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Mon, Feb 27 2017 4:33 PM (2,573 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Wed, Oct 19 2016 7:52 AM

    Then you have owners like that KKK dude, whose CC has 57 members...Only post I've ever seen from him in here, is that nonsensical drivel, rife with foul language.

    I agree that recruiting is difficult, so how the hell did he capture 57 members?

    funny game, this.


  • snoops34
    2,694 Posts
    Wed, Oct 19 2016 8:16 AM


    Then you