Everything cited here works for my Acer Aspire Windows Vista
#1 http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager07.html -copy&paste in browser-go to site-in the panel-delete all sites..
#2 clean-up, this cleaning program is awesome, and free-accepts donations(hand on yellow rag,or sponge is the picture representing program.)
#3 PC cleaner Pro great program fixing issues and many other things, try it free, I bought it
#4 Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware - the best in antivirus
#5 fragmenting every month, delete temps in internet options, use the above programming to stop meter issues and help with other issues.
I have An Acer aspire running windows Vista, was bought in 2006..still runs very well.
Google has great representation, however its programs will bog your computer and fill it with unneeded junk.
this advice I give freely, not responsible for anything...that should befall you, and your computer.
I attest to these programs as being grade A,
Editing this day of : feb232013...If you find yourself still having stuttering meter issues,
Follow this to your flash, should you use adobe, then press delete all sites.