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Wed, Jan 23 2013 2:16 PM (8 replies)
  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 9:20 AM

    Just for the hey of it did a little searching through the other BB game TWonline forums to see what they encounter...Lo and Behold does any of this sound familiar? LMAO


    Clearing your browser's cache may be necessary in order to fix some performance issues with the game. If you are unsure how to clear your browser cache, we have provided step to clearing the cache for all of our supported browsers below:…….

    EA…My sincerest apologies to those of you who were having issues these past couple of days with completing a transaction.

    Try Internet Explorer just for the membership renewing……..

    unable to renew membership Please Advise if anything can be done to resolve this

    Tried several time this date (01-06-13) to renew my membership. Have had no luck. Please advise what can be done.

    Now my friends list has gone from over 100 to less than 40. Can anyone explain what is going on? First we lose our consecutive days making the cut and now my friend list has been reduced by over 50%. Please explain the problems.

    This whole thread seems to be completely useless, none of the ideas here have been implemented. Business as usual. You give the community a new thread and it is ignored as usual. So why do you guys open up threads like this if you don't even think about adding any of our ideas?............

    Please fix the disconnect problem. It is the most annoying problem there is. Forget the interface. Fix the problem that is killing us all and making a great game into a total disaster……


    Without Forecasting Changes = No Commitment …Without Commitment = No Accountability ….Without Accountability = T.W.O.

    T.W.O. changes are best to document after the update because:

    If it broke something = We didn't make a change OR That is the way it should be

    If it wasn't done = We never said we were going to do it OR That is a big fix for the future

    If it works great = See we are listening to you and T.W.O. is a viable entity

    I know I sound jaded, well, that's because I am. It makes me sad. I'm almost at the point where I really don't care about T.W.O.'s success or failure; my sadness would stem from another loss in the P.C. market and to those who tried to make it a success.

    I'm going to crawl back to my happy place in a bunker on the 18th………..

    Hard to get excited about any update any more.  Just more bugs to look forward to……….

    Tim has nothing to do with the development and shortcomings of this game. And even though some of these writers continue with their mantra "he needs so fix it", it ain't gonna happen. So, quit asking the question or making a statement as to why Tim isn't fixing this disaster………

    yes if you expect any type of response from anyone at EA it is a total waste of your time. It is sad it came to this. The potential of what we were led to expect back during the Beta testing, never materialized……..

    Let the speculation begin!! What are the dreamy updates and improvements being done as we speak?!?!?!?!........

    i am shooting for a fix of the unity crash bug + the usual game improvements. but just getting some stabilization on the server would make me smile……..

    Hi to you all.

    The issue I am writing about is the following. After the last update of origin everything seemed to be alright. Unfortunately after restarting TW I found out that I am having pretty bad performance. The system just broke down in the middle of a round and I had to restart TW just to be able to keep on playing.

    Is there anyone else with this issue? ……

    Personally , I think you EA should just leave the game alone , every time you people at EA try to improve the game you end up screwing it up worse than what it is now, Just leave it alone until you know you are doing something (after testing it) that will be an improvement to this game ...............PLEASE

    It's simple.. Build a crappy game, get crappy results, period.. That's what EA has done.. Of course these are only my observations and in no way affiliated with EA……


    Would someone please explain how 5 players can score -21 and there are no eagles or birdies on at least 12 holes that "have been" played. I just played the Tuesday tour pro 3 click and that is what I discovered. It's amazing to me that 5 people can shoot -21 and score no eagles or birdies ahead of me playing the same course. I scored 2 eagles and 12 birdies for -16. Until I scored the eagles there was no eagles or birdies scored on the eagle holes. Please would one of the EAs enlighten me. I think the ridiculously low scores are strong evidence of manipulating the program somehow……….

    What do you consider outrageous scores? -18, -25 or -34? The scores depend highly on the course and it's settings. And if previews are allowed or not. I can play Wolf with gold, easy settings and score -30 without really trying. As for help with your game, I'm not sure anything can help you. You're either good, or you're not. Simple as that. You said that you've been playing quite awhile. That tells me that you should already know this game inside out. If lag is the problem, then you need better equipment. I lose a couple strokes a round due to my old and slow computer. But I'm not going to buy a new one just to compete with nepic, noel, etc. lol……..

