One has to agree with those complaining about high prices on virtual gear and balls.
One has to agree with those complaining about old issues not fixed yet while bringing new clubs like these.
One has to agree with those stating that maybe a small portion of players might like faster meter.
And one has to agree that WGT is a business, owned by someone else who simply knows how to make it more profitable, and who wouldn't want that in his own business ?
Still one decides HOW to play. I have great virtual gear wich I love : R11 Driver, G20 Wood, R11 Irons, nice tylor wedges and putter; all that combined with Nike balls is the best formula (for me).
When I realized that I was spending too much money on this site I simply decided to never spend more than 2,500C per month ($25) and when I run out of balls I simply switch to starter gear and balls and play friendly blitz just for fun, and by doing that I get back a lot of the feels we all had at our very beginning on this game.
But that's just me ... I hope everyone find their best formula for playing guilt free and have lots of fun as I do here ... Cheers fellas !