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To Cheat or not Cheat..!!

Fri, Jan 4 2013 6:19 PM (35 replies)
  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 9:38 AM


    Alright Mes, I get your point.

    Look I am a master and I played with a legend and I felt bad at the disadvantage he had with the tee.  Well let's say he is a bad legend.

    Here is an offer, I play you a free Match one on one and if you beat me, I will come here and write clearly that I was wrong and that Masters do not have advantage over legends..but if I beat you , you should come here and do the same..!!??

    What do you say Mes..?!

    I am really  not trying to make a point that you are wrong and I am right, after all I am the master and you are the legend.  I just hate it when people accuse me of sandbagging because I am not a legend and I am level 88..!!


    LOL, one round means nothing overall is the differance and in 10 rounds I would expect to beat you more then you beat me. With that being said  Iam friending you and accept the challange and to boot you can choose what ever course you like 9 hole or 18. No match play but a round or more as I love playing!


    PS: Not that I am against MP's but a round is more ideal as this shows the players skills. Part of the reason I was saying what I said was I know alot of HIgh Level, best equip. playing players that are in the tier they should be and feel that it unfair to assume people are "Sandbagging".


  • swh67
    1,491 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 10:24 AM


    I believe that this was the case in previous years. I guess they changed it to bring in more money.

    correct ,in a nut shell...take away high level clubs for lower tiers and the revenue drops dramatic...highly doubt that will happen....kind of agree with some comments,  good players find what it takes on the longer holes..but on the other hand shorter tees does make easier ...thats a givin....back tees in real life as well on championship rounds/medal play are a killer compared to social tees..probly worth 5 strokes on avg for A graders....

  • kilbraur
    219 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 4:49 PM


    I just hate it when people accuse me of sandbagging because I am not a legend and I am level 88..!!


    You may hate it but you are. You deliberate avoid going up tiers.

  • Baboon
    29 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 6:26 PM


    I love playing too and I thank you for accepting the offer and would look forward to playing you.  Thanks for the smart and highly educated post.  

    I would love nothing but your company and may be I can learn from you.  For you to offer to play with me 10 rounds is kind and I will hold you to that.  

    Take care and I will be looking for you .   

  • AmmAr1990
    15 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 7:35 PM



    Alright Mes, I get your point.

    Look I am a master and I played with a legend and I felt bad at the disadvantage he had with the tee.  Well let's say he is a bad legend.

    Here is an offer, I play you a free Match one on one and if you beat me, I will come here and write clearly that I was wrong and that Masters do not have advantage over legends..but if I beat you , you should come here and do the same..!!??

    What do you say Mes..?!

    I am really  not trying to make a point that you are wrong and I am right, after all I am the master and you are the legend.  I just hate it when people accuse me of sandbagging because I am not a legend and I am level 88..!!



    LOL, one round means nothing overall is the differance and in 10 rounds I would expect to beat you more then you beat me. With that being said  Iam friending you and accept the challange and to boot you can choose what ever course you like 9 hole or 18. No match play but a round or more as I love playing!


    PS: Not that I am against MP's but a round is more ideal as this shows the players skills. Part of the reason I was saying what I said was I know alot of HIgh Level, best equip. playing players that are in the tier they should be and feel that it unfair to assume people are "Sandbagging".



    I never see any "Sandbagging" or any defination of words means "Sandbagging" here.

    Lets say u are the Worse legend ever & having too much problem with thousand of excuses for not playing good, that is the Founder of  "Sandbagging" words.

    We are here to take the challenges that wgt gave to us everytime we tiered up! if u dont want to be on the LEGEND tee box, why u tiered up? and why start calling other players CHEATER or "Sandbagging".

    Why u do that ? bcoz u love to tell all the world that u are better & great for play on legend tee box ?? come on, be consistence on that tee box & show to them Who is the king!

    i feel better when beating everybody who are not on legend tee box. afraid to lose credit on MP?? dont play that MP mode. SOLVED.

    Stop Disturb other lower tier player Bcoz " MORE PLAYING & LESS TYPING "  always give the good result.

