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To Cheat or not Cheat..!!

Fri, Jan 4 2013 6:19 PM (35 replies)
  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 5:19 PM

    To solve this problem, there should be few clubs that are related to tier not level.  So if you are a legend, your driver should make up for that further Tee.  You still have to be a legend to make a great long shot.  So if the Tee is 30 yards back, then the driver should be able to make up for that with a ding.

    ohhh the good ole days. It use to be this way. The game was just so much more straight forward. I have written MANY post in regards to allll the changes especially the tier changes / equipment changes and from what I have been observing these past few months this issue is just one of the many changes that has ever so slowly taken the enjoyment and a fun way to spend some down time right out of the game. 

    New WGT members are just NOT "staying" and playing like they use too. There are more coming and going than coming and "staying" and that my friends could eventually be a HUGE problem. Add most of our TOP veteran players are a dieing breed. hmmm, FREE TO PLAY, NOT MUCH LONGER.

    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 5:25 PM

    There are only two par fours that come to mind when I think advantage


    I can only think of one off the top of my head, Kia 13th (I'd appreciate if you could refresh my memory on what the other one is). But although we're giving away almost 100 yards to masters, if you don't land left or long, it's not a very difficult birdie putt from any distance.

    However, we have a great advantage on holes like BPB 15, which can be a nightmare from master tees in heavy front winds, while it should be a birdie from legend tees over 50% of the time in any conditions (front/lower pin).

  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 5:36 PM


    I believe that this was the case in previous years. I guess they changed it to bring in more money.

    No they made he change to combat sandbagging. It didn't work like they thought it would.That is why they made the change of how the average is calculated a few months ago. No matter what system they use there will always be players who will take advantage of it. 

    Actually they probably would have taken in more money with the older system. Because for many months there were players who could not buy anything but balls because they had nothing unlocked for them that they wanted to buy. It was at least 4 months after the change before I  unlocked anything that was better that what I already had.So I just bought a few balls. There were many many players in the same condition I was. 


  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 6:14 PM


    There are only two par fours that come to mind when I think advantage


    I can only think of one off the top of my head, Kia 13th (I'd appreciate if you could refresh my memory on what the other one is). But although we're giving away almost 100 yards to masters, if you don't land left or long, it's not a very difficult birdie putt from any distance.

    However, we have a great advantage on holes like BPB 15, which can be a nightmare from master tees in heavy front winds, while it should be a birdie from legend tees over 50% of the time in any conditions (front/lower pin).


    St. Andrews #17, no matter what wind is playable in two with the exception of Legend tees especially when flag is at the back placement.

    St. Andys #17 with wind in your face 19+ MIle an hour (Shoot in some tourney hits like 30 mile in face lmao) back tee. A par for a legend feels like a bird. Lol.


    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 6:31 PM



    There are only two par fours that come to mind when I think advantage


    I can only think of one off the top of my head, Kia 13th (I'd appreciate if you could refresh my memory on what the other one is). But although we're giving away almost 100 yards to masters, if you don't land left or long, it's not a very difficult birdie putt from any distance.

    However, we have a great advantage on holes like BPB 15, which can be a nightmare from master tees in heavy front winds, while it should be a birdie from legend tees over 50% of the time in any conditions (front/lower pin).



    St. Andrews #17, no matter what wind is playable in two with the exception of Legend tees especially when flag is at the back placement.

    St. Andys #17 with wind in your face 19+ MIle an hour (Shoot in some tourney hits like 30 mile in face lmao) back tee. A par for a legend feels like a bird. Lol.


    Thx for the reminder, I didn't even think of that one, cause I never even considered the back pin to be a birdie opportunity from any tees, lol. Although now that I have R11s I see they can stick like glue when we play practice skins with friends from master tees sometimes.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 6:50 PM

    Once being a Legend for awhile and reading wind speeds there is not alot of differance between a 120 or a 200 yard shot. I know some people will try to argue the point that I am wrong but once you have played enough rounds you would relize I am correct.


