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*** Meter Hold-time Update ***

Wed, Jun 12 2013 6:31 PM (80 replies)
  • 1gordgekko1
    2 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 8:51 AM

    if anyone has half decent antivirus it will tell you more then 75 percent of earn credits

    is full of virus and spyware thanks wgt for letting this on your site

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 9:26 AM

    I have a bit of an issue with this meter that I have not had before. When trying to move the meter bar to the correct distance it is skipping to either to much power or to little. I can't seem to get it on the right power setting and then it releases on it's own and stops on it's own on the bar just before the ding mark. Everything has been cleared quite a few times since this post started and I run a clean up programme frequently so I know it's not my computer or browser. (I use Comodo Dragon.)

    It has only started to do this since this new meter update started. The meter also stops and then starts again a split second later which plays havoc on my twitchy ding finger. This also has only started since this update.

    Any-one else having these problems. It is very off putting and spoils a good game. I have just made Legend and am having enough problems of my own at the moment learning the game again so please don't add any more. Fix it .

    As the old saying goes, If it ain't broke don't fix it, So leave things be with what was working perfectly and get your heads around the REAL problems WGT!!!!!!


  • BWeb
    532 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 10:14 AM


    Have i missed something ....what meter updates ??

    meter seems slightly more jumpy than usual, but i just put that down to ` must be my turn to lose a g`ball `

    Terrific , now my  friends list & play button have disappeared.....geeesus

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 11:19 AM

    It's jumpier for me too. It can't be a coincidence now can it?

  • RandiNancy
    6 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 11:25 AM


    It's jumpier for me too. It can't be a coincidence now can it?

    I thought it was just me! My meter is a little jumpy's only been very recently that it has been sketchy.

  • marce12386
    5 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 12:27 PM


    Yo tuve el mismo problema en algunos juegos.

    Espero que se pueda arreglar pronto.


  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 3:13 PM


    Smooth meter here using a dell xps i7 PC with 8 Gig Ram and 2 gig graphics card and i even used my kids Pc to play ready go which is only dual core, 1 GIG RAM and no graphics card and both are perfectly smooth.  The reason i think for this is the fact I'm using MAXTHON 3!!!


    No disrespect Cris; but why do I have to have a "Porsche" PC and xyz servers to play this game? When WGT says my "Edsel" will work just fine?


  • garylewisgr
    415 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 6:19 PM

         With all the tinkering WGT is doing it is making this game a guess at best! After reading this post I tried a few holes at BP to see how bad it was. I didn't find it any worse than the usual bad to lousy it normally is like. Guess I'm getting used to it! lol   I used to have a terrible time putting until after xmas.  when I got the idea to go low tech. I found that the putting power bar is pretty close to being 10 cms. wide. so I scotch taped a metal centimeter ruler to the monitor just below the bar. My putter uses increments of 25, 50, 100etc. so each cm is the equivalent of 2.5ft on the 25ft range. Btw my monitor measures 19 inches diagually. I can't remember whether I was pro or tour pro then but it worked real good for fast greens! Now at master I have to back off some. What I'm trying to say is that for the people that have to count increments which takes time I don't have to do this. Even though the ruler is backwards I have the numbers on the ruler to refer to ahead of time.. It also works for approch shots as well but not as good because the power bar for that shot does not line up with the putter bar but it still helps when you get used to it.  Btw I tried uploading the golf caddy from that web site but it wouldn't switch to my clubs. Oh well I don't need it anyway. I realize what I printed doesn't cover what the main part of the thread is about but if I helped  just one person then that's great!! Cheers  Gary

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 11:59 PM

    Glad I happened to stumble across this thread, explains why I am having trouble adjusting to the meter all over again. Lost balls & scores at par or slightly above all over again.

    Keep Me Updated


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 4:22 AM

    For anyone else as it is with most Browsers etc. what may work very well on my computer may not on anyone else's so I still maintain trying different suggestions and products until you find the combination that works best for yours.

    Yes, sensible words.  

    Who knows, I.E Is useless on my PC, but thats not to say it might be the best browser for any one else.  If you dont put in the time messing around with different combinations to get sensible meter  then you cant really blame WGT  (well you would have thought as the game is based on a meter we wouldn't have to jump through hoops to be able to get a meter decent enough to play a round or 2)

    As the old saying goes, If it ain't broke don't fix it, So leave things be with what was working perfectly and get your heads around the REAL problems WGT!!!!!!

    Yes, thats what I've noticed with this game, every time they try and fix a problem it ALWAYS causes a problem somewhere else!

    No disrespect Cris; but why do I have to have a "Porsche" PC and xyz servers to play this game? When WGT says my "Edsel" will work just fine?

    Who's saying you need a "Porsche PC"?? All I was stating Is that my meter is just as smooth on the "better" Pc I use than It is on the bellow minimum requirements Pc I use.  As my "kids" Pc Is in better location in my house I tend to play WGT on that more than I do on my own PC.  If I can manage a decent meter on a PC which is BELLOW the minimum requirements, Its letting others know that they can achieve a decent meter on any PC.  But PC's aside, I personally think Its down to internet traffic/servers which dictate our meters NOT our PC's.  I could be playing all morning and afternoon right until 2.30 p.m, then after this my meter starts getting a bit choppy.  A bit of a coincidence that this happens when all the local schoolkids have finished school and are all probably logging in to Facebook etc etc locally???