borntobesting: True. But the changes made using Game booster are only in effect until you shut it down and return to normal mode. It is much easier than using msconfig and there are a few things that gamebooster can change that can't be done through msconfig.
The point is, you do it once with msconfig and forget about it. :-)
YJ even though that is true, one has to be careful shutting things off in msconfig as shutting off some background items of can effect other programs running or syncing with each other when not using this game. For people that are computer savvi that isn't too much of a problem but I venture most don't know what to look for. So you really have to know what it is to stop or not. Where as utilizing Game booster or Gboost configuration utility helps shut off items on a temp basis and restores them on exit. You can't do that with mscfonfig without going back in and manually reintializing