chrisironsbones:I'll shut up about it now but you must realise it was only a bit of fun
I appreciate your change of heart, and I understand your position, but you must understand mine: There is no room for "fun" when discussing the posting guidelines.
chrisironsbones:Damn, PIZZA, I hadn't read the new guidlines at posting either, so thats why my post got what it deserved, Now i do realise why it got deleted, VERY SORRY!! I understand where you are coming from now, i over reacted without getting the new guidlines under my belt
Thank you very much for taking a rational stance on this situation. Mistakes can be made, and as long as they are reasonable, you will be forgiven :)
I apologize for the harsh tones, everyone. I really want to drive home the fact that THIS subject is off-limits to sarcasm/jokes, etc. The guidelines are something that needs to be as clear to the community as possible, and the consequences of violating them need to be known and enforced.
Thanks again, and see you around CIB :)
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