WTF !! Get a grip wgt
MAX IRONS are almost double the cost of other irons in the same/similar level range.Same with the max balls,yet one gives you the slowest possible meter speed and the other(irons) gives the fastest meter speed of all ! What are wgt trying to achieve?Pretty bad show wgt,especially with the world economy the way it is at present(greed can be the only explanation).For 3000cr i would expect to get irons that have a very slow meter and very long distances.As these new irons are obtainable at level 45,they are obviously aimed at lower tiered players,players who may not have great skill, yet you introduce them with the highest meter speed of all irons in the shop.Compare these new clubs to top of the range r11's(which are cheaper and out perform most if not all others)yet a level 45 player cannot purchase the r11's.Take a long hard look at yourself wgt !!. I for one,wont be buying anything else from the pro shop except maybe some srixons,or callaway balls.