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New Opens ridiculous

Sat, Jul 3 2010 5:56 PM (134 replies)
  • macbar
    79 Posts
    Mon, Jun 14 2010 7:51 PM

    I agree, DL3fan. I've been playing this game since June of last year and have had lots of fun doing it, but this has gotten silly. I just played a qualifier round on St. Andy and was -5 at the turn. I ran my score to -6 by the time I finished #12 and thought I was sitting pretty though I had some trepidation about the looming challenge posed by number 17. On the big par 5, I had a 19 mph wind IN MY FACE. I hit my drive perfectly to 260 yards in the fairway. Then I aimed to the left branch of the fairway on the second shot to avoid the fescue, which turned me directly into the wind. I hit 3 wood which then traveled 250 yards and out of bounds INTO an almost gale force wind, mind you. 

    I hit the next shot with the EXACT SAME club aiming directly across the fescue toward the green with the wind quartering at 19 mph and all I could muster with a dead center shot from a perfect lie was 170 yards or so straight into the bunker. Something's just not right here and frankly, I don't get it. 

    I can compete on a one to one basis with 99% of the players of this game. However, in the Open qualifiers or other competitive tournaments, every time I build a 4 or 6 shot buffer something very screwy happens ... oddly, just screwy enough to knock me back to even par. 

    Furthermore, I see guys qualifying for the Opens with 58's and 59's within just a few hours of the opening of the qualifying rounds? I've been playing this game for too long and am too good a player to buy into that line of happy HS. It took two rounds for me to even get a feel for the faster greens, let alone begin to even think about posting under par scores and these guys are posting in the 50's on day one? They're either geniuses or all they do is play this game or they know a secret that the rest of us don't.

    My equipment is the same as the top qualifiers and, unlike alot of guys who quit multiplayer rounds when they hit a few bad shots to protect their precious averages, I do not. I play to the last shot and still average in the low to mid 60's. My system's a good one and my DSL is as fast as any. 

    I completely understand that you only want your best players to qualify for major tourneys and I don't have a problem with that process but the sheer randomness of these occurrences is ridiculous. A shot or two here or there that go screwy I can understand but there just too many to justify lately

    I've consistently defended WGT and have literally argued with guys during MP rounds who have claimed that the system is rigged. Quite frankly, I'm beginning to have difficulty formulating arguments to put forth with these guys myself given what's been going on lately.

    I don't want the game to be easy. Frankly, I like it difficult and I don't mind losing to a legitimately superior player. And for the record, I'm not saying that I think that all of the players who consistently post scores in the 50's have not legitimately earned those scores. All I ask is that if I hit a shot, be it good or bad, then I should get the results that I deserve from that shot, not some random result that someone or some computer pulls out of their respective butts.


  • DL3Fan
    6 Posts
    Mon, Jun 14 2010 8:00 PM


    I agree, DL3fan. I've been playing this game since June of last year and have had lots of fun doing it, but this has gotten silly. I just played a qualifier round on St. Andy and was -5 at the turn. I ran my score to -6 by the time I finished #12 and thought I was sitting pretty though I had some trepidation about the looming challenge posed by number 17. On the big par 5, I had a 19 mph wind IN MY FACE. I hit my drive perfectly to 260 yards in the fairway. Then I aimed to the left branch of the fairway on the second shot to avoid the fescue, which turned me directly into the wind. I hit 3 wood which then traveled 250 yards and out of bounds INTO an almost gale force wind, mind you. 

    I hit the next shot with the EXACT SAME club aiming directly across the fescue toward the green with the wind quartering at 19 mph and all I could muster with a dead center shot from a perfect lie was 170 yards or so straight into the bunker. Something's just not right here and frankly, I don't get it. 

    I can compete on a one to one basis with 99% of the players of this game. However, in the Open qualifiers or other competitive tournaments, every time I build a 4 or 6 shot buffer something very screwy happens ... oddly, just screwy enough to knock me back to even par. 

    Furthermore, I see guys qualifying for the Opens with 58's and 59's within just a few hours of the opening of the qualifying rounds? I've been playing this game for too long and am too good a player to buy into that line of happy HS. It took two rounds for me to even get a feel for the faster greens, let alone begin to even think about posting under par scores and these guys are posting in the 50's on day one? They're either geniuses or all they do is play this game or they know a secret that the rest of us don't.

    My equipment is the same as the top qualifiers and, unlike alot of guys who quit multiplayer rounds when they hit a few bad shots to protect their precious averages, I do not. I play to the last shot and still average in the low to mid 60's. My system's a good one and my DSL is as fast as any. 

    I completely understand that you only want your best players to qualify for major tourneys and I don't have a problem with that process but the sheer randomness of these occurrences is ridiculous. A shot or two here or there that go screwy I can understand but there just too many to justify lately

    I've consistently defended WGT and have literally argued with guys during MP rounds who have claimed that the system is rigged. Quite frankly, I'm beginning to have difficulty formulating arguments to put forth with these guys myself given what's been going on lately.

