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It's Now Become Blatantly Obvious.. .. ..

Tue, Jan 1 2013 11:23 AM (29 replies)
  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 3:38 PM

    Just what is going on here WGTicon???  WGT is like the Canadian Gov ernment who thinks Canadians don't deserve to lnow what the government is doing.

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 4:11 PM

    wgt have messed this game up big time and taken all the skill factor out of it completly recked the game all because people are shooting low rounds. so be it if we can get low rounds dont we deserve them after all were paying for top clubs and balls every single person on here has the chance to be a top player just have to practice like all the rest of us but why mess the game up. thats insane lets make it realistic and enjoyable again wgt???.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 4:17 PM

    More ready go's with lots of different conditions please wgt. How about having 20 different 1's with all different conditions, green speeds & entry fee. That way you keep everyone happy all of the time. Makes sense to me :)

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 4:38 PM



    I saw the messages but we are trying to randomize things even more. Sometimes randomizing manually is harder than you think, since you have to keep track of 50+ tourneys at any given time.


    wgt are in a catch 22 situation.

    there was a post only 2 weeks ago where folks were squealing that all the weeklies were in high winds....

    shortly following that there was a squeal that there was only 1 ready go with high winds.....

    sure it's easy to pacify the handful who chime in the forums but when you're trying to keep a few thousand fold happy then i wouldn't fancy the job lol.

  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 4:50 PM

    I just want WGT programming to quit interfering with shot making for one thing

  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 7:07 PM

    they should quit charging money if they are not a business

  • swh67
    1,491 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 8:35 PM

    most players i play with have said the same..

    the altering has gotten out of hand, this game of skill has lost most of its skill requirements, even when shooting well the game alters the shots ..takes off or adds yardage, all but touching ding, even clicking against a 5 wind the ball moves 5-10 yrds against it..perfect putts not taking the movement of the dots , its hard to take when u hit a putt and watch it get to the moving dots to see it stay straight and miss, seriously thats laughable....if i were to introduce someone to this game at the moment, what could i say to them when they explain these things..the games suppose to resemble realism ,which we clearly do not have at the moment

    and sometimes some of my good rnds are a laugh as well, i know i havent hit it good but somehow it ends up perfect, ..its like the game gives and takes at its on wil , it feels like im not playing the rnd...

    i have also noticed that in multi games players are getting a little upset , probly thru frustration , theres been a few arguments lately which i havent seen for a while...its xmas every1 lets spread the good stuff...we are all in the same vote here, hava laugh & fun with each other..

    seasons greetings every1 enjoy yr xmas..steve 

  • Foresight0311
    1,212 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 9:32 PM


    they should quit charging money if they are not a business

    Do you really know your problem?  

    You are L87 "tour pro" who has best equipment for that tier but probably needs to hone his skills to do better.  You may as well introspect and make a "To-Do" to improve your game, rater than incessantly blaming WGT for your woes.


  • jbh1212
    102 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 9:11 AM

    one question hows it possible,the rest of the games on the net are up to standard,but yet this one isnt,its time you got off this beta format,and this game isnt relistic in anyway shape or form,bunker around the green you need a bulldozer to get out,fairway bunkers aswell,but in really golf you can get out of a bunker,maybe not the distance for fairway,but it will go,this game 15 shots to get out a bunker.....these greens are like landing on cement,hit a ball full backpin onto to green and will run 104 ft pass the hole. this game has lost all its wow factor,and the beginning all was ok,now there is no wow factor anymore 40 percent like playing 60 percent wont to leave.

  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 10:15 AM

    I have 34 posts  yu have 600 plus.  Looks to me like you butt your nose in where it doesn't belong as in now. You simply don't know what you are talking about and have not done your homework.