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Thu, Nov 22 2012 9:12 PM (76 replies)
  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 3:22 PM


    ouch. Bit my tongue.

    WGT is not responsible for any injuries sustained while posting on the forums :p


    Stay classy,


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 3:45 PM

    Didn't read that bit ( adds in wgt to make post legally legal)

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 3:50 PM

    WGT is not responsible for any injuries sustained while posting on the forums :p


    Great answer, I know Lizzie had a chuckle too!

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 4:16 PM

    Thanks for trying to save me from my own keyboard Baggies, but I'm finding this oppression not only harsh, but unnecessary too and any chuckle was stifled under current legislative edict

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 4:22 PM

    I'm very sorry that I went off topic and posted a 3 stooges video Chris. I know you said you didn't mind.

    But alas, I feel ashamed & would like to extend my apology to the wgt community. I had thought that the video expressed the tension that had evolved in the tread and, I thought it would lighten things up a bit.

    I suppose all of these stupid videos that I post are really an eye sore. I will abstain from freely depicting my mood via U-tube video's from now on. 

    I love pizza, so I must love wgtpizza too what to hell eh? Just ramblin,,,

    So the guy didn't want to load ADOBE reader for the new posting guidelines eh SEE I"M ON TOPIC!

    Just wonderin how we go from no mod. to uber mod.,,,,sorry just yackin,,,u be cool,,,u cool.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 4:22 PM


    Such a strong word, Lizzie!

    I suppose any sort of "guidance" for a community could be viewed as oppression, but I hope you would have some reasoning behind your libel.... all we've done so far is present some basic guidelines for people to follow. You know - don't be racist, don't threaten people, don't harass or defame - all things that are common courtesies.

    Could you let me know where the oppression lies? The guidelines are not exempt from feedback :)


    Stay classy,


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 4:28 PM

    Just wonderin how we go from no mod. to uber mod

    I AM UBER MOD! haha... Bubba, you've shown some true class with your apology and while it's appreciated, there was really no harm done. I expected a lot of growing pains after releasing the guidelines.

    Also, to clarify - we have had mods for years now. Yes, I'm the latest addition, but there are others who share my responsibility in enforcing these guidelines. I've mentioned this in a few posts, but I think I will reiterate: we're not going on a "WGT crusade" now, looking for violators of the sacred guidelines.

    Keep calm and carry on, post just like you normally would, and if you are not sure about your contribution's content - reference the guidelines.


    Stay classy,


  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 6:28 PM


    Maybe not....Heavy handed....yea I think so.


  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 6:36 PM

    I don't know about the rest of the community but I don't like to be talked to like I am a child. If you pizza as the latest and greatest moderator don't like the way a thread is going, shut it down. No explanation is needed most of us are smart enough to figure out why.


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 6:46 PM

    If you pizza as the latest and greatest moderator don't like the way a thread is going, shut it down. No explanation is needed most of us are smart enough to figure out why.

    Like I said: Keep calm and carry on. No explanation is needed? A few thousand active forum members, including myself, would disagree.

    The guidelines are a reference. Not sure why Pizza visited your thread and "shut it down"? Refer to the guidelines. I don't understand how you feel these guidelines are "heavy handed" in any respect. They are a VERY basic set of guidelines, outlining how to remain a contributing member in good standing with this company. They are NOT a set of "laws" that everyone must change their daily lives in order to follow.

    There are no active searches for offenders, there are no WGT police patrolling, there is simply a set of guidelines available for your reference.


    Stay classy,
