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Sun, Feb 16 2025 4:36 AM (23 replies)
  • CRTopper
    5 Posts
    Fri, Nov 30 2012 10:10 AM

    There has to be a better way of discouraging players from quitting a game.  My record of playing with quitters is 2 out 3 players quit during a game - this is very frustrating. Perhaps if these quitters were penalized - they would stop quitting - I have stopped playing with Foursomes - Hackers and Amateurs because of this issue. And the player that wants to play is penalized by not receiving Level points for the quitter and has to wait for 2-3 minutes to continue his game.

    So, what if the player that quits was penalized -150 points against their Level Score for quitting a game.

    And the player that continues to play the game out was awarded +150 points against their Lever Score for a quitter player.

    And the waiting time was discontinued.

    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

    A Frustrated Player




  • 18bob18
    7 Posts
    Fri, Nov 30 2012 10:58 AM

    Dear WGT

                       Dealing with quitters would be easy if player quits for any reason to bar him/her for 2 hours of getting on the course.

                                                                         Thanks 18Bob18

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Nov 30 2012 11:38 AM

    I can understand, this is your 1st post at the wgt forum. So if you had known you could have searched & found approx. 8762 Quitter threads (some spelled 'Quiter' or Queter or Queeter ect)

    I play with friends and it eliminates the quitting aspect of playing with others.

    WGT has stated that it would be hard to impose penalties for quitting because there is a possibility that the person did not quit because of their score. Some just get disconnected.

    I don't play the random multi-player games with many hacks or low tier either, half the time they quit & get discouraged so it's too much pain in the azz to try & finish a game(though I will say that some player will finish with a 42 or something) and my hats off to them.

    But when I do look for a random game, I try to look for tour Master and above to play because I know that they have a good chance of not quitting the game.

  • Ohjoy40
    19 Posts
    Sat, Dec 1 2012 4:50 PM
    Agreed this is getting way out of hand ! Something has to be done ! how do you report players or block them ? Im sick of it
  • bogiesallday
    1,008 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 1:34 PM

    I concur with most of your statement. But, when u say hackers and amateurs are quitters, u d me an Injustice. I agree there probbly are a higher mount ofquiters in those ranks, I am not 1 of them. And the ones who do quit, r giving us completers a bad name. because I'm a HACK. I'm beingdeclined quite often, by higher ranked players. If u look at my comp.%, you would  that I finish my games. I realize you ELITE layers don't like playing us new players. Butsome of u lke to play us, often handing out good tips, to help s play better. Newer players need to go to menu, and forfeit game, instead o disconnecting. You need 2 nt put us all in 1 basket.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 5:18 AM

    As a suggestion, one way to get help and learn through playing with others is to join a good country club. There you will find members of all levels more willing to aid a new up and coming player. Also there is a wealth of knowledge right here in the forums to draw on for new players.

  • bogiesallday
    1,008 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 9:10 PM

    Hey crusher, I know u self described GODS above us MINIONS thik u r whats happening, but that is pure TIERISM. I've never quit a game, ad I beat you guys, without even lookin at the screen. So dn't spread  your testerone laced crap around here. Thank you. Just an Ameteur. Like u used 2 b.

  • 18bob18
    7 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 11:18 AM

    Hi Quitters...

                 I use to hate quitters and now I don't..thats because WGT has turn me into one..I play with 3 different computers...with different browser and have trouble on 3 devices..This is the only site that I ever have trouble on...the jumpy meter..lost many of balls due to going ob or in h2o..1st jumpy meter I eat...2nd I quit...its a game who cares..WGT makes a ton of money are they investing in fixing trouble??????I'll bet myself and everyone else who has bought stuff on here hasn't had a jumpy meter when lay off the quitters and keep spending your money....

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 12:02 PM


    Hi Quitters...

                 I use to hate quitters and now I don't..thats because WGT has turn me into one..I play with 3 different computers...with different browser and have trouble on 3 devices..This is the only site that I ever have trouble on...the jumpy meter..lost many of balls due to going ob or in h2o..1st jumpy meter I eat...2nd I quit...its a game who cares..WGT makes a ton of money are they investing in fixing trouble??????I'll bet myself and everyone else who has bought stuff on here hasn't had a jumpy meter when lay off the quitters and keep spending your money....

    Why not just ask advice on ways to help you with your problems?


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 12:57 PM


    Hey crusher, I know u self described GODS above us MINIONS thik u r whats happening, but that is pure TIERISM. I've never quit a game, ad I beat you guys, without even lookin at the screen. So dn't spread  your testerone laced crap around here. Thank you. Just an Ameteur. Like u used 2 b.

    He didn't even hint that you were a quitter.

    You wouldn't beat him or anyone like him.

    I didn't detect testosterone, just a fairly reasonable point of view.

     Pay attention when reading and think before you post.

    3 swings, 3 misses but thanks for playing.