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Sun, Jan 13 2013 5:17 AM (63 replies)
  • TarheelsRule
    5,591 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 3:16 PM

    If you give any money to this group, it will be wasted for sure.  No way that they can do what they are talking about for the amount of money they have and are asking for.

    Note to these guys, ask for investors in your site not for donations.   Why would I give money to start your business and make you money, you aren't a non profit, I can't deduct my 'contribution'................this is about as unprofessional as it gets.

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 3:58 PM

    cant believe wgt havent came out and replied to this post? advertising other competition on their site,hhmm

    some of us have had years playing this gr8 game and all they do is moan moan moan...seriously whats up with it ??

    why not wait till they get it up and running before you start parting with your cash.sounds a very dodgy business deal if you ask me.

    but the norm is everyone leaves then come flooding back, if it ever gets off the ground.

    my 2 cents.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 6:23 PM

    cant believe wgt havent came out and replied to this post? advertising other competition on their site,hhmm

    What's to advertise? Pie in the sky? If anything, this gives you a look at just how strong WGT is and how far ahead they are.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Jan 13 2013 5:17 AM

    As good as this idea may be.....$1.3 million with regards to developing a high spec game in today's market with aspirations of taking on the big guns like EA Sports and WGT or even stealing a tiny piece of the pie is merely a drop in the ocean. $1.3 million will barely even touch the sides.

    The average price of game production slowly rose from US$1M–4M in 2000 to over 5M in 2006 to over 20M in 2010....which is the likely reason Chad & Co sought venture capital funding.

    WGT came in at the right time with a great idea offering a great chance to harness the online golfing / gaming community with a web browser based golf game on real life courses in HD graphics...therefore finding capital funding although no doubt it was still a stiff's proved a gamble worth taking to all concerned and for all intensive purposes, it's paid off.

    Perfect Parallel in my opinion have not only missed the boat by a long way but more importantly have shot themselves in the foot by not making it web browser based. Sure their graphics look great......but even these would have to be compromised by converting their game to being web browser based....letalone becoming a programming nightmare lol.

    Where does the future of WGT lie?

    I don't think it lies in sales of $5000 custom avs....but I'm sure with all the recent backlash, WGT will concede some kind of product in the upcoming update(s) in the Elite section that offers folks with a lot of creds to cash out. I said a month ago if gift cards don't prepared to see the exchange rake increase...but that was only a forecast, whether or not it comes to fruition is another matter but I think folks would stomach a $200 gift card for 500,000 than a custom av for the same price.

    Anyways back to PP........I think these guys will be no further forward this time next year, that's if they are still around at all.