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Total rip-off !!!

rated by 0 users
Fri, Nov 9 2012 8:30 AM (43 replies)
  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 9:46 AM


     (Mind altering substances not recommended.)  :-)

    then wheres the fun of playing ???

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 10:07 AM


    The new irons are not designed to be a replacement for everyone. It's just a different set of irons that many folks have been asking (faster meter). Yes, they have been. Personally, I prefer a slower meter, but I know several who prefer faster meter, so if it's not what you like, then it's fine:)


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 11:48 AM


    I would personally like to ask all of you a favour. If anyone at anytime sees me rent or buy these irons, please shoot me on the spot until I'm dead. Then shoot me some more.

    I promise :)

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 12:33 PM



    The new irons are not designed to be a replacement for everyone. It's just a different set of irons that many folks have been asking (faster meter). Yes, they have been. Personally, I prefer a slower meter, but I know several who prefer faster meter, so if it's not what you like, then it's fine:)


    So you can add clubs with a faster meter, but you cant fix existing game problems? Many, many players have asked you to fix the swing meter, fix the connection problems during game play, fix the new tier up formula, oh yeah and fix the vem/ deviation. So while you are in the mood to fix things,can we get fall settings added to the courses back ground? Can we get a more honest game, with lower vem/ deviation settings?Balls with longer play duration, a better wind meter, and caddy? I mean if all it takes to get new clubs, are several requests. Then the hundreds of requests for the above mentioned, should be no problem.Happy Swinging


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 2:13 PM




    The new irons are not designed to be a replacement for everyone. It's just a different set of irons that many folks have been asking (faster meter). Yes, they have been. Personally, I prefer a slower meter, but I know several who prefer faster meter, so if it's not what you like, then it's fine:)


    So you can add clubs with a faster meter, but you cant fix existing game problems? Many, many players have asked you to fix the swing meter, fix the connection problems during game play, fix the new tier up formula, oh yeah and fix the vem/ deviation. So while you are in the mood to fix things,can we get fall settings added to the courses back ground? Can we get a more honest game, with lower vem/ deviation settings?Balls with longer play duration, a better wind meter, and caddy? I mean if all it takes to get new clubs, are several requests. Then the hundreds of requests for the above mentioned, should be no problem.Happy Swinging



    I hear ya, but I am doing the best I can. These are the first fast clubs we have had since i15's...which are likely 3 years old. 

    I am trying to keep everyone updated on on our users likes and dislikes.


  • mongobeast1
    26 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 2:40 PM

    hell with these things where r the new pings?

  • 8art
    20 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 3:15 PM

    Me like new clubs

  • twichipper
    424 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 4:37 PM

    Hey wgticon.....I do not want to sound offensive, but I JUST HAVE TO ASK, why would anyone slow the meter down, then get crazy with the meter speed with new irons....1+1=2 not three. Justifiably ,if there was a real intention of concern to slowing the meter down to help the enjoyment of play, then why not keep it there.

    Then to top it off, my take on the price is ridiculous. It does not take any fuel, storage or warehouse to store these items. it seems that every new item that is added to the overall inventory keeps climbing higher and higher in price.

    I know that Wgt is a business, but putting products out that are very high priced, takes alot of the fun out of this website. I have thoroughly enjoyed wgt since 6/09, and have spent my share of money on the site.Seeing I am disabled now and cannot enjoy the game of golf in real life, this is my past time being satisfied.

    Please do consider, that many on here do have a low income, and with the prices skyrockting, needless to say these people are getting slighted. Maybe it i time to be like Walmart and roll back the prices a little bit and start thinking value and being more people minded than business minded. After all, how many thousands of players are on here?

    Last but not least, I do agree very much with Lonnie in the above posting.If you can create products like the "max" then there should be no reason to adjust, tweak and fix the ones we already have as well.

    If this post has too much whine in it just send me some cheese to go with it. 

    Hit'em high and keep'em dry..Bill B.

  • twichipper
    424 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 4:43 PM


    I would personally like to ask all of you a favour. If anyone at anytime sees me rent or buy these irons, please shoot me on the spot until I'm dead. Then shoot me some more.

    Laughing My Dentures Out= LMDO......  :-)))