BolloxInBruges:Not making any accusations, just stating the other side of the story. If I had to guess it is just a weird form of lag in the video stream and LC is completely legit, as again, who in their right mind would broadcast themselves cheating?
My point exactly BB, I have no gripe towards anyone in this club or any other club. Hell, all I want to do is play the game that is given to me. Some days I play great, others I can barely break par.
I have explained the lag in the game during stream. I made it a point to openly post my stream page, which was for friends only previously, to come and enjoy. Tonight, I had at most times 10-12 people watching. I do believe the max out tonight watching was 31, could have been higher. I managed to play several alt shots, a couple stroke play game (a 33 and 29), and a 9 hole MPC that lasted 14 holes which I lost to a great challenger. All streamed and open for everyone to watch.
Here is the difference tonight as to last weeks stream, I was on my desktop not my laptop. I was able to stream at 35 frames per second tonight and not 15 frames per second. But that's besides the point. The point is this, I am merely a newb whom poses no threat to anyone or any tournament on a regular basis. I know who it was that said I was cheating. The fact that I have nothing to hide, the fact that I have proven myself time and time again this last week and a half should be sufficient.
However, being blatantly called a cheater by someone whom represents this great game is a slap in my face. I don't eat, sleep, and breath this game like some do. I could really care less if I walked away today, but how would you feel if Icon called you a cheat and threatened to close your account after all the time you put into it?
Now, I have proven myself to all that even really cares. For the gentleman that originated this rumor, you know who you are, step back and congratulate yourself for making yourself look like a idiot.
My stream page is still open if anyone cares to stop by. You will be able to tell if I am live by the red flashing "live" button. If it is not lit up, it is one of my recordings for you to enjoy or study. I now have over 9000 viewer hours on the stream page :)
Click the link to enjoy (LeGeNdCrUsHeRsStReAM)
Now, lock this thread and ban me from WGT. I hit the ding 23 times tonight out of 219 strokes taken. I am a cheater using a software to slow my meter down to hit the ding...UNREAL