Only replying because you chose to drag my name into this for some reason? I along with many others saw a live stream of LC playing multiplayer blitz and stroke play one night maybe 10 days ago (btw it was brought up initially by someone who is not a devations member, so no reason to make it sound as tho 'the devs are out to get me!'). On the stream it showed his meter going along at a normal rate, and then suddenly appears to slow down dramatically as it neared the ding, not choppyness or lag in the video, but a smooth slowdown every shot. And this was with both GISD and callaway balls. It was confusing as seemingly nobody would be dumb enough to publicly broadcast themselves cheating, but at the same time, numerous sets of eyes were all seeing the same thing, a consistent drastic slowing of the meter as it neared the ding. A couple days after, all of the videos were deleted from his livestream so it is no longer possible to see it with your own eyes. I tuned into his live stream tonight and everything appeared completely normal, no slowing of the meter.
Not making any accusations, just stating the other side of the story. If I had to guess it is just a weird form of lag in the video stream and LC is completely legit, as again, who in their right mind would broadcast themselves cheating?