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Thu, Nov 22 2012 9:12 PM (76 replies)
  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 12:59 PM

    Ok went to read the new criteria for posting in the forums. When I clicked on , it shows that I have to down load this particular section of information.Why? Because the smart wonderful people at WGT had a BRAIN FART, and put it in a pdf file. All of the other information , we can access with the click of our mouse. I dont know why they felt that this was worthy of being downloaded on my computer, and kept in a seperate file. Hopefully the wonderful people at WGT will explain the logic , behind this wonderful BRAIN FART, as I really would like to know. Boy is this going to be interesting, and I can hardly wait. Happy Swinging

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 1:24 PM

    Boy is this going to be interesting, and I can hardly wait.

    I am just as excited about the posting guidelines as you are!

    The file is on our site under the .pdf format currently. We will make this document a part of our site (just like the FAQs) in a future release. Sorry to those who may be confused when accessing .pdf files - a few clicks and any machine can view this document.

    I would be glad to answer any questions from people having trouble viewing it  :)


    Stay classy,


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 2:01 PM

    Posting guidelines generally follow the same rules as a TOS.  They dictate that you should be polite and not call people really bad names, and such.

    I have never seen a posting guideline that says representatives of the site in question aren't allowed to make two distinctly contradictory statements in the same thread. This is not the same as tap dancing, which is just to not say anything at all.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 2:10 PM

    I have never seen a posting guideline that says representatives of the site in question aren't allowed to make two distinctly contradictory statements in the same thread. This is not the same as tap dancing, which is just to not say anything at all.

    This is correct, there is no rule against our forum contributors (staff or member) being human.

    There will be no penalty for making a statement, and then changing your stance based on newly received information. This shows humilty, and I believe is essential to remain a forum contributor in good standing. Thanks for the post, bubba.


    Stay classy,


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 3:24 PM

    I[m glad to hear you say that. There is no sin in being uninformed. It is instructive that WGT will mislead their representatives as well as their customers.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 6:20 PM


    When I clicked on , it shows that I have to down load this particular section of information.

    I click on it, & it comes right up like any of the FAQ. Another mystery for the computer ignorant.

    On the contrary, as stated by pizza, the information is in PDF format. So unless you already have a program converter, the file is not readable. I am not going through the motions of downloading a file converter , just too read this tidbit of information. So before you start kissing WGT`s pants by berating others. You should read all of the threads posted before doing so. That way you wont make your self look as ignorant as you sound.Happy Swinging


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 6:34 PM

    Adobe Acrobat is used in such a large way on the web, unless you use you computer for just this game, you're missing out on a lot of just one easy and free download.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 6:36 PM


    Adobe Acrobat is used in such a large way on the web, unless you use you computer for just this game, you're missing out on a lot of just one easy and free download.


    ^ this.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 7:04 PM

    WGT has a zero tolerance policy for the discussion topic of politics and Religion, but not a zero tolerance policy for the discussion topic of illegal drugs, spamming, trolling, or inappropriate language.

    Just sayin'