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Improve WGT performance?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jan 8 2013 3:20 AM (30 replies)
  • gerryniswonger
    1,890 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 8:41 AM

    While doing some research I came upon this.  I am a computer moron and am hoping to get some advice on using this to enhance the WGT experience.  I apologize in advance for it's length.

    Enable GZIP Compression

    This is a good practice to give the user content in compressed form. We've detected 361.29 Kb of content that could be compressed. By compressing content you can achieve the size of ~ 90.32 Kb (saving 270.97 Kb). This would accelerate the page loading speed and would positively impact the bandwidth savings. File size 7.49 Kb and you can save up to 5.62 Kb File size 19.26 Kb and you can save up to 14.44 Kb File size 18.74 Kb and you can save up to 14.05 Kb File size 45.04 Kb and you can save up to 33.78 Kb File size 3.73 Kb and you can save up to 2.8 Kb File size 19.26 Kb and you can save up to 14.44 Kb File size 35.55 Kb and you can save up to 26.66 Kb File size 17.39 Kb and you can save up to 13.04 Kb File size 42.63 Kb and you can save up to 31.97 Kb File size 56.74 Kb and you can save up to 42.55 Kb File size 1.92 Kb and you can save up to 1.44 Kb File size 1.14 Kb and you can save up to 0.86 Kb File size 1.15 Kb and you can save up to 0.86 Kb File size 14.64 Kb and you can save up to 10.98 Kb File size 21.78 Kb and you can save up to 16.34 Kb File size 18.74 Kb and you can save up to 14.05 Kb File size 13.35 Kb and you can save up to 10.02 Kb File size 1.19 Kb and you can save up to 0.89 Kb File size 1.36 Kb and you can save up to 1.02 Kb File size 14.11 Kb and you can save up to 10.58 Kb File size 6.1 Kb and you can save up to 4.58 Kb
  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 9:29 AM

    If I understand things correctly it is not you but wgt that can (or should, depending on the arguments and technical details) compress these files to improve loading performance. If I'm wrong I will be corrected without any doubt.


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 10:12 AM

    While doing some research

    Hello, gerryniswonger.

    I'm not sure what "GZIP" is, but if you tell us what symptoms you are experiencing while playing WGT, we can give you some advice on what maintenance steps to follow.


    Stay classy,


  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 10:36 AM


    While doing some research

    Hello, gerryniswonger.

    I'm not sure what "GZIP" is, but if you tell us what symptoms you are experiencing while playing WGT, we can give you some advice on what maintenance steps to follow.


    Stay classy,




    While doing some research

    Hello, gerryniswonger.

    I'm not sure what "GZIP" is, but if you tell us what symptoms you are experiencing while playing WGT, we can give you some advice on what maintenance steps to follow.


    Stay classy,


    Pizza but that would mean that it is his system that is in need of maintenance and you know it can't be his top of the line PC.(somewhat sarcastic) When are they going to learn that it is in most cases their system that needs optimization and not WGT's??? Just a little work on our end makes for a much better game experience. 

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 10:39 AM

    Pizza but that would mean that it is his system that is in need of maintenance and you know it can't be his top of the line PC.(somewhat sarcastic) When are they going to learn that it is in most cases their system that needs optimization and not WGT's??? Just a little work on our end makes for a much better game experience

    Well said, B2B

    To answer your question - with help from me, and from community members like you, we can educate the community at large with this knowledge. Once the majority understands this, newcomers will know what to do when their meter skips ;)

    Looking forward to your reply, gerryniswonger :)



    Stay classy,


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 10:51 AM

    Gerry read this article I believe it will help you understand a little better.

    how to optimize your site with gzip compression

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 11:10 AM

    I'm not sure what "GZIP"

    GZIP will make you and B2BS happy.  I'll tell you why in a sec....

    You've heard of WinZip?  Or seen a .zip file in a download and had to unzip it using WinZip or 7-Zip applications?  A zip file is compressed data.  Kinda like all the air has been taken out of it and made smaller. (Think about those storage bags you suck the air out of with a vacuum cleaner and now that 16" bag with the comforter in it is only 4" thick.)

    You can see in the OPs post how the GZIP file is smaller in kb terms?

    The problem I see is before our PCs can use that file we have to put it back the way it was before it was compressed.  Unzip it, re-inflate it, so to speak.  And this requires our PCs to do more work converting it from a compressed file to a normal, usable file.

    The net result is since a smaller file is sent from WGT to our PCs, it gets here faster and uses less bandwidth on our internet connection.  However, our PC can't use the file until our PC runs the unzip program and restores it to its original form.  This puts more of a workload on our PC.  Faster file transfers at the cost of PC processing power.

    And that's why it will make WGTPizza and B2BS happy.  More load on our PCs means more complaints about meter skips means more opportunities to tell everyone they need to do PC and or browser maintenance.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 12:20 PM

    Somehow I find B2B's (and for a bit Pizza's) reaction to a very valid suggestion not that classy. You don't immediately understand what the OP is about (hell, he himself doesn't completely understand it) and instead of google-ing something like Oldbayrunner came up with you give him the sarcastic treatment.

    Or am I missing something ?


    PS Very clear explanation btw Andyson.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 12:39 PM

    Sorry Andy but I have to disagree...

    Firstly Gzip is not to be confused with Zip files as they function differently.

    Unlike multi  files compressed into a single Zip that load onto your PC and have to be unzipped Gzip is a single file GNU method of compression that is used between Severs and most Browsers. The uncompression is done on the web browser server prior to the page being displayed therefore no uncompressing is needed by ones PC. Therefore there is no additional load put on the cpu on our end.  That is of course as long as you are not the one creating the gzip files for a web site and using your computer as a server.

    BTW not all browsers accept or use gzip files. Hence why some browsers may load slower than others.

    So given that I guess WGTPizza and B2BS are going to be very sad. If you care read the Previous article and this one as well.


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 12:42 PM

    Or am I missing something ?

    No offense intended. I only asked to help the OP to give us more information so that we can help.


    Stay classy,