    The question is if you claim that this is the most realistic game on the web, how is it possible that a person can complete the game in 18 shots and then 18 puts!!!! I understand that they have cheats but surely these Unrealistic scores should not be displayed as best scores!!! The only hole that believes that is realistic is an *!!!!...........


    For many months I've had to change my style of play to accommodate what most already know about how screwed up the distances are. Knowing full well ea will never make things right. you can do like smurfs and talk till your blue in the face

    and things will never change……

    All my opponents hits the ball further and more accurate. I am using the best clubs available to me, but to no avail. I'm a Legend on level 90, and is a full member. How do I aquire better equipment and when? Some of my opponents are not nearly on my level. …………

    Has anyone else noticed that when you hit the pin with a full shot (not on a bounce or chip or pitch) that the ball ALWAYS seems to end up 20-40 feet from the flag?...........

    Used to hit the flag pole, and drop like a rock. EA changed the game to make it harder, and yes, it happens to everyone………..

    Yip has done this to me on too many occasions that its a shame to be almost penalised for an accurate shot,in my opinion we should have been rewarded financially(though i know thats not going to happen)when this occurs.Double eagles are so rare now after THAT UPDATE,to hit the flag from the fairway deserves more reward, after all its a game not real life…….

    LOL, I noticed this also.

    And since whoever sets Tourneys for Tour Pro and Legend seems to like fast/hard greens pretty much all the time, I am seeing what you just posted about how you were trying to adjust how the ball would bounce on too hard of a green.

    Well, it still does. Usually one bounce or sometimes two and you are off the other side of the green. Really haven't noticed if you made changes so it wouldn't bounce so much. With these fast/hard settings, it always does.I posted in another thread about breezy winds being too extreme. Having 14 to 16mph winds for breezy settings is a little too extreme. Would like to see you tone this down. Breezy winds should average 5 to 10mph. And why does it effect the ball more in breezy than in windy or even gale?

    That makes no sense at all………

    Why does a 5 to 10% rough penalty play like 20 to 30%? And 15 to 20% penalty play like 40 to 50%? Sometimes even more. Yet, no changes have been made 

    Something is not right about this…….


    I have window 7 premium and just started using Firefox, I like its speed, but one thing I have found is when I am playing the Tiger Woods PGA Online I get a herky/jerky motion, when I hit a shot it stops for a second and the will travel further and stop again before landing on the green, this happens when I am putting also, however when I use the IE 9 to play the game I get none of this, ,has anyone expierenced this and is there a soloution?.......

    Good,i hope this gets resolved! I also did all the things suggested like clearing the cache and i uninstalled unity and then re-installed it.  Started computer again! no go for me. Must be a bigger problem!....

    3 minutes to connect to game server. Lots of lag in load. 3 click jerky all over the place. I am sure ea is aware and working, [I hope]……..

    My computer was working perfectly two days ago in 1920 X 1200 W full screen. Yesterday it went sluggish and gave me the warning you are talking about. I had to lessen the resolution but was still jerky in the other full modes. Only way I could play yesterday was in window mode. Then noticed the "3-click" method was unstable. Hope you can get back to where I was two days ago. I played nine rounds with NO glitches of any kind. LOVE the game by the way. It's going to be a really nice game once the kinks are worked out!

    IMAC G5, Snow Leopard 10.6.2, 4 gigs ram, Safari and Firefox……..

    Adjusted all graphic settings to low and still have lag on redraws and using the 3 click meter is impossible at this stage. Don't know what happened as I have been playing most of the day off and on and just started with this problem about forty minutes ago. Only thing changed was the amount of players online (217). I tried IE8 and was booted off completely before I could even start a round. Did get one error client out of sync with server. Went to send a bug report but Firefox closed down.

