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Need advice: best driver for 170 cr or less

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jan 15 2013 5:44 PM (42 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 11:07 PM

    Keeping the average up is not about playing high scores but avoiding low ones - these accumulate in the "best" scores.

    Thus you'll have to decide: Play good scores, have a standing in the tourneys and advance to Master, or avoid good scores and stay TP.

    You might play more of unknown and difficult courses, and as long as you play 35s+ there is no "danger" to advance.

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 7:28 AM

    yeah. i will continue with my usual style of playing. maybe ill play less tourney's and watch these beautiful videos. i think i will forgot the tourney credits for awhile and stay in this player status and go to improve my wedge shots (closer shots for good green ball position) - thats my bad part of playing.

    thanking for your patience and advices,alosso, wishing you to keep helping people here - even is this just virtual community we are all living people. good luck.

    and, i dont forgot to thank again to that good man who gave me opportunity to see another kind of playing, whats been unimaginable for me just before 1 week. new spot brings to me new challenge. i will continue with examining drivers and 3WD's and will make that new topic very soon.

    (p.s. just played an CC 18H stroke round with +8 score (just for fun). and - voila - my AVP going up from 72.33 to 73.1. very, very nice. so, as i said, my experience with all the thing out of playgrond, is so barely. gonna be nice day)

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Tue, Jan 15 2013 5:44 PM

    After 2 week and few days when wgt give us poor conditions in match or team play mode. now things are better and i am ready to make that new topic with reviews.