrambling stats is aprox. 50% on the PGA, the flop is surely less than that.

     Most TP and Masters, and legends hit the flop as it's easier, and that is totally unrealistic.

    I think to get to the top on WGT ( Legend and TL) you should be able to hit all the shots successfully, however a lot of them can't pitch or chip.

    I think WGT should either make this more difficult or simply take it out of the game until they figure out the difficulty rating resembling to what a real flop shot is.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 11:49 PM

    I have seen many a player play the flop well in this game, others don;t play it well. Personally I use this shot often in a round of real golf, the advantage is it stops quicky. But it really depends on the lie - a really tight lie or heavy rough it is very hard to execute well, to slide the open face underneath the ball. The chip shot however is used frwquently in the real game, but cannot be used on here as often. Like all shots, both in real golf and on here can be played well with practice, but I do admit that shot selection in real golf is harder to get right.

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 11:55 PM

    figure out the difficulty rating resembling to what a real flop shot is.

    And how exactly do you figure that out?  Do you get an avg. joe, or do you get Phil out to judge how he plays his flop.

    Some are great at it, some are not.  I personally use the flop because I can hit it well.  Most of the good players I know don't use it much, they pitch.  I cant pitch for nothin.  

    Point is, everyone plays different and some excel.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 12:16 AM

    I look at it this way.  Play a shot that you are comfortable with, knowing you can get it close to save par.  It doesn't matter if you chip, pitch or flop, pick the appropriate shot knowing which shot will get you close 99% of the time.  Some players develop a goto shot.  I have been playing here for more than 3 years, and over time you develop shots that you are comfortable with around the green.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 1:24 AM


    I look at it this way.  Play a shot that you are comfortable with, knowing you can get it close to save par.  It doesn't matter if you chip, pitch or flop, pick the appropriate shot knowing which shot will get you close 99% of the time.  Some players develop a goto shot.  I have been playing here for more than 3 years, and over time you develop shots that you are comfortable with around the green.


    Very Well Said...

    A Flop shot can be easy to play, if you know how to play it.  It's a great shot to play to save Par or get it close enough to make a Bird.

    It's a very good shot to play from 40/50 Rough 8-25 yrds from the pin.

    I use either chip's, if i'm very close to pin... or Flop, if within the range under 38yrds.

    I wouldn't say it's way too easy though :)



  • Phaxda
    145 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 1:38 AM

    I can flop decently, but every so often there's something I miss and I don't read quite right and it winds up very far away. And usually when I'm flopping it's only because playing a pitch shot (which is always my preference) is impossible or would be very hard to pull off. Huge hill in front of the green, coming out of the rough with a  bunker lip to clear, etc.

    I think the flop is already a reasonably harder shot on here, as you have to compensate for the rightward trajectory by either hitting early or aiming left and those two variables alone or a combination thereof introduce quite a bit of guesswork. Yes, you can get it close but I the likelihood of holing the shot is greatly reduced. Whereas when pitching I am always trying to make it (often with bad results, but hey, I try). 

    How would you suggest making the flop even harder than it is now--increased variability, VEM, all that? Sure it's easier than real life, but so is hitting a 60yd lob wedge on here--should the difficulty on that be ramped up as well? Seems a Tour Legend-level slippery slope.

  • PaulCadieux
    196 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 5:54 AM


    figure out the difficulty rating resembling to what a real flop shot is.

    And how exactly do you figure that out?  Do you get an avg. joe, or do you get Phil out to judge how he plays his flop.

    Some are great at it, some are not.  I personally use the flop because I can hit it well.  Most of the good players I know don't use it much, they pitch.  I cant pitch for nothin.  

    Point is, everyone plays different and some excel.

    Forget about the PGA, these  guys are exceptional and if they are there it's because they they have all the shots, besides the average scrambling stats on the PGA is approximately 50%. You don't have to go down to the average Joe, just have a look at Big Break Greenbrier on the Golf Channel, theses guys are near to the big leagues and they demonstrated pretty well the difficulty of hitting that shot with the 12 feet board competition.

    Here on WGT, it's easier to hit a flop than to hit a pitch or chip, and this is the point. I laugh when I see guys on the fringe with a flat green hitting flops at 6-18 inches from the hole 80% of the time. Most TP and Masters hit the flop as it's easier, and that is totally unrealistic.

    In real life golf, if you only use Flop shots close to the greens, you are most likely the average Joe with a 25 Hdcp or more.

    I think to get to the top on WGT ( Legend and TL) you should be able to hit all the shots successfully.

    The closest WGT will get it's game resembling to the real thing the better it is, isn't not....

    A very good step is the uneven lies, just can't wait to see this in real games.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 7:47 AM

    I think to get to the top on WGT ( Legend and TL) you should be able to hit all the shots successfully

    ^^^^This, all day.

    I used the flop 99% of the time as a TM until I decided to learn the pitch and chip. Now the flop gets used once in a while, mostly when I know a chip or pitch is going to roll and be hard to control.

  • sarak362336
    1,597 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 8:13 AM

    Well Paul thanks very much for your opinion. 

    As a regular user of the flop I found that the more I practiced the better I became.   This combined with the punch for distances over 25 yards serves me well and I seldom need to pitch.  

    Now - how about driving - as a female I consistently hit the ball over 300 yards on here - something that's not at all realistic in real life - what do u suggest with that? - Ladies clubs and the introduction of ladies Tees?

    Discuss - Sara

    33 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 8:18 AM

    All shots are easy when you learn how to execute them. This is a program and maths and skill play an important role in it.. Nobody shoots a 49 in real life and many are under 60 here often...IT'S A GAME... when a shot doesn't react as expected, you or anyone starts blaming and cursing.. it is what it is...When you flop, chances are you won't make it as often as with a chip or pitch, but you are at least trying to save par... you can make it... but hardly ever.. but if you remove the flop... Are we playing golf or  $%&^%.?