    Wgt wont give u extra -1 / -2 OR any extra Credit when u mentioned about "Sandbagging"




  • AmmAr1990
    15 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 7:42 PM


    i'll leave a ton for you all to read between the lines on this idea.

    ok......get wgt out of beta and into .......whatever it's called.

    ruffle feathers on this next step, but so be it.  It's too late to modify equip or anything at this pint, that ship has

    release the 'whatever it's called' non-beta..........remove every single piece of equipment from every players bag and award the exact amount of credits for it that it will cost to buy the new 'tier based' equipment.  R11S Driver ..........gone from beta bag.......full credits given that will be needed to purchase tier based R11S Driver in non-beta version.  If you dont' have the tier, you don't get the the next best thing and spend your remaing credits some other way.

    Sure, it's a pipe dream..........but really might be the only way to solve this never ending problem.  the foundation was laid on unstable ground and hindsight should be useful for the longevity of this game........if that's even a concern.

    only way to fix stuff like this is to start over......only way to start over is to just do it......all stats, earnings, awards, etc, need not be altered......this is equip only.

    so, if wgt needs some Temp help to clean bags out and convert to credits........give me  a shout........I'm capable and willing ;)

    this would protect future players, solve any issues with current players.  It's good for the game

    if that's too difficult simply cut that amount of work down - by only 'crediting' players who have equip out of their tier in the official version ;)

    U got the idea man! check this out

    anyone who thinks they really desperate to change the system, pls go there & change the thing! better than we trying to be smart here.


  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 9:47 AM




    Alright Mes, I get your point.

    Look I am a master and I played with a legend and I felt bad at the disadvantage he had with the tee.  Well let's say he is a bad legend.

    Here is an offer, I play you a free Match one on one and if you beat me, I will come here and write clearly that I was wrong and that Masters do not have advantage over legends..but if I beat you , you should come here and do the same..!!??

    What do you say Mes..?!

    I am really  not trying to make a point that you are wrong and I am right, after all I am the master and you are the legend.  I just hate it when people accuse me of sandbagging because I am not a legend and I am level 88..!!



    LOL, one round means nothing overall is the differance and in 10 rounds I would expect to beat you more then you beat me. With that being said  Iam friending you and accept the challange and to boot you can choose what ever course you like 9 hole or 18. No match play but a round or more as I love playing!


    PS: Not that I am against MP's but a round is more ideal as this shows the players skills. Part of the reason I was saying what I said was I know alot of HIgh Level, best equip. playing players that are in the tier they should be and feel that it unfair to assume people are "Sandbagging".



    I never see any "Sandbagging" or any defination of words means "Sandbagging" here.

    Lets say u are the Worse legend ever & having too much problem with thousand of excuses for not playing good, that is the Founder of  "Sandbagging" words.

    We are here to take the challenges that wgt gave to us everytime we tiered up! if u dont want to be on the LEGEND tee box, why u tiered up? and why start calling other players CHEATER or "Sandbagging".

    Why u do that ? bcoz u love to tell all the world that u are better & great for play on legend tee box ?? come on, be consistence on that tee box & show to them Who is the king!

    i feel better when beating everybody who are not on legend tee box. afraid to lose credit on MP?? dont play that MP mode. SOLVED.

    Stop Disturb other lower tier player Bcoz " MORE PLAYING & LESS TYPING "  always give the good result.

    Wgt wont give u extra -1 / -2 OR any extra Credit when u mentioned about "Sandbagging"





    Dude, did you really read my post in the thread?? LMAO you must be smoking some good stuff. What you have said and I assume are directing at me because you quoted me and baboon who is a master I am the Legend.

    I actually "Agree" with the point you are trying to make and NEVER, I mean NEVER have complained about my TEES nor have I EVER called a person a CHEATER on this game. You can find all my post very easy and will see I am telling the truth.

    Please Reread my post in this thread dont just look at a few words, you will see what I was saying  and relize skimming something verus reading it can make people look silly and "Yes" I am refering to you as the silly person, in as nice of words as I can.


  • AmmAr1990
    15 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 10:41 AM





    Alright Mes, I get your point.

    Look I am a master and I played with a legend and I felt bad at the disadvantage he had with the tee.  Well let's say he is a bad legend.

    Here is an offer, I play you a free Match one on one and if you beat me, I will come here and write clearly that I was wrong and that Masters do not have advantage over legends..but if I beat you , you should come here and do the same..!!??

    What do you say Mes..?!

    I am really  not trying to make a point that you are wrong and I am right, after all I am the master and you are the legend.  I just hate it when people accuse me of sandbagging because I am not a legend and I am level 88..!!



