Alright Mes, I get your point.
Look I am a master and I played with a legend and I felt bad at the disadvantage he had with the tee. Well let's say he is a bad legend.
Here is an offer, I play you a free Match one on one and if you beat me, I will come here and write clearly that I was wrong and that Masters do not have advantage over legends..but if I beat you , you should come here and do the same..!!??
What do you say Mes..?!
I am really not trying to make a point that you are wrong and I am right, after all I am the master and you are the legend. I just hate it when people accuse me of sandbagging because I am not a legend and I am level 88..!!
LOL, one round means nothing overall is the differance and in 10 rounds I would expect to beat you more then you beat me. With that being said Iam friending you and accept the challange and to boot you can choose what ever course you like 9 hole or 18. No match play but a round or more as I love playing!
PS: Not that I am against MP's but a round is more ideal as this shows the players skills. Part of the reason I was saying what I said was I know alot of HIgh Level, best equip. playing players that are in the tier they should be and feel that it unfair to assume people are "Sandbagging".
I never see any "Sandbagging" or any defination of words means "Sandbagging" here.
Lets say u are the Worse legend ever & having too much problem with thousand of excuses for not playing good, that is the Founder of "Sandbagging" words.
We are here to take the challenges that wgt gave to us everytime we tiered up! if u dont want to be on the LEGEND tee box, why u tiered up? and why start calling other players CHEATER or "Sandbagging".
Why u do that ? bcoz u love to tell all the world that u are better & great for play on legend tee box ?? come on, be consistence on that tee box & show to them Who is the king!
i feel better when beating everybody who are not on legend tee box. afraid to lose credit on MP?? dont play that MP mode. SOLVED.
Stop Disturb other lower tier player Bcoz " MORE PLAYING & LESS TYPING " always give the good result.
Wgt wont give u extra -1 / -2 OR any extra Credit when u mentioned about "Sandbagging"