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*** Announcement: WGTPizza is no longer with us ***

Sun, Jul 21 2013 7:11 PM (112 replies)
  • Edbeau
    98 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 2:16 AM

    UR WRONG,,,,,,,, FU

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 2:18 AM

    Pizza good luck. This job was not cut out for you.  Had a feeling way back when you use to visit us you would not last. Need to give as well as receive. Didnt think it would be this long. Now fire the one who hired you and thats another good one. GL forum

    Pizza did reply to me in 10 seconds on a question I had the day before she left.   Chat has been put on hold.  

  • Edbeau
    98 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 2:28 AM


    Pizza good luck. This job was not cut out for you.  Had a feeling way back when you use to visit us you would not last. Need to give as well as receive. Didnt think it would be this long. Now fire the one who hired you and thats another good one. GL forum

    Agreed,,, Pizza you took a lot on the chin an these want ta bees a fos you were good to me and I found you always answered to the best of you knowledge and or ability that WGT would allow... Take care buddy and Go With Your Head Held High...... 



  • Edbeau
    98 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 2:42 AM


    Whether or not you agreed with WGTpizza or not,  he will be missed in the forums. He was approachable and would always answer questions even when he was boxed into a corner by WGT. I feel he at least opened up a the lines of communication, which is WGT biggest weakness.

    Moving forward I hope they find a replacement as fast as possible, and preferably more than just the one position. If not the communication lines will be back to very poor in keeping players informed (and this is not designed to denigrate Icons efforts).

    If you should ever read this exWGTpizza, you did make an good impression on WGT and for this I hope your replacement(s) continue your good work.Goodluck in your new ventures and should you come back to play, hit me up for a game!


    Good reply,,, and I respect you for this... Pizza done what he was told remember this???? I have many more.....

  • simovoice
    4,963 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 2:46 AM

    I never had a personal contact with Pizza but ... I read him and appreciated all his efforts to be "in the middle", between the company and the game players ... not an easy task for sure ... 

    It seemed a good help for our Icon ... at least all seen by the outside of WGT Company walls ...

    All the best Pizza whatever you'll do, and we ALL hope to see this forum full of more moderators very soon ... 

    YES, we hope ...

    2,580 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 3:00 AM

    Although we clashed on a few occasions, i always felt Pizza was held back in what he was allowed to say. But that didnt stop him saying his piece when he got annoyed either. The Avatar and VEM threads where a good example of this. I dont know if he was pushed, but i cant let him leave without wishing him the best. Good luck Pizza.

  • Danmark2010
    805 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 3:35 AM


    Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted you let you know that WGTPizza has left the company, so if you have been in contact with him about any WGT related matter, please contact me privately :)

    Thank you:)



    wgticon or wgtpizza same way you shoudl leve the company too.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 4:18 AM

    Stay Classy!

  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 4:58 AM

    Pizza will me missed. I played with him a couple of times and enjoyed it. 

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 5:17 AM

    Yes, we will miss Pizza, at least he tried his best to communicate WGT's stupid ideas to us and their reason why they were continuing these stupid ideas (at times) like removing GIFT CARDS and these STUPID PHONE CALLS.  Maybe he just had enough of defending a company where he thought was un-defensible, or maybe he was culled in a money saving exercise.  Any way, good luck in the future.

    A few months ago there was all this HYPE about WGT wanting to get "closer" and interact more with the customers introducing several forum moderators.  A few months down the line and WGT get rid of the ONLY mod (apart from Icon) who engages in the forums.  what has happened to WGTwildcat, WGTmustang????   Does this show that WGT have given up on the idea, and It was just a smokescreen to make them look better???  or has MrWGT seen that all the mods get is GRIEF from the customer who are never satisfied (not all) because no one seems happy in the way the game is heading (avatars, bags) and they continue to ignore old problems which have been there from day one.

    wgticon or wgtpizza same way you shoudl leve the company too.

    Dont be so IGNORANT, Icon does a good job for everyone, and I dont know NO-ONE EXCEPT YOU who has a bad word to say about him.  DO US ALL A FAVOR, and act like a tree AND LEAF!