    LOL, one round means nothing overall is the differance and in 10 rounds I would expect to beat you more then you beat me. With that being said  Iam friending you and accept the challange and to boot you can choose what ever course you like 9 hole or 18. No match play but a round or more as I love playing!


    PS: Not that I am against MP's but a round is more ideal as this shows the players skills. Part of the reason I was saying what I said was I know alot of HIgh Level, best equip. playing players that are in the tier they should be and feel that it unfair to assume people are "Sandbagging".



    I never see any "Sandbagging" or any defination of words means "Sandbagging" here.

    Lets say u are the Worse legend ever & having too much problem with thousand of excuses for not playing good, that is the Founder of  "Sandbagging" words.

    We are here to take the challenges that wgt gave to us everytime we tiered up! if u dont want to be on the LEGEND tee box, why u tiered up? and why start calling other players CHEATER or "Sandbagging".

    Why u do that ? bcoz u love to tell all the world that u are better & great for play on legend tee box ?? come on, be consistence on that tee box & show to them Who is the king!

    i feel better when beating everybody who are not on legend tee box. afraid to lose credit on MP?? dont play that MP mode. SOLVED.

    Stop Disturb other lower tier player Bcoz " MORE PLAYING & LESS TYPING "  always give the good result.

    Wgt wont give u extra -1 / -2 OR any extra Credit when u mentioned about "Sandbagging"






    Dude, did you really read my post in the thread?? LMAO you must be smoking some good stuff. What you have said and I assume are directing at me because you quoted me and baboon who is a master I am the Legend.

    I actually "Agree" with the point you are trying to make and NEVER, I mean NEVER have complained about my TEES nor have I EVER called a person a CHEATER on this game. You can find all my post very easy and will see I am telling the truth.

    Please Reread my post in this thread dont just look at a few words, you will see what I was saying  and relize skimming something verus reading it can make people look silly and "Yes" I am refering to you as the silly person, in as nice of words as I can.


    Read your post here twice.

    im silly & smoking ? Please Copy + paste if i said i did it

    But there is my point, make ur post as Quotes. U did mentioned about assume Sandbangging.

    Do u read your own post after posting?

    because people like u, everybody trying to play Scrabbles on every forum & keep mentions about your famous and smart words ever & keep assume others Sandbagging.

    when i was lvl 69 on master tee box before, people start calling me Sandbaggers even i played lots of tourney, u know why? bcoz people like u keep coaching new generation in here pronounce Sandbagging VERY LOUD..

    Thanks :)


  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 3:48 PM


    Read your post here twice.

    im silly & smoking ? Please Copy + paste if i said i did it

    But there is my point, make ur post as Quotes. U did mentioned about assume Sandbangging.

    Do u read your own post after posting?

    because people like u, everybody trying to play Scrabbles on every forum & keep mentions about your famous and smart words ever & keep assume others Sandbagging.

    when i was lvl 69 on master tee box before, people start calling me Sandbaggers even i played lots of tourney, u know why? bcoz people like u keep coaching new generation in here pronounce Sandbagging VERY LOUD..

    Thanks :)


    You are hilarious and to boot a friend of Baboon, Baboon is the Topic Starter and he is the one stating that "Sandbaggers" have an advantage etc. My post were saying other then a few holes that there was not a HUGH advantage. Plain and simple.

    The quote you are quoting me on in the above two are me responding to the Topic Starter in this case Baboon a freind of yours on your buddy list I might add.

    Clearly in the quote I am saying that  I disagree with people  labeling a person a Sandbagger because of tier and/or level.


    PS: You really should read the whole topic and post to get a better understanding of what your saying as I find it ironic that it sounds like your trying to stick up for your bud Baboon, yet really you are putting one of your own friends down as HE is the one who started this topic. Your friend who posted on your wall recently was the 1st poster and user of this word and using it in the way "YOU" dont like. IRONIC, hell ya, LMAO.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 4:30 PM

    I don't cheat, hell I don't even play good. I mayt be sandbagging though, because I need about 350 more games as a Legend before I can even think of TM. I'm not sure what I am. Can somebody come up with a new name for me, maybe deadsquirreling, or nutzinthesanding, or savingmyballsing, something other than cheater or sandbagger. Could start a whole new era of accusations. I'll be the first nutzinthesanding.