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LC is going bye-bye???

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jan 8 2013 9:31 AM (57 replies)
  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 8:36 PM

    Sad and disturbing stuff to hear but with 6 million members now; maybe it's become too big to manage and so that even losing a few hundred members here and there perhaps goes unnoticed? A shame when nice things becomes tainted but such is the savagery of man. Praise the Lord. :)

  • dchallenger
    545 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 9:39 PM

    'LC'  who?

  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 10:20 PM

    I had the pleasure of a game with LC in the past week , and there is no way IMO that LC is using some bullsh!t software  , just can't believe you WGT picking on one of the Communities GOOD GUYS , if i remember correctly it was only a week or two ago that LC was getting praise for his generosity by the WGT big dog , in bringing a real change into the forums with his kindness and generosity of give aways , which spread like a disease !

    dflop  !

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 10:27 PM


    'LC'  who?

    Exactly, I am nobody.  Just some random guy drinking heavy trying to have fun and deal with what life throws at me:)

    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 10:29 PM

    One thing I learnt about using cheating software.


    Put my game on livestream so everyone can see.


    Yeah right.

    no brains and happy without em.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 11:05 PM

    Ludicrous this whole affair.

    A public apology from Icon at the very least.

  • looselugnutz
    1,595 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 11:10 PM

    I just want to say that I don't know Rich/LC from a hot rock, other than to read his posts here and to have caught his bug in gifting.  I haven't had the opportunity to have a game with him, but would in a heartbeat.  And I'd gladly get my butt kicked by him if that happened.

    LC, you don't know me but I've got your back, mate.  A finer member of WGT most of us will never find.  Know that the rest of us are with you.


  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 11:31 PM

    Only replying because you chose to drag my name into this for some reason?  I along with many others saw a live stream of LC playing multiplayer blitz and stroke play one night maybe 10 days ago  (btw it was brought up initially by someone who is not a devations member, so no reason to make it sound as tho 'the devs are out to get me!').  On the stream it showed his meter going along at a normal rate, and then suddenly appears to slow down dramatically as it neared the ding, not choppyness or lag in the video, but a smooth slowdown every shot.  And this was with both GISD and callaway balls.  It was confusing as seemingly nobody would be dumb enough to publicly broadcast themselves cheating, but at the same time, numerous sets of eyes were all seeing the same thing, a consistent drastic slowing of the meter as it neared the ding.   A couple days after, all of the videos were deleted from his livestream so it is no longer possible to see it with your own eyes.  I tuned into his live stream tonight and everything appeared completely normal, no slowing of the meter.  


    Not making any accusations, just stating the other side of the story.  If I had to guess it is just a weird form of lag in the video stream and LC is completely legit, as again, who in their right mind would broadcast themselves cheating?


  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 12:19 AM

    Stay Classy...... lmFao....(yeah, I know that's pizza's thing, but still)


  • pejon60
    250 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 12:26 AM

    Hi Rich long time no play mate!

    You a cheat?

    Give me a break....what a laugh....hey did WGT ever do anything about the player you told me about who admitted using a cheating program and you reported it to them?

    My guess is NO

    WGT couldn't give a frigg about cheats. 

    They care about one thing and one thing only $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Oh and BTW WGT do you think we are idiots?....Do you think that experienced legends with 2000+ ranked games cant tell when you stuff around with the meter speeds of clubs and balls a few weeks PRIOR to introducing new products?

    Changes to meter speed prior to the introduction of the MAX balls being a perfect example

    Now WGT ...THAT seems like cheating to me...some would say it even amounts to potential FRAUD!!

