This was inevitable.
1. Because his own frustration came through with the lack of information he could give.
2. Because he took things too personally.
3. Because he wasnt cut out for Customer Service in the first place. Although he feels he has 'people skills' from his time in Restaurants.
He tried there is no doubt and kudos for him for trying.
When you have to deal with superiors who cant 'keep it classy' you can only take so much.
From the community and from his own conscience.
His enthusiasm and attitude to WGT and the community was one of 'getting the job done' alas his hands were tied.
Unfortunately he couldn't provide the icing on his answers WGT asked for as succinctly as he might have wished.
In his own words "Gamers are people, not test subjects." May have finally been the catalyst for his departure. Are we not all feeling like test subjects?
It was pretty apparent since his return from 'holidays' he took a back step in the forums, whether he was implored to or logic told him better, he took a stance of helping where he could instead of the hat he so heavily wore as the WGT correspondant.
I gave him a lot of grief in looking for answers along with others and possibly more abrupt than most, he took it on the chin.
I do sincerely wish him well in his new endeavour and hope the grass is as green for him as it seems.
On another note.... WGTICON
Has been here longer than I, seems to always offer help without predjudice & taint of ego and is generally cheery and happy.
I know there has been mod's around before and one of them popped his head up here somewhere the otherday..
But in my perception., WGTICON has been the most valuable since my internship.
We need a Forum moderator for EACH section in WGT, until then, whomever takes on this daunting and intricate role of a complete overseer, will always eventually, leave.
RIP Jason (aka WGTPIZZA) & thanks for your efforts.