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LC is going bye-bye???

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jan 8 2013 9:31 AM (57 replies)
  • simovoice
    4,963 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 12:44 AM


    Not making any accusations, just stating the other side of the story.  If I had to guess it is just a weird form of lag in the video stream and LC is completely legit, as again, who in their right mind would broadcast themselves cheating?

    Ditto,  I think no other and better words could be used ... 

    We all know Rich as the one who started the gift wave in WGT community ... this is what he only represents on my eyes, so tyvm Rich for giving us an example of real generosity !


    2,580 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 12:51 AM

    Hi Legend. I remember when you started to play this game, as you had only joined WGT soon after i started myself. I remember this because i saw your name and thought to myself, what a great name. We friended soon afterwards, and had a couple of rounds. I have watched you blossom at the game since then, and i know we followed a similar path to Legendom. The only difference my friend was that you where always the better player. 

    All this nonsense about you cheating doesnt ring true for me at all, i wouldnt believe it for a second. Does cheating go on in WGT? if you ask me, then i say yes. How else do you explain players getting insane scores week in, week out with all that VEM and stuff? But to think that you are one of these people is just madness in my opinion. 

    Pejon has hit the nail on the head about WGT messing with the settings when it comes to new gear coming out, as its an all too familiar pattern at these times. Talk about double standards eh? 

    Well, i better keep shush now, as my game usually suffers after i post my opinions on these type of threads, lol. All the best Legend, but dont give up just yet. 

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 1:10 AM


    its a sad day when wgt picks on one of the good guys here and lets the actual cheaters run rampant.... how about installing some cheat software then wgt instead of needless accusations like this?

    I for one was a victim of snitch and lies and was punished for stating facts. Going against grain here will get you account blocked as I have learned from experience .

    LC it would be a shame if you left but I am sure this like any other game will become a dinosaur and we all would have moved on to another game . This aint life and its ashame members and wgt employees treat it as such. Its a game guys and nothing more.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 1:58 AM

    I clicked on Lc's link to his Livestream. 

    First time I've seen a live game before.  Very enjoyable and the M/Play game he was playing was fantastic to watch, ended on the 4th extra hole.. a great game played by both :)

    I tend to agree too.... why would you Livestream a game using a cheat, makes no sense!

    I started to use the Max balls after watching Priestess in her UL Vid.  At first the meter speed was like watching grass grow. Now it's faster and tends to chop and change between speeds, still slow (which is good for me)  but you notice the difference.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 2:07 AM

    I have it on very good authority Roger, those Max balls are a total waste of space and credits, pretty much like those silly clay dwarfs people stick on their front lawns.

    Forgotten what u call em, but they are still very very silly.

    Personally I think a molehill is far more attractive.


    EDIT: I remember - garden gnome

    Gimme a break



    now compare to this thing of beauty


  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 2:18 AM

    i was walking home late one night and i saw over a fence into someones garden, what looked like ET bending over.

    I was drunk like sometimes and didnt think it odd to ask " hey ET, whatcha doin?"

    He looked up and raising a bony finger to his lips he said 

    " ET bone gnome "

    Anyway i watched lc play to but couldnt say anything because livestraem wouldnt let me have my own name and it seemed that every putt eventually made the hole now is that weird or what? doesnt go like that for me always because after ten tries it just randomly moves to the next hole. somethings up for sure but i dont know what. maybe we should have an option on hole size I think that would help me and it would reduce greenkeepers work what with having less to mow

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 2:20 AM

    Not making any accusations, just stating the other side of the story.  If I had to guess it is just a weird form of lag in the video stream and LC is completely legit, as again, who in their right mind would broadcast themselves cheating?

    My point exactly BB, I have no gripe towards anyone in this club or any other club.  Hell, all I want to do is play the game that is given to me.  Some days I play great, others I can barely break par.  

    I have explained the lag in the game during stream.  I made it a point to openly post my stream page, which was for friends only previously, to come and enjoy.  Tonight, I had at most times 10-12 people watching.  I do believe the max out tonight watching was 31, could have been higher.  I managed to play several alt shots, a couple stroke play game (a 33 and 29), and a 9 hole MPC that lasted 14 holes which I lost to a great challenger.  All streamed and open for everyone to watch.  

    Here is the difference tonight as to last weeks stream, I was on my desktop not my laptop.  I was able to stream at 35 frames per second tonight and not 15 frames per second.  But that's besides the point.   The point is this, I am merely a newb whom poses no threat to anyone or any tournament on a regular basis.  I know who it was that said I was cheating.  The fact that I have nothing to hide, the fact that I have proven myself time and time again this last week and a half should be sufficient. 

    However, being blatantly called a cheater by someone whom represents this great game is a slap in my face.  I don't eat, sleep, and breath this game like some do.  I could really care less if I walked away today, but how would you feel if Icon called you a cheat and threatened to close your account after all the time you put into it?

    Now, I have proven myself to all that even really cares.  For the gentleman that originated this rumor, you know who you are, step back and congratulate yourself for making yourself look like a idiot.

    My stream page is still open if anyone cares to stop by.  You will be able to tell if I am live by the red flashing "live" button.  If it is not lit up, it is one of my recordings for you to enjoy or study.  I now have over 9000 viewer hours on the stream page :)

    Click the link to enjoy (LeGeNdCrUsHeRsStReAM)


    Now, lock this thread and ban me from WGT.  I hit the ding 23 times tonight out of 219 strokes taken.  I am a cheater using a software to slow my meter down to hit the ding...UNREAL


  • Beryman
    9,100 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 3:34 AM

    this reeks of the"Salem witch hunts" and the "12th century Inquisition"  .....  thought we had advanced beyond that kind of hearsay  :(

  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 4:09 AM

    LC, I do not know you personally and am only aware of you from reading your posts in the forums so I am looking at this objectively.

    Curious to know if WGT (i) actually identified each of the individuals to you who made 'reports' concerning your 'meter' & (ii) provided you with their evidence to back up their allegations?

    What is surprising is that WGT asked you 'what program you were using' when the correct approach should have been 'can you comment & give your version of events'.  At least then you could have been afforded the opportunity to give your version in a non-prejudical enviroment.

    Futhermore, for a individual to make an accusation from viewing a stream through a third party medium (which of course is subject to various distortions) is not the same as that same individual having played you in an MPC or A/S and then making an accusation and recording that event as proof.   I take it that you did not receive any complaints from people that you played against recently regarding your 'meter'

    Many other streams have been posted through third party mediums which are quiet distorted and one could, if they wanted to and for whatever motive, read whatever they want in to them and make whatever groundless allegations they want.

    Hope it sorts itself out.

  • Funkyjunkie3000
    722 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2013 4:22 AM

    for me evidence is needed but then you can look at the fact that the video where meter was shown and was clearly slowing down befor getting to the ding, got removed from the page, just saying if you didnt cheat why delete the videos where your meter was shown and it clearly slowed down?

    just my opinion and nothing more