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It's Now Become Blatantly Obvious.. .. ..

Tue, Jan 1 2013 11:23 AM (29 replies)
    224 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 4:25 AM

    ..  that with another month of  breezes that wouldn't blow a candle out on 'Legend' tier RG's, that WGT are intent on bolstering the 'Tour Legend' ranks.......

    .. Unfortunately due to this the game has lost some of its appeal if you enjoy playing RG's as the most important ingredient is the wind.. ..lets face it the greens are a constant speed, the pins rarely change, there's not a lot of course, thus the wind is the most significant part of the game.........

    .. Have taken the time to let WGTicon know of these concerns with no response, and as for the 'classy' WGTpizza he has never replied to any of my questions to him,,, so one must think they need more numbers in the 'Tour Legend' ranks to even out the distribution and to have more participants in RG's in that tier,,, brilliant...........!

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 11:32 AM


    I saw the messages but we are trying to randomize things even more. Sometimes randomizing manually is harder than you think, since you have to keep track of 50+ tourneys at any given time.


  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 2:13 PM

    If you would at least acknowledge the messages there would be less concern about being ignored. Certainly has been my feelings when I have asked a question. I don't just mean you of course, I mean anybody who fields the questions. You are a business and we are your customers

  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 2:17 PM

    I am awaiting a response now with no acknowledgement sent to members@wgt

  • tanneralis
    420 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 3:00 PM

    Not just in RG's but in CC tourneys, Skins...everything the game has been completely ruined by WGT's VEM software, numerous putts ignoring break, wind moving the ball 3 times as much as it should or not moving it at all, the R11 irons are my biggest concern, i hit a 225 yard 3 iron only 20 mins ago into a 3 mph headwind and it went 231 on the fly, what a joke.

    Players should be rewarded if they ding an approach not penalised, putts should break if the dots show it and i've been playing this game long enough to know that a 3 mph crosswind will move the ball stuff all but not with you clowns doctoring shots left right and centre.

    Let me stuff up my own shots instead of your software doing it for me




  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 3:13 PM

    I think they are messing with the game so much that they have lost complete control of what they are doing.  


  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 3:18 PM

    Right you are I guess and I had better quit spending my money. I know my choice, b utg, I have spent alot

  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 3:20 PM

    You just might be right there. Alot of strange things are happening these days.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 3:22 PM



    I saw the messages but we are trying to randomize things even more. Sometimes randomizing manually is harder than you think, since you have to keep track of 50+ tourneys at any given time.



    Lovely... Random high winds for each player in a given tourney is the worst thing about WGT.  It is by far the most inane, senseless way to run a given tourney, and WGT is actively looking for ways to make it even more unfair for those that roll craps on WGT's dice.  Great job, WGT.