    Three click lag is an issue that needs to be addressed. A local install of the three click meter to avoid over-network lag would be better. There may end up being lag in the animation of the swing but at least it won't mess up the timing of the users swing………

    Just got done playing my first round at *. Andrews for the advanced aiming tournament, and even played it through Origin, and the lag, and the fact that the swing meter kept messing up, and stopping midway, then restarting again, made for a very difficult round. Looks like EA has some work to do…..


    Yep, Wofo. Somebody definitely went and re-arranged the furniture. I suspect a few course licenses ran out and EA did not want to renew them on account of such a stupid thing costing money and nobody being able to make them do it anyway... Ah, the poor dears. So ashamed about it they wouldn't even say something, write about it in the blog or post a forum thread.

    Used to be this would get me into a right old huff. Now I can shrug it off. I wil retire soon………

    The fat lady is warming up in the back ground. My only guess is that the license agreements had expired on those courses and instead of sinking more money in a ship that is floundering to stay afloat they are starting to bail like mad. I'm surprised to see Pebble gone I must admit as that is one of the mainstay courses for EA.This may be an indication it's about to abandon ship in full force as again I assume other courses will not be renewed and they also must be getting close to the end of their agreement.No I have no insider knowledge this is fact but it's pretty plain to see the writing on the wall. Key board cat play us off………

    I am assuming that TWO will slowly reach an end in the near future. My question is why? What happened? Is their blame to assign? Was the timing not right? I have checked into a few of the other online golf games and find they are nowhere near the variety, flexibility or value that TWO offers. If TWO ends, so will my online golf experience unless something new comes along that is similar……..

    I feel that EA just looks at the numbers and makes a decision based on dollar signs - no or little profit, end the project. If true then we probably owe EA thanks for not pulling the plug long ago……..

    Ok I gave it another shot still the same bs. heap error da da da da. This game sucks. I just renewed now I am done..somebody tell me how to cancel and forever be rid of this bs. If you dont then I will tell AMEX im not happy then good luck gettin your money out of them…….

    You came across blunt and factual. I too am blown away at the amount of blaming EA in this forum. Like I said in an earlier post, this forum seems to attract the EA haters and not the people having fun with TWO. It would seem evident that the players having fun with TWO are not going to waste time coming to forum that is filled with a few people's complaints. Besides, they are having fun, me included.

    Like xxxxxx said. Walk away from the game and find something else that is of interest, and also be sure your computer is all updated and cleaned of junk so it can handle the demands of whatever your game choices may be……………..

    EA = Rip-off…..

    P.S.- We used to have a thing called Swing Trainer, which helped your golfer play better, but that was taken away, in favor of better equipment, and more money in EA's pockets. It was a business decision on their part. We have learned to live with it, and you must also………

    I expect nothing will happen but I have just sent this to EA via the website :-

    I doubt if you can help but I wonder if you can either pass this on to someone who can answer or give me the name and address of someone who can help. There are currently a lot of Paying Members like myself who are wondering how much longer the Tiger Woods Online Game will be running. There has been nothing done to the Game in the way of updates since August 2011 and the ongoing problems then are still present. There has been no new content added for over 3 years, Courses have been removed without any notice and any problem posted on the Game Form or sent to Customer Services by PM is being ignored.

    We think that time is running out for the Game and that it will disappear without any warning.

    Can someone from EA please have the decency to let us know what it happening……..



    The servers were down, and everyone was in the same boat. Please pass the Grey Poupon?.........


    Are you guys having problems with disconnects this morning,or is just me???All kind of error messages….

    Yes same here, i just had to agree to another digital agreement before i could play, 8 dissconnects on 1 round and i think the cut streaks have been reset again! Hope i am wrong. Way to go EA……..

    same here in Australia ... yep all kinds of errors ... just plain garbage EA…….

    Took about 30 minutes for me to be able to log in...lo and behold somehow EA managed to mess things up again. Had to sign "ANOTHER" of those silly Digital Service Agreements of EA's regarding points before it would allow me access to the site...that wasn't so bad, was just so funny, gather all of the agreements I had signed in the past have been lost. The bad part, which is not so funny, is that all the points I have managed to accumulate since they were instituted have been back to zero, zip, nada, zilch, bupkiss. Hopefully, when these servers are reset, update all the information, my points will reappear as magically as they disappeared. Of course, EA's little update problems didn't end cut streak is back to zero, my pending invites has also rest to zero and god knows what other little glitches have occurred.

