Oldbayrunner: For anyone else as it is with most Browsers etc. what may work very well on my computer may not on anyone else's so I still maintain trying different suggestions and products until you find the combination that works best for yours.
Yes, sensible words.
Who knows, I.E Is useless on my PC, but thats not to say it might be the best browser for any one else. If you dont put in the time messing around with different combinations to get sensible meter then you cant really blame WGT (well you would have thought as the game is based on a meter we wouldn't have to jump through hoops to be able to get a meter decent enough to play a round or 2)
mel1950: As the old saying goes, If it ain't broke don't fix it, So leave things be with what was working perfectly and get your heads around the REAL problems WGT!!!!!!
Yes, thats what I've noticed with this game, every time they try and fix a problem it ALWAYS causes a problem somewhere else!
oneputtdavid: No disrespect Cris; but why do I have to have a "Porsche" PC and xyz servers to play this game? When WGT says my "Edsel" will work just fine?
Who's saying you need a "Porsche PC"?? All I was stating Is that my meter is just as smooth on the "better" Pc I use than It is on the bellow minimum requirements Pc I use. As my "kids" Pc Is in better location in my house I tend to play WGT on that more than I do on my own PC. If I can manage a decent meter on a PC which is BELLOW the minimum requirements, Its letting others know that they can achieve a decent meter on any PC. But PC's aside, I personally think Its down to internet traffic/servers which dictate our meters NOT our PC's. I could be playing all morning and afternoon right until 2.30 p.m, then after this my meter starts getting a bit choppy. A bit of a coincidence that this happens when all the local schoolkids have finished school and are all probably logging in to Facebook etc etc locally???