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Sun, Feb 16 2025 4:36 AM (23 replies)
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,791 Posts
    Fri, Sep 17 2021 4:50 PM



    I don't understand all the Bru haw, I presume that that you are talking about coin rooms? If so , then what's your problem, you win ! If not then disregard this, in the coin rooms , I'm happy as hell, cuz I get more games in, under my sponsorship. Win, win, for me

    most of the posts were done in 2013. long before coin rooms. 

    The guy that necro'd the post used the word foursome.

    so nothing prior to your post has anything to do with coin rooms.

    I did state that if he wasn't speaking of coin rooms, to disregard my comments. Wake up and read entire post !

    I did.  You said I presume.  
    It  was a wrong presumption and if as you say you woke up and paid attention your post didn’t apply from the start. 

    reading comprehension 101.  

    Uh-oh, here we go again! Hold on, let me just go and get some 🍿🍿🍿. J/K

    Chill out, gentlemen. Cheers.

  • Tepi62Ka
    321 Posts
    Sat, Jan 29 2022 12:29 AM

    Lets wake up this again? Just played alt shots. One of players ask if we will play to finish. I said of course...after 2nd hole game ended WTF I think it was that player who did it!! Told that there was 7 games...all quitters.

    Is there somehow mechanism to clear out who was it?? I want them penalizied!

  • FuzzEstiKs420
    3 Posts
    Fri, Sep 27 2024 5:07 AM
    I wish they would at least add a “forfeit” stat so we could chose to play out or not. But there is a problem too.. we would then have to quit ourselves … I think penalties would slow it down… maybe, first home I bird or better they bogie… quit.. get to the very last green and I’m up? Quit and I lose all the points.. WGT obviously doesn’t care .. otherwise they would answer our complaints . Forbes is to play high coin rooms to have a better chance Reccomendations: - negative xp for quitting - giving out full “win”rewards for players who are in the receiving end of quitters - allowance of one forfeit a day with no penalties - adding a forfeit stat to player stats - small bans with more severe bans for excessive quitters - level demotion for excessive quitting Some sort of reply from WGT on the issue of why they don’t do anything would be good too
  • Fritchy77
    5 Posts
    Sun, Feb 16 2025 4:36 AM

    I share your frustration. I wish they would go back to the "Quitter Identifier Buttons" where before the game you saw either a Green, Orange or Red button indicating their lieklyhood of quitting.......