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wbt credits

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Wed, Jan 9 2013 8:00 PM (8 replies)
  • danabrenn421
    8 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 1:06 PM

    can anyone provide any guidance on getting credits applied to my account??

    i probably have 10 or so outstanding offers. some of which i have paid for. some which are free but i have gone through every step of the process meticulously. i have submitted help requests ( thru supersonicadss ) and have gotten almost no assistance what so ever.


    any suggestions from those who might have expereinced this frustration???

    thanks alot.

    happy new year and best wishes.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 3:04 PM

    any suggestions from those who might have expereinced this frustration???

    Hello danabrenn421, and welcome to the forums :)

    The promotional offers can be difficult to collect from, mainly because the majority of the offers are demographic based so if you do not fit the description they are look for, you will be ineligible.

    It sounds like you are having trouble with contacting SuperSonic Ads. Have you received any sort of reply from them yet? Ultimately, SuperSonic Ads will be the appropriate people who can help you with this situation, however if they are not communicating with you, that's something that shouldn't happen, and we can assist with that.

    Send our support team an email, including proof of the lack of correspondence with SuperSonic Ads, and they may be able to help you. If you need anything else, these forums should be able to help - just ask!


    Stay classy,


  • golfvader7
    1,822 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 3:44 PM

    If you don't get your credits at the time you do the survey/ad/video etc, forget about ever seeing them. Everyone, including the WGT will not do anything to help you. "We are at the mercy of those who issue credits" I have been told more than once. The # of credits that "I think" I'm owed is staggering. I just curse a lot and move on. Good luck & happy holidays.

  • PhilA2
    441 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 5:39 PM

    WGT if you have offers of any kind on YOUR web site then you should want to know if your customers are being served properly. If not  you should take the offers off of YOUR web site!!!

  • danabrenn421
    8 Posts
    Sat, Jan 5 2013 7:46 AM

    thanks for the note sir. i have spoken to many during rounds of golf and this does seem to be a challenge for many. wgt did send a reply as you can see in this thread and i am going to respond to them. i hope they are sincere in wanting to be able to resolve such issues as they are very important to those participating in this game. it is a great game and well done im many respects IMHO. i will post the response when i receive it. it would be nice to see a bit more consistency in the way that they manage the credit providers.

    playing and participating in the game should not require alot of cursing ( though golf does that to us sometimes and we should not have to just forget the time that is invested in participating.

    thanks again for your comment.

  • danabrenn421
    8 Posts
    Sat, Jan 5 2013 7:52 AM

    good morning. thank you for your comments.

    i have spoken to many during various rounds who have similar frustrations. more comments unfortunately seem to be negative than positive.

    as you see in the thread i did get a response from wgt and will submit my thoughts to them. i hope that they take it seriously and maybe see if there is a way to make this alittle less frustrating for all involved.

    its a great game. however you shouldnt need to curse ( tho golf will do that to you anyways ) and move on. these kinds of challenges only contribute to greater frustration and a diminishing amont of time playing and ultimately resullts in less exposure for wgt.

    i will post their response when i get it. i hope they do take it responsibly and try to make this part of the game more enjoyable.

    thanks again for your comments.  happy new years.

  • danabrenn421
    8 Posts
    Sat, Jan 5 2013 7:55 AM

    thanks phil for your response.

    wgt did respond to this thread as well. i will respond and will see if they are able to help. i do agree with you that if they are going to use credits as an incentive and offer this incentive as part of the playing experience there needs to be a bit of oversite to ensure that it is managed properly.

    i will post their response as soon as i receive it.

    thanks again for yours. happy new year.a

  • danabrenn421
    8 Posts
    Sat, Jan 5 2013 8:20 AM

    good morning and happy new year to all at wgt.

    thank you for the respons. i appreciate it greatly.

    i do recognice the demographic  considerations associated with the surveys. i do not have any ( many ) difficulties with that in principle. you qualify or you dont and that is pretty simple.

    wrt surveys there are a couple of things that seem to regularly happen.

    1) continuously lets you invest significant amounts of time getting 60% - 70% of the way through a survey and then decides that you are not qualified. at that time 15 to 20 minutes of time has been expended on the survey. if one passes the age/mentality/gender/demographisc part of any survey and the survey itself is started one should get credit for the survey. under no circumstances should anyone invest a signnificant amount of time and be cut off that far into a survey.

    2) less irritating and probably more insulting is when you are prompted for 'how many quarters are there in a dollar' or 'which is smaller the sun, moon or a tsetse fly' and you apply with the correct response the next screen says 'sorry you were disqualified. the customer is looking for....'. by that point they have no information with which to qualify/disqualify someone.

    3) being offered a survey, selecting the link, providing info as requested and then being told that the survey is 'closed' is also frustrating. why are we presented with a link in the first place if the survey is closed.

    there are other things that are frustrating with surveys but there are no perfect systems and i think we all recognize that.


    i have had very few problems with watching videos and / or downloading applications and purchasing products other than those offered by 'SuperSonicAds'. getting SuperSonicAds to depost credits into my account has been like pulling teeth. i have downloaded apps, purchased products ( including supplying credit card info and having my card charged ) and have what to me is incredible amounts of credits outstanding. i am not going to air that dirtly laundry publicly and will reply to the support team as you suggested.

    the biggest challenge is that wgt uses these credits as teasers / incentives which is all just fine. we as participants in wgt choose to participate in them or not as the case may be. however if we do choose to participate in them, invest our time and energies, provide our personal information / credit information, the the party managing the credits should be responsible for depositing the credits and making this part of participation in wgt pretty darn seemless. if this feature is going to be offered the ulimately it is wgt's responsibility to manage the companies that handle the credit end of the wgt experience.

    thanks for listening. i will submit a request for assistance to the support team detailing and supporting my concerns.


    best wishes for a happy and very safe new year.

    dana brenneman

  • danabrenn421
    8 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 8:00 PM

    hey all...

    just wanted to update this thread if anyone cares or is interested.


    i responded to wgt..i felt in a very neutral manner. maybe even fair indicating that the proble was not their fault...tho someone has to accept responsibility, somewhere....

  many had predicted before...i have had no response one way or another from them. the forum is correct...they, wet, don't give a damn.


    the number of complaints regarding credits is astronomical. you would think that someone would care enough to at least respond. i for one am happy to pay for a quaility golf experience and from now on will do so. im only 1, a significant minority...however until someone leaves..and others follow...wgt wont do anything. they plain old dont care as long as its not costing them anything. when it starts to hit their pocketbook...they might change their approach some.


    good luck to all..and best wishes....