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LC is going bye-bye???

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Tue, Jan 8 2013 9:31 AM (57 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 4:25 AM

    What I find a little strange is why LC brought this into the open forums when it would have best been dealt with one on one with WGT. It seemed that Icon was doing it one on one. I just have to ask why? 

    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 4:32 AM

    Many other streams have been posted through third party mediums which are quiet distorted and one could, if they wanted to and for whatever motive, read whatever they want in to them and make whatever groundless allegations they want.


    Well, I've seen something even more strange during one of the WGT Ryder cup streams. I can't remember whether it was from Priestess or Courtney, but on some shots I was only able to see the meter move on the backswing, then I never saw it release and only showed the "excellent shot" (ding) comment. Did I think something wrong was going on? Hell no!!!!!!!!! My first and only thought was: "Damn, this livestream sucks on my laptop sometimes!" But we can't expect it to resemble an ESPN live broadcast, can we?

    Hope it sorts itself out.


    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 4:39 AM


    What I find a little strange is why LC brought this into the open forums when it would have best been dealt with one on one with WGT. It seemed that Icon was doing it one on one. I just have to ask why? 

    You think it could have something to do with the fact the guy thought he could've found himself being locked out without a chance to explain the general public why and how it happened (or being forced to start a new account just to explain)?

    P.S.: For what it's worth, I don't personally know anyone involved in this so I won't pretend I understand what's going on. All I can say is: I only know of LC through these forums and I like the things he's been doing here. I'm too much of a newbie to understand the background and the "cloak&dagger" stuff that's going on between some of the veterans of this game.


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 4:55 AM


    What is surprising is that WGT asked you 'what program you were using' when the correct approach should have been 'can you comment & give your version of events'.  At least then you could have been afforded the opportunity to give your version in a non-prejudical enviroment.

    good point ^^^

    .. pre-supposition .. bad mistake

    again the WGT'ers are way more eloquent & patient than i can ever be when i see somethin' like this ..

    so i'll just call this what it is .. a bunch of goddam fckn bullshyte ..

    & screw classy in this instance .. i'm not one for political correctness when the politics involved smacks of the blind passing laws against seeing .. 

    ffs, what happened to due process & justice ??

    u wanna crucify a guy upside down based on poor circumstantial "evidence" ? the same guy who initiated the spirit of giving during Dec ?? 

    "poor form" doesn't quite cover it .. if someone accused me like that face to face he'd be spittin' teeth outta his craphole for a month ..

    this is beyond disgusting .. it's nauseating


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 5:09 AM


    WGTicon wrote
    on 07 Jan 2013 at 11:12 AM

    I wanted to ask you a few questions. 


    Over the break, I got a few reports about you using something to slow meter. I watched those streams and it clearly showed that. Before taking any action, I wanted to ask you straight up, what is going on and what program you were using

    Just logged in 

    Don't know LC either but I judge ppl on past actions before I start casting stones.

    It seems Icons statement is a flat out accusation, you would hope / expect WGT to approach any problem with a fresh set of eyes and not to have prejudged, before that person has even been contacted.

    Pizza said yesterday in another thread "If you use any other program to effect your WGT play then WGT will know"...Well now we'll find out...

    WGT, you either know or you don't ?...and if you don't, then maybe SOME of the 52's and 53's (constantly) become easier for all to comprehend after all.

    Either way you've got to take ppl as you find them..and LC gets my vote of confidence.



  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 5:36 AM

    Well I know LC and I have had the pleasure of playing with him. There is no one better to have a round with. I didn't have any type of indication during our play that would make me suspect anything out of the ordinary. He made some great shots and he made some not so great shots just like myself or anyone else I have had the pleasure of playing with.

    LC my friend I am saying this to put a little light in hopes to ease your tension with Icon a bit. Unfortunately someone or more than someone reported you, which IMO sucks on them as being backstabbing no proof SOB's. Because of that Icon or someone at wgt has to make some sort of investigation on it. This time it appears to be in the form of Icon asking you straight up for an explanation, unfortunately for him and you that is his job.

    For the Aholes that reported you or anyone else reporting people, before you go reporting people and start this kind of crap make damn sure you have concrete evidence that you can show and prove before placing other players under scrutiny.


  • freddysfunky
    38 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 5:48 AM

    FFS!!!!! "I got a few reports..." and then "what program you were using...". So after a few people told you something looked suspicious, you automatically processed that as someone is using cheating software????? Have any concrete evidence? No.

    Nice and moronic indeed, Icon.

    Classic example as to why i won't be spending another cent here.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 6:02 AM

    Over the break, I got a few reports about you using something to slow meter. I watched those streams and it clearly showed that. Before taking any action, I wanted to ask you straight up, what is going on and what program you were using

    How about a big time out here for a little common sense. Anybody that reads what Icon posts knows English and grammar are not his strengths. He's a lot better than he used to be and I would like to ask something here.

    Suppose that sentence in his quote read "I watched those streams and they clearly showed that the meter slowed down just before the ding."  By not finishing the statement thusly it can be assumed his ending with "that" causes the thought process to associate this statement with the first one making it look like Icon was accusing him. A perfect example of how to misinterpret something.

    I'm not defending Icon, he can do that for himself, but after reading all the knee jerk reactions to something Icon chose to keep private in his research I think this is getting blown way the hell out of proportion over a question of semantics and grammar.

    Back the eff off, people. Rich is a good guy, Sam (Bollox) agrees and anybody that has played with him knows this. Icon doesn't always say things the exact right way and is easy to misunderstand. This was started by some disgruntled *** that has no game so give some benefit of the doubt to this whole thing.

    FWIW Rich, I would have flipped out too to a PM like that but you could have diffused the whole situation by beating Icon up privately and proving him wrong.  The misunderstanding would have ironed itself out. JMO.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 7:07 AM

    I disagree, YankeeJim. May I suppose that a moderator on a forum has enough language skills to carry out his task ?

    Another thing. With the right programmers/tools/scripts it shouldn't be that hard catching cheaters (nearly) fully automated. No need for useless accusations then. This whole story proves to me they have (nearly) nothing in place to combat cheaters. The question what wgt is exactly doing against cheaters has come up more often on these forums. I never read an answer that is near satisfying.

    No, they won't get any of my money either. At least not as long as things are going like they do since I found this game 3 months ago. I earn some credits from which I buy clubs, and with those clubs I play the free ball... and have a lot of fun in doing so.


  • HacMcDuffer
    1,094 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 7:09 AM


    I just want to say that I don't know Rich/LC from a hot rock, other than to read his posts here and to have caught his bug in gifting.  I haven't had the opportunity to have a game with him, but would in a heartbeat.  And I'd gladly get my butt kicked by him if that happened.

    LC, you don't know me but I've got your back, mate.  A finer member of WGT most of us will never find.  Know that the rest of us are with you.

    AMEN !!!!!!!!
