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Mon, Jun 21 2010 3:40 PM (111 replies)
  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 7:00 AM

    I am not saying, Greg, that you are not entitled to your own opinion but there  is no place for it on this site. It is not a platform to spread the word it is a golfing site. 

    There are millions of people who think that adults with imaginary friends are silly. 

    701 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 7:06 AM

     that you are not entitled to your own opinion


    Thats exactly what you are saying when you said this...

    . It is not a platform to spread the word it is a golfing site

    So your entitled to your opinion about where God should be mentioned but greg isn't...

    You must of been talking to one of these guys...

    imaginary friends are silly. 


    Larry is lmao

  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 7:29 AM


    griff griff:
     that you are not entitled to your own opinion


    That's exactly what you are saying when you said this...

    griff griff:
    . It is not a platform to spread the word it is a golfing site

    So your entitled to your opinion about where God should be mentioned but greg isn't...

    You must of been talking to one of these guys...

    griff griff:
    imaginary friends are silly. 


    Larry is lmao

    While editing statements you are twisting what is actually written.  You can take my words out of context but the point being is that this is supposed to be a fun golfing site,  not a religious platform.


  • PorkyWalrus
    607 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 7:29 AM

    So I can't spread the Good News, but lewd jokes and risque pics can be on this site.  That is like saying only one side can have their say but the opposing side cannot. I will keep on doing what I do, if that costs me my ability to play here, so be it. All for the forwarding of the Gospel.

    I may be opposed to anothers opinion, but that doesn't mean that I would say they can't have it on this site. Let ALL have their say. If a satanist were here and were spreading their testimony, I would just  move on.

    Jesus loves you!

  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 7:39 AM

    Let's ask WGT what their opinion is on members using the site as a religious platform to spread the word and we'll take it from there.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 7:43 AM

    What Would Jesus Do?

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 7:52 AM

    The millions of people who believe that imaginary friends are silly, are going to feel pretty silly themselves when the imaginary people become something very real one day. There going to wish they believed in imaginary friends. They'll have eternity to think about it.

    God's word has a place in every corner of the earth, and doesn't need a dedicated place to be spoken. Any place is a good place for the word of God. Don't be one of the millions who turns a deaf ear to it.

    No need to ask why.  : )

  • PorkyWalrus
    607 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 7:58 AM

    I am satisfied with my stance on my profile and with my country club. All I did was ask some simple questions here, and got blasted for it. So I defend my right, and everyone elses to have their say.

    I believe Jesus would do the same as I have been doing. Speaking up for my beliefs in a peaceful, non-confrontational manner.

    You have something to say, go ahead. All have free will to say what we want.

    And of course, there were times when Jesus was silent, let things answer themselves. Maybe that is what I will do from here on concerning this thread. I said my peace, I answered your challenges, now comes silence, after this!

    Thank you to all who have challenged me. Count it all joy when trials come, that the testing of one's faith brings patience. James 1 vs 2 and 3


  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 8:11 AM


    What Would Jesus Do?


    Jesus would use a 1-iron.  His father taught him how.  And on that note, happy Father's Day to all of you dads out there.

  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Sat, Jun 19 2010 8:51 AM

    No one here is challenging your Religious belief  as far as i can see. no ones challenging any of your opinions about anything. I am merely pointing out that this is a golfing site and subjects of this nature would be best left at the club house door, how hard is that to understand. No ones being confrontational, no ones on trail, as a member of WGT i am politely asking if you would consider my request .

    Griff  2 vs 4 and 5