    Lastly, still can't even play a round of golf...server error 40010000 . I'm surprised EA has never been featured on Anderson Cooper's "Ridiculist"…..

    Every time I try play it loses connection………

    Just got back in off the road and was looking to have a good game of tiger this evening! But, alas, there seems to be a problem with unity. When I hit play now it goes to loading screen and asks me to install unity. I uninstalled and installed and still the same.

    Uninstall, clear cache, reboot PC load and install. If it doesn't work ??

    Using Chrome. A friend of my told me about this game,said it was pretty good,but then he's playing thru his IPad. After all of the Error Code 0010802's and straight out disconnect's I'm starting to feel like I've wasted my money……..


    I know that what I say will fall on deaf ears here, but here i go anyway... It sure would be nice if when a player leaves an alternate shot match, that the specific player would be identified. Yes you know who it was when it is your teammate, but the "an opponent has left" is vague. I don't want to play with folks who drag up!

    Although I will admit I have left games due to technical difficulties, which were not my fault... so I've noticed that when playing a multiplayer game, ie alternate shot, if your partner suddenly pulls out of the game I get a DNF against my stats - this is completely unfair as I have done nothing wrong! Anyone else agree with me??


    Not everyone pulls out on their own. TBMP has a lot of flaws, and disconnections and other problems arise. It might be unfair to put that on your record, but it does. EA doesn't support this game anymore, although on occasion when the game goes out, they will do some repairs. As far as having that changed, that is a part of this game, and since nothing else is being added, nor removed from this game, you will need to live with it.

    ok , joined a TBMP alt shot .... 4 strokes down after 9 ... partner drags up. WTF??? it is only 4!!! if you can't come back from that far behind ? what does that say about you as a person? and to just quit , awww man, ( and please don't blame it on me, when u left me 30 foot putts) we coulda won this 1 , oh ye of little faith. If you are gonna quit a tbmp game of any sort i would appreciate if you don't join it to begin with.

    In essence what you say is fine Dan but even if you do know the offending players name, how can you definitely determine whether he was kicked or left because of a lack of committment and disrespect for fellow players? I have a list of Quitters, Non-Speakers, Fervent Anti-green Pitchers & Personality Lackers but due to so many getting kicked now due to EA's servers nearing implosion point, determining quitters is even more difficult than before………

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 9:38 AM

    Just one comment, WHY?  My Nickle.


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 10:34 AM

    Why Not show this games customers aren't the only ones with similar problems and complaints than that of another Browser Based online golf sim game. That is not discounting the problems and bugs WGT has but certain ones are very similar.

    My Nickle


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 11:01 AM

    Still, two wrongs don't make it all right.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 11:11 AM

    Does Tim work for WGT too ?  

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 11:48 AM


    Still, two wrongs don't make it all right.

    I sure don't disagree with that...

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 12:19 PM

    cruddy customer service drives customers away

    no customer, no business 

    imagine that.


    Now we are getting complaints about EA Tiger Woods (tm) here?

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 12:31 PM


    cruddy customer service drives customers away

    no customer, no business 

    imagine that.


    Now we are getting complaints about EA Tiger Woods (tm) here?

    Thought it really interesting, two Browser Based golf games ...Same similar problems similar kind of customer complaints. Take it however you want.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 2:16 PM

    Thats the world of gaming business but I am sorry Tim over at EA does an awesome job . I have known him many many years and customer service goes a long way even if there are game issues. The problem here at WGT is the customer service at times is lacking and the prejuidice in the forum at times kills it for me. Some get punished and some dont even though the same rules are broken.

    If the customer service here was improved then there would be way less problems . And the fact that BUG issues are hardly addressed says alot. I love this game but its like any other game ...they come and go. Personally I can see myself playing this game for at least another year or so but TW PS3 version looks promising and my time for games are limited to one at a time so. I agree with a very good post OB , you took alot of time to think about your post before you posted it and didnt just shoot from the lip .