Choppography: I guess nobody uses their brain anymore. When you are teeing off from 30+yds in front of a player, more times than not YOU have the advantage. When you are dropping a wedge on a green the Legend is hitting a 7i into, YOU have the advantage for the most part.
1000% agree
Im playing from 2 month, i m legend just after playing 1 month.
Do you know why?
Because i never be afraid by highter players than me, i played vs all.
True i losted many match and credits but when you lost you learn a lot, and look today.
I understand why a lot of peopple play from 2/3 years and sleep to master master tee, it s just because they are afraid by highter player, just play vs lower players and then don t progress in this game.
They are playing vs lower player, maybe they often win think they are good player, but i m sorry they are not...
I prefere lost a game vs a Tour legend than beat a hack...