    To a point Mes, you are correct...but, I'm sure you know that if you miss the ding on the wrong side with a Wedge, the deviation is not as large as missing with a 6 or 7 instead of a 12 foot putt (missed wedge shot) vs a 28 foot putt (missed 7 iron), the advantage is clear.


    The issue then becomes who you are playing against (MP) or entered a tourney with...


    A level 96 TM who has as much experience as any Legend in putting, or a level 61 TM...who still dreads the 12 foot putt.


    Happy New Year all!

  • barbarella24
    513 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 8:23 PM

    Reading this thread, people are commenting on the effect sandbagging has on Legends and TourLegends, while a bigger effect is felt by same tier,lower level players more. A level 96 TM playing against a level 55 TM has much more of an advantage than a L96 TM playing a L80 Legend as the Legend should* have more skill.

    Maybe I'm reading too much into this but doesn't sandbagging need to be quantified? When is a L96 TM a sandbagger and not someone who is not quite good enough to tier up? 

    Here's my idea (may be bad lol)

    Each tier is locked to particular levels, example Master locked to levels 40-60. Once reaching level 60 your level no longer increases until you have reached the next tier, TourMaster. Your XP points continue to increase and once you tier up your level changes to the amount of accrued XP points, so if it takes you a while to tier up, when you do you jump from level 60 straight to 70.

    Just an idea...

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 8:47 PM


    Here's my idea (may be bad lol)

    Each tier is locked to particular levels, example Master locked to levels 40-60. Once reaching level 60 your level no longer increases until you have reached the next tier, TourMaster. Your XP points continue to increase and once you tier up your level changes to the amount of accrued XP points, so if it takes you a while to tier up, when you do you jump from level 60 straight to 70.

    Just an idea

    Great idea!! That's one angle that I don't think I've seen posted, and it's definitely not anything that ever crossed my mind. That's probably how WGT should have implemented the level system. Sort of a hybrid of the old tier-based and the now level-based equipment upgrades.

       Sadly, though, it's about 2 years too late. Like the old saying...too late to close the barn dor after the horses are out. WGT can't/won't/shouldn't take away clubs that have been purchased under the current system. And changing things now only punishes future players.

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 9:12 PM

    i'll leave a ton for you all to read between the lines on this idea.

    ok......get wgt out of beta and into .......whatever it's called.

    ruffle feathers on this next step, but so be it.  It's too late to modify equip or anything at this pint, that ship has

    release the 'whatever it's called' non-beta..........remove every single piece of equipment from every players bag and award the exact amount of credits for it that it will cost to buy the new 'tier based' equipment.  R11S Driver ..........gone from beta bag.......full credits given that will be needed to purchase tier based R11S Driver in non-beta version.  If you dont' have the tier, you don't get the the next best thing and spend your remaing credits some other way.

    Sure, it's a pipe dream..........but really might be the only way to solve this never ending problem.  the foundation was laid on unstable ground and hindsight should be useful for the longevity of this game........if that's even a concern.

    only way to fix stuff like this is to start over......only way to start over is to just do it......all stats, earnings, awards, etc, need not be altered......this is equip only.

    so, if wgt needs some Temp help to clean bags out and convert to credits........give me  a shout........I'm capable and willing ;)

    this would protect future players, solve any issues with current players.  It's good for the game

    if that's too difficult simply cut that amount of work down - by only 'crediting' players who have equip out of their tier in the official version ;)

  • Baboon
    29 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 6:55 PM

    Alright Mes, I get your point.

    Look I am a master and I played with a legend and I felt bad at the disadvantage he had with the tee.  Well let's say he is a bad legend.

    Here is an offer, I play you a free Match one on one and if you beat me, I will come here and write clearly that I was wrong and that Masters do not have advantage over legends..but if I beat you , you should come here and do the same..!!??

    What do you say Mes..?!

    I am really  not trying to make a point that you are wrong and I am right, after all I am the master and you are the legend.  I just hate it when people accuse me of sandbagging because I am not a legend and I am level 88..!!