    I don't want the game to be easy. Frankly, I like it difficult and I don't mind losing to a legitimately superior player. And for the record, I'm not saying that I think that all of the players who consistently post scores in the 50's have not legitimately earned those scores. All I ask is that if I hit a shot, be it good or bad, then I should get the results that I deserve from that shot, not some random result that someone or some computer pulls out of their respective butts.


    Agree with you 110% and thank you for your post!

    I must admit that I do not finish out most of my rounds but its not because I'm concerned about my scoring average. If I'm on the 15th hole sitting at even par I just don't see the point in finishing out my round, especially when 18 plays like a par 5 and you can't get home in two. It saves me time at the computer ending my round early so I can try and squeeze another round in........

    GL trying to qualify!

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Mon, Jun 14 2010 8:14 PM

     Last year at Beth the cut was 70, go figure. I believe there where 188 qualifiers total, happy golfing to all and good luck. I need a new hat, the old one is dirty. Also, I haven't made it either, but with patience one can do it.

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Tue, Jun 15 2010 2:13 PM

    Boys and Girls .. it can be done.    I'm a mediocre master and after playing these 2 tourneys exclusively for the last 2 weeks I finally made a breakthrough on both courses getting under the current cut line.

    You have to just grind it out ... and make whatever changes in clubs and balls you need to try to get low.   I dumped the R9 and went back to the G10 driver .. and i now  carry my 3 wedges and the hybrid on oak (for #16) and switch for the 3 wood on St Andrews.

    After playing each of the holes 100 times .. i know where i want to land the ball for a birdie try .. and to eliminate bogeys.   Also in both rounds ... I hit the fairway every time except once.    That to me was the key.   Take your time off the tee and hit the fairway.   If you don't your sunk.   

    I just read something in the Metropolitan Golfer Magazine .... in the last 10 years in the US open there have only been 21 players who finished the tournament under par.   So these are supposed to be hard, slick greens, high rough, tight faiways, etc. etc.  

    Good luck to everyone ... keep at it.

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Tue, Jun 15 2010 2:45 PM

    Furthermore, I see guys qualifying for the Opens with 58's and 59's within just a few hours of the opening of the qualifying rounds? I've been playing this game for too long and am too good a player to buy into that line of happy HS. It took two rounds for me to even get a feel for the faster greens, let alone begin to even think about posting under par scores and these guys are posting in the 50's on day one? They're either geniuses or all they do is play this game or they know a secret that the rest of us don't.


    That is not true.  The first sub 60 rounds were not shot for a number of days.  My first attempts without any restarts or knowledge of the courses were 66 on Oak, and 65 on St. Andy.  If you continually restart until you get off to a great start that helps tremendously.

  • macbar
    79 Posts
    Tue, Jun 15 2010 6:01 PM

    Thanks BB. I'm all better now... just had to vent a bit is all. Frustrating to hit great shots and get sloppy results but I guess everyone has to deal with the same issues. 

    Hit 'em good.

    337 Posts
    Tue, Jun 15 2010 6:54 PM


    Qualifying for the Virtual Opens is not for everyone.

    Only your doctor can decide if WGT is right for you.

    Do not play WGT if you play TWO as the combination can cause a sudden unsafe drop in intelligence.

    Do not drink alcohol in excess while playing WGT as this may increase your chances of being an idiot.

    The most common side effects of WGT are profanity and an upset spouse.

    In the rare event of a qualifying round lasting longer than 4 hours seek immediate medical help to avoid long term injury.

    If you experience a sudden decrease in qualifying scores and a loss of vision, stop playing WGT and call your doctor right away.



  • Danowadd
    72 Posts
    Tue, Jun 15 2010 7:21 PM

    akkid--- Just as in real life on real courses-- you get out of this game exactly what you put into it..  WGT  cannot run this site free. Selling us clubs and balls are their bread & butter..

     I personally have three sets[3] of irons, three [3] Drivers and over 80 different golf balls..LMAO!!.... On each course I have certain clubs and balls I equip my bag with..Only my putter stays the same.  I don't mind spending the cost of a few rounds of real golf to play this site .

     It's challenging - fun- sometimes very demanding. I have met very nice players from all over the world here..That's something money can't buy.. If you don't care to spend to improve your game, play the regular courses.. Wishing you well and hope you don't take offense to my thoughts..

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Tue, Jun 15 2010 7:38 PM


    Qualifying for the Virtual Opens is not for everyone.

    Only your doctor can decide if WGT is right for you.

    Do not play WGT if you play TWO as the combination can cause a sudden unsafe drop in intelligence.

    Do not drink alcohol in excess while playing WGT as this may increase your chances of being an idiot.

    The most common side effects of WGT are profanity and an upset spouse.

    In the rare event of a qualifying round lasting longer than 4 hours seek immediate medical help to avoid long term injury.

    If you experience a sudden decrease in qualifying scores and a loss of vision, stop playing WGT and call your doctor right away.



  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Tue, Jun 15 2010 7:59 PM

    These virtual Opens can be compared to the real life Master's tournament. It took precision playing with no mistakes, and the ability to recover under pressure, this is the key to not only qualifying, but winning this thing. Par is key folks.

    The only thing ridiculous is the people whining about it.


    Play well.