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*** Announcement: WGTPizza is no longer with us ***

Sun, Jul 21 2013 7:11 PM (112 replies)
  • Fiura
    7 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 5:37 AM


  • jeepie411
    3,197 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 6:15 AM

    Good luck to Pizza in the future.


    Personally I hope they get someone better at the job than Pizza. maybe his hands were tied on some subjects, maybe not.  from my perspective he spent more time joking around with his buddies than answering questions from the players. many posts about products and problems with the game were never addressed by him. If it were not for the answers provided by other seasoned players many new players would still be playing the guessing game on how to solve their issues with the game. In a recent thread about browsers he gave his standard answer about using google chrome and having no issues when he used it. As Courtney pointed out Pizza had only 11 ranked rounds so was not really qualified to offer his opinion based on experience. Maybe he would have done a better job if he had played the game instead of posting funny videos and banter with his friends.


    As a side note it woud be nice to know who are the "Official" WGT Staff members because it does get somewhat confusing with all the other WGT Players sporting the WGT symbol for that elitist club.


    just an opinion from a player....for what it is worth

  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 6:15 AM

    Pizza will be missed.

  • RahRoo
    29 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 6:32 AM


    Good luck to Pizza in the future.

    As a side note it woud be nice to know who are the "Official" WGT Staff members because it does get somewhat confusing with all the other WGT Players sporting the WGT symbol for that elitist club.

    Yes, it would be great to know the staff we are dealing with

  • jld51
    406 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 6:36 AM


    I hope you find a replacement whose advice extends further than "Try another browser and clear your caches"


  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 6:58 AM

    I don't know if Pizza man left of his own accord or not, doesn't really matter, but I do feel he was held back in what he could say or respond to because of the nature of some of the decisions made by WGT in how to serve the community of players.  Some of their decisions clearly indicate that WGT's intentions are 100% profit based, and they are entitled to making a profit, that is how they manage to stay in business.  I do think that Pizza did try his best to respond to issues but was limited to what he could do or say and that frustrated him.  He didn't always say what he wanted to say and did come across as a bit arrogant on some things but that may have been driven by his limitations.

    Pizza and Icon both have a tough job.  The difference in the two moderators is clearly evident.  Icon will say what he has to say and leave it at that, you rarely see him engage more than once on a subject.  Pizza however would try to make his point, then come back to defend it time and time again.  That is probably what frustrated him and led to his leaving.  Cest La Vie.  Icon, on the other hand, was respected because of his playing ability as Iconian, and people look at his stats and know that he at least knows what he is talking about.


  • jeepie411
    3,197 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 7:17 AM



    I hope you find a replacement whose advice extends further than "Try another browser and clear your caches"


     What he was really saying was try another browser and clear your CASH $$$

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 7:29 AM

    If there ever was a job description "between a rock and a hard place" it was Pizza's.  No denying Pizza and I had our skirmishes.  Wishing him the best and hoping he lands on his feet and finds a job for which he is more suited.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 8:45 AM

     Icon will say what he has to say and leave it at that, you rarely see him engage more than once on a subject.

    Yeah, the all in one famous quote. "Try a new browser and clear your cache".

    Pizza on the other hand was a moderator who listened to our ideas, suggestions and complaints. He would try his dardest to get involved and help out. He would engage a topic. I also agree with what a few peole have already mentioned. His hands were tied in just how much he could actually say or comment on. icon is still here because of his famous quote,,,lol. Just a little jest icon,,lol.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 9:03 AM

    The title "WGTPizza is no longer with us" makes it sound like he's "in a better place."

    Maybe a classier place?