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To Cheat or not Cheat..!!

Fri, Jan 4 2013 6:19 PM (35 replies)
  • Baboon
    29 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 6:40 PM

    May be this has been brought up millions of times.  Look, I love this game and I hate to see people pointing fingers and raising the C word as in cheaters. We all know that The Tee for legend is far back and a disadvantage.  That is why sandbaggers have the upper hand.  

    To solve this problem, there should be few clubs that are related to tier not level.  So if you are a legend, your driver should make up for that further Tee.  You still have to be a legend to make a great long shot.  So if the Tee is 30 yards back, then the driver should be able to make up for that with a ding.  If you are level 99 and you are a Pro, you should not be allowed or able to buy the legend equipments.

    WGT will gain a lot from the tier players buying the special equipments.  The sandbaggers will have no advantage.  The multi accounts will be useless and the better players will eat them up if they do not starting out.  The prize for the tournaments  are much higher for the higher tier so that will make most want to go up there. 

    With all do respect, am I missing something here..!!  I do not mind buying a driver that only my tier players can have and then it is a choice..?!


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 10:56 PM
    This post has been deleted.
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 11:16 PM

    I believe that this was the case in previous years. I guess they changed it to bring in more money.

  • mbrown0772
    4 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 9:06 AM

    I think that is a great idea.

    I for one am tired of playing level 80+ players that are still amateurs.

  • Phlos
    48 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 1:12 PM

    it s a very good idea, but i think you wil never have your magic driver lol
    But i m agree with you anyway because i m boring to see players sleeping a easy tee.
    They have got hight lvl, so great equipment, more experience than me, play better and they are lower tier so a tee advantage...
    i can t understand that, and that make this game unfair.

  • Phlos
    48 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 7:35 AM

    Only normal players are unhappy against sandbagger or multi account players...
    Wgt say multi accounts is forbiden etc.... but do nothing against that because his bank account enjoy it.
    Because imagine a sandbagger, it s a players who played longtime but boring to play at hard back tee, so it s a players who already buy a  lot of balls, equipment and xp boost maybe this player recreate an account and normaly just work to stay a easy tee but work to get a fast lvl to be able to get a great equipment (all that= lot money for wgt)

    now about to get equipment by tier and not lvl it s a very good idea, but again good idea for normal player, but not for wgt account bank.
    Because players like me Legend afer month playing at lvl 77, everybody how the game need to be hard for me, i m in the back tee with a very poore equipment, so if i want a little easy game i need to lvl up faster, then buy xp boost, playing a lot etc... (playing a lot = use a lot of balls) all that = lot of money for wgt

    If awesome equipments was locked by tier wgt don t earn lot of money.

    The solution is awesome equipment need to be locked by tiers and lvl.
    A master can t play with r11s and that all. Only legend lvl 90+ need to be able.

    But it s to late because to much master players got the r11s driver and wgt can t remove it for them.

  • Baboon
    29 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 10:13 AM

    That is sadly funny and true.

    Phlos, well said and written.  But I do still think that WGT may make more money buy given better players better equipments.  

    I do not like to play with legends because I do not think it is fair.  Right off the tee, my second shot could be 185 yards and theirs is 220+.  I still can use Iron, they have to use a driver.  That is not fair for the legends. But if the drive were equal with the legend having better skills to make their drive. then it will be a lot more enjoyable.      Why would anybody sandbag to get a closer tee if they new the higher tiers get better equipments and same distance. 

    Right now I am more interested in a better driver than a higher tier so I play with more emphasis on level instead of tier( more Alt,less ranked).  Now if I knew that better tier will give me better driver, then I would careless about the level and I will bust my behind trying to tier up (more ranked, less Alt).

    I think a better driver for higher tiers will solve this problem and still bring money to WGT.  More than what they are doing now.

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 11:07 AM

    I personally think WGT has done a good job of getting the sandbaggers with the new system in place. We have more Legends in the low levels then ever before. With all systems of course improvement could be made.

    Now on to the TS's comment about advantage, the only real advantage once skill comes in to play is on Par 5's and the occasional long par 4. Otherwise the "Advantage" you are talking about is a mood point. Once being a Legend for awhile and reading wind speeds there is not alot of differance between a 120 or a 200 yard shot. I know some people will try to argue the point that I am wrong but once you have played enough rounds you would relize I am correct.

    This game comes down to putting plain and simple this is why you see Tour Legends and Legends scoring in the 50's on a regular bases, this is not me but I understand why, if I putt a bit better I could be a 50's player as that is the most important aspect of the game.


    PS: on a side not people could buy boost etc to get higher level equips. just like in real life a "Casual Golfer" with deep pockets could buy the best custom made sets avalible in the world, does this mean you become the next Tiger Woods?? LMAO of course not, no real differance. To many people focus on this and "THINK" this is the reason I cant compete when sadly its just you.

  • Baboon
    29 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 2:55 PM

    Alright Mes,

    In your own world you admitted that there is an advantage in the long par 4 or the par 5.  So this is about 5 holes in an 18 hole course..  So to  you that is not good enough advantage. 

    Also you mean to tell me that  the wind being 15+ your shot from 200 is not different than from 120..  come on man.  It is much easier to place the ball closer to the pin with the closer distance period.

    And your 10 feet putt is easier than your 15 feet and the putt is set up by your APPROACH shot not your best putter..!! So again, Distance does matter.

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 4:40 PM


    Alright Mes,

    In your own world you admitted that there is an advantage in the long par 4 or the par 5.  So this is about 5 holes in an 18 hole course..  So to  you that is not good enough advantage. 

    Also you mean to tell me that  the wind being 15+ your shot from 200 is not different than from 120..  come on man.  It is much easier to place the ball closer to the pin with the closer distance period.

    And your 10 feet putt is easier than your 15 feet and the putt is set up by your APPROACH shot not your best putter..!! So again, Distance does matter.


    Thanks for reading my post, and told you someone would come along and say "Bull".

    5 holes on 18 nope, sorry you are wrong. There are only two par fours that come to mind when I think advantage. Otherwise refer to my Yards post.  I said some par 5's and is very wind dependent. If the wind is comming at us while driving there is no advantage.

    a 15+ mile wind from 200 or 120 is no differant with experience. You can get both these shots within 3-4 yards if you read everything right and ding it.

    Your putting example is a joke but proves my point. The answer is a 15ft putt, 10ft putt or 8 ft putt are all makable to a good putter, the truly great putters in this game make them, thats how they score so well.

    Reading my post and picking up on things that you think make your point is just that you trying to make your point.

    I stand by my point and if you play the game long enough and play enough rounds I beleive that later on you or anyone with the rounds would agree.
