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Tiers VS Score Average

Tue, Jun 26 2018 5:29 PM (83 replies)
  • RichGast
    351 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 5:57 PM

    Once you are a tour legend, how many "best rounds" are used to establish your average?

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 6:05 PM


    Once you are a tour legend, how many "best rounds" are used to establish your average?

    500 same as legend.

    Although I think that's stupid, Tour Legend is the top tier why have a saturation point at all, surely it would be much better to make their average a true average of all their non-practice rounds? TL is what we all (or I at least) aspire to, they should be showing a true average so we can all see how good they are and what we have to achieve to match them.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Mar 31 2014 12:12 AM

    Tour Legend is the top ties why have a saturation point at all,
    Two possible reasons:

    - the game doesn't work without the no. of rounds, and "one million" takes too much space,

    - they are open to new tiers above TL and want to prepare the road.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Mar 31 2014 2:00 AM

    I went from Master to Tour Master when I my average hit 62.8. One hour later, I played  my first round as a TM I shot a 36/9 holes, which sent my average up to 72.

    The frist Ranked Round in a New Tier is your new Average and everything starts from that point.


  • turtlemtu
    6 Posts
    Mon, Mar 31 2014 7:28 AM

    Is there any consideration for Par/course difficulty when changing tiers?  I have been playing a lot of par 3 ready-go's and I am now a Legend with an average of 59.36.  I don't think I have ever broken 60 on a par 70/72 course.

  • RichGast
    351 Posts
    Mon, Mar 31 2014 9:07 AM

    500 same as legend.

    Although I think that's stupid, Tour Legend is the top tier why have a saturation point at all, surely it would be much better to make their average a true average of all their non-practice rounds?

    I agree Chinajohn. I was just curious. Personally, I'll keep playing all of the courses regardless of the effect on my average.  I'm not interested in posting a "fake average" by playing one good round and then giving up stroke play in favor of match and alt-shot play just to "impress" who?

    Thanks for the answer.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Mon, Mar 31 2014 6:14 PM


    Is there any consideration for Par/course difficulty when changing tiers?  I have been playing a lot of par 3 ready-go's and I am now a Legend with an average of 59.36.  I don't think I have ever broken 60 on a par 70/72 course.

    Best of Par 3 and Best of Par 5 don't count towards your average or the number of rounds you need to achieve saturation.

    Your average is reduced (in addition to Par 70 / 72 stroke play) for winning against higher tiered players in MP (although this appears to have been tweaked recently, best latest guess is this now only applies if it's for credits) and for winning RGs.

  • xxwkdxx
    37 Posts
    Sat, Aug 9 2014 1:56 AM

    The only advice i would give is , don't be in too much of a rush to get to legend, I have seen many people get there and struggle because they cant get the clubs needed to play a decent game because they have not gone up in levels to match the tier, It is a totally different game when you get to legend because of tee placement, green speeds etc and if you cant get the upper level Clubs, it makes the game very frustrating.

  • snoops34
    2,694 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 11:52 AM

    "the 500 ranked rounds is designed to keep your avg from going up even at over par scores for the purpose of keeping you interested in this game if you were to play all those rounds and your avg didn't move you wouldn't play"


    I think you are right on the money with this. At legend, if I have a "bad" round of 68 for 18 it's not the end of the world. If it was and my avg. shot up or stayed level, then the incentives are gone. 

    As it is, a 68 moves my average up only .01, but as soon as I shoot a 60 or 62, it goes right back down again. This keeps you in the game. If it was 100 ranked rounds the effect would be 5 times as great. Never thought I'd go below a 63 ave. but now have. Thanks for this insight above because I wasn't sure what crystal ball they were using.

  • snoops34
    2,694 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 2:37 PM

    "The only advice i would give is , don't be in too much of a rush to get to legend, I have seen many people get there and struggle because they cant get the clubs needed to play a decent game because they have not gone up in levels to match the tier, It is a totally different game when you get to legend because of tee placement, green speeds etc and if you cant get the upper level Clubs, it makes the game very frustrating."

    This is the exact truth. When the tees are in the parking lot not only do your drives need to be longer (unless you like being out-driven by 50+ yards) the angles to the fairway are tougher so its even harder to make some fairways. 

    Then, your second shots are also longer. So, you need very good clubs and balls to get to the greens and then stop the ball when it lands, plus a quality putter. If you've got the $$ for Legend tier then go for it. Otherwise, as stated above, your game will be very frustrating. Having said that, it's challenging and fun at legend if you've go the right equipment. I would not go back now.