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LC is going bye-bye???

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jan 8 2013 9:31 AM (57 replies)
    1,141 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 7:10 AM


    in a weird way ... i wanna thank the ( self appointed CHEET patrol ) ... < 

    or i wouldn't have gotten to hang out with a cool group of folks last nite.. jammin , play'n an just having a good time,, something i been hoping would happen for a long time.. and felt welcome... just for who i am...not for what my WGT ,, 

    i do think there are a whole lotta folks that should mind their own BIZ.. 90% of them from what i have noticed who are ... accuser's ,, rigged theorist ,, or whatever .. if ya go check their WGT ..u will see they have play'd either RG'S or WGT turny's ,, day after day after day .. never playin with others to even see what anyone else play's like.. and HAVE become SO BITTER ... mostly from their own performance in said turny's ... are looking for anything OR ANYONE they can to BLAME ...

    i also agree .. that TXT and or things get typ'd that just don't come out the right way ..and nxt thing ya know ... DRAMA !! 

    LC has a BIG ole Heart... and a love for this game and his friends .. hope i will become one... actually i thought he had took something i said on a thread wrong an prolly didnt like me... srry.. can't tell ya which one or even what it was about... umm (good weed) makes me 4 get stuff .. :) 

    anyway... lets all chill.. an get back to having funn... 

    classy an FLASHY style .. 


  • angelsgolfing
    211 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 7:23 AM

    if there is cheat softwear out & players are useing it , wgt SHOULD NOT  punish players for useing it as long as they do nothing to stop it. i dont like the fact players cheat but until WGT  takes a stand let it go. there is no need to point a finger at 1 player when theres a lot of players doing the same thing.its just out of line to pick out 1 guy thats just disrespectful & shows little class by WGT ....

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 7:54 AM

    May I suppose that a moderator on a forum has enough language skills to carry out his task ?

    And he does. Without English being his first language you would expect occasional misunderstandings. Cut him some slack. 


  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 8:25 AM

    I don't know Legendcrusher personally, nor do I know Icon personally but what I do see is a huge pile of crap generated by a third party (don't know who that is and don't really want to).  I know from my own past when I worked with people for a living before I retired, that usually, when someone responds to "information" supplied by a third party, that one can draw certain conclusions immediately.  The wrong conclusion to respond to initially, is that the information received is accurate and conclusive.  

    WGTPizza has already stated in another thread that if somone were using such software, they would detect it:

    1,346 Posts
    01-07-2013 10:46 AM


    You can just google "perfect meter wgt"


    Just passing through, let me just say my piece and leave:

    Do not attempt to use a 3rd party program that affects your WGT gameplay.

    If you are playing WGT with a 3rd party program that affects your gameplay, WGT will know, and your account may be immediately and permanently disabled.

    Carry on  :)


    Stay classy,



    I am sure that this is the case as this is a site hosted game, so why in the world would a 3rd party need to tell someone @ WGT since this is the case.  That alone raises suspicion in my mind that some one, whomever it may be, is PO'd at LC for some reason and is trying to create a hardship for him by saying what he did.  I watched LC play last night and I didn't see anything suspicious at all, but of course I am not trained to see things that may suggest a cheat of some sort.  But from what I saw everything did appear to be normal.

    I hope this gets cleared up soon, it upsets the apple cart!  And if someone did generate this to stir the pot so to say and it cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that LC was using some sort of softeware, then the person that reported it needs to be sent packing!!

    just sayin

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 8:30 AM

    Cut him some slack


    C'mon's the start of a new year. We don't need this.

    Yes..I can completely understand Rich's position. I'd be totally pissed off too......but I don't see any need for berating Icon regardless if English is his 1st, 2nd or 3rd's of no consequence.....but last time I spoke with Icon on Skype he came across as an intelligent & humerous guy.

    I've had my differences with Icon in the past....all my own doing I might add.....and he's always cut me some slack. In my opinion he does a great job around here as a moderator.......for what usually turns out to be a thankless task. Rarely does he get a pat on the back but folks are only too eager to jump on him.

    Being a moderator's quite an easy task shuffling threads around.....but the difficult / trickier / rewardless bit is trying to keep the happy equilibrium between us all nutters. I say it's a virtually impossible task.

    Rich's is a great guy & I'm happy to be in the same CC as him.......but Icon's not too bad a bloke either. Anyone who's chatted to him on Skype will vouch for that.

    It's crap that this has happened......but it's happened and nothing nor no one can change it, so let it go. Any apologies can be made in private if needs be.

    Can't we just move on from this unfortunate episode and get back to making profain gestures regarding VEM.

    Happy New Year Folks.




  • sebicu
    427 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 9:08 AM

    whoever decided Rich is cheating using a slower meter is an IDIOT and a MORON. Let me tell you again if you dont get it IDIOT and MORON. YOU disgrace!!!!!

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 9:29 AM

    i could point my finger at more suspicious players with relentless scorecards than LC,

    some havent been playing that long?

    it dont take an einstien to work it out.

    just sayin.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 9:31 AM

    I am going to close this because it has become nothing but insults.

    I will admit, that yes, I worded it poorly when I contacted LC.

    As far as his statement about this having to do about BB or a particular club, it's false. Even now, I still have no knowledge of what he said about BB or the club. Even if I did, it would not be basis for anything.

    As many of you know. I have streamed several games in past, during RC and few other select matches, so I am aware how it behaves.

    Since this is a private conversation, between LC and us, it should stay the same. Privacy is offered to all players.
