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Need advice: best driver for 170 cr or less

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Tue, Jan 15 2013 5:44 PM (42 replies)
  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 6:10 AM

    you r absolutely right. There is (ProShop) a few 3WD's , cost around 250 crs and improve distance for 15-20 yards. that mean, at 4 par holes with longer distance we can go closer to hole (maybe in 2nd shot , even we have just basic driver) and getting better chance with putter. when this topic was created i was think only about drivers, now i have to examine this one solution (oh, more job for me, but i will not give up). when i collect all info's , new topic will be, something like 'getting more distance at far holes with cheap driver or 3WD'.

    when we improve our equipment with wanted club, we never watch back at the spot where are we been before. and we forgot all our wishes and tough problems we have there (in situation with low credit account and watching only videos for credits) and all those players in same situation. so my new topic can help them to make choice when finally earn enough credits and not spend a lot of time going from topic to topic searching needed info's. i hope, that will be easiest way for them and use more time to play then for searching or make mistake with wrong choice in shopping.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 6:37 AM

    A good plan!

    You might include some better 3WDs because they provide a stunning show.

    I had the lvl47 Rapture 3WD for 395(?) and whipped quite a few Masters' as a mature TP, driverless *grins*.

    Someone pointed to the R11 (about lvl 30), possibly less expensive but with good data...

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 5:16 PM

    i will post here for awhile. i need to have more plays against Pro 9.5 (250 crs- 245y) and LX5 (200 crs- 230y) driver. then will open new topic (u welcome to suggest me name of topic). also, i will looking for to play vs 3WD's -> Pro 3 (225 crs- 220y), G10 3 (240 crs- 225y), Rapture V2 3 (250 crs- 222y), Rocketballz 3 (300 crs- 225y), G15 3 (325 crs- 230y), 2010 Rapture V2 3 (385 crs- 230y) and R11 3 (395 crs- 227y). also, i have now 170 crs at my account, and after 3 weeks will have 320 crs. and 2 weeks more (in february) i will have 395 cr. that info's gonna help me, also.

    my new topic will look like this:

    1th post will be welcome words and some explanations

    2th post - info's about drivers (every examined driver, new line, price, distance, swing info and my experience info)

    3th post - info's about 3WD's (every examined club, new line, price, distance, swing info and my experience info)

    4th post - more explanations, new advices or suggestions

    all other post (from other people) will be posted after 4th, and if i need something to change in 2,3 or 4 post - i will just edit post - so all that important posts will be always at the top of topic, and all other under that.

    also, thanks to alosso for suggestions. its always nice to see some1 who is ready to help.

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 12:03 PM

    i think i have a serious problem now

    just before few minutes i just play and enjoy one simple tour stroke 9H play, and when finish with score -2, wgt surprise me with congr. message "you are TOUR PRO now". that scared me. i dont want that, i dont deserve that, i have not enough experience and all other for that. i am now just L57 PRO (was been last 3 weeks) and really enjoy. now i think the Things gonna be worse and harder for me, but actually i dont know cause i read some1 at forum who was cry like me.

    anyway, this year in the front of us will be one of better then any of last 10, i hope, so ............................................ Happy New Year ................... and have a nice evening.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 5:27 PM


    You just advanced to the most likeable green speed possible: Very Fast.

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 5:58 PM

    thanks alosso, that gonna be something what i found before. very fast green are the 1 where i have good natural hits, many time. i dont know why wgt move up my tier. i was been totally surprised and just have good time in that skin. so cause i cant go back, i am just curious to know why that happened. (i was PRO L57 AV 72.3 and 84500 XP or so)

    german flag - you are also in new year time - so Happy New Year to you personally, i suppose youll read this tomorrow (ahm, today)

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 12:07 AM

    Happy New Year to you, too - I just cheered again with the Californians.

    Your advancement is no surprise - there were only a few minimum rounds to play, and you played most of them under easy conditions, in the 9 Hole Monthly tournament which you entered as an Amateur - these conditions were still in force till the end of the tourney.

    Scores of 33, 34, 35, 37 easily pushed your average below the limit, and there you are!

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 7:47 AM

    Aaaa, i cant change that killing standard greens, all month must play at so slow surface, that killed almost all pleasure, many misses and restarts (bed putter short hits). ha, that conditions are not easy for me (haha). yesterday i was improve that and got better scores, and last night at the other 1 also (my AV starts at 80, after i got TOURPRO tier), after few stroke plays my AV is under 73 (i dont know that when play, just click ' play again' when finish round). after exit,  i saw main game screen (oh, dear) AV 72.some.

    if i will continue to play in this tempo, wgt will advance me again - i dont want that (more harder conditions- and havent enough credits for better clubs), i just wanna play and enjoy, but not killing my brain solving freaking course conditions. must find something to turn my AV points down. where pleasure is when i need to think about AV points when play. yeah, i can all the time to have a low course scores - who want that?

    last night i had a few match stroke plays. man, how many drunk people i saw. so different when i was play at Xmas eve and day - with very very nice people and have a good fun and memories.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 8:32 AM

    Now it becomes a bit harder to advance: avg. 67 over the best 25 rounds.

    Playing 33s to 35s will bring you there, alas no more Amateur conditions for you ;)

    Alternatives are practice rounds, Alternate Shot and other multiplayer games.

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 10:26 PM

    i was play tour 9H stroke for checking, not seriously play. i got two E's and one -1 score. (i dont think i am a good player. need more to learn and to practice). AVP 72.83 before, and now 72.33. i lose 0.5 AV point in only 3 rounds (9Holes). if i want good place on tour list need to be -4 or -5. if i will have good round and do that i will lose around 2 AVP. is there any way to stop losing AV points, or how i can to increase my AVP. this game arr created for something totally opposite then that (shopping must work, and show must go on). i dont know is that what i want so unusual. what to do?

    if i finish just few tour plays in this month (or week) with good result, wgt will advance me again.

    and, yes. i got an message - wgt report me about good played tour (i forgot which one) i earn ..... 0.06 credits.  ........ and i h... dont know what to do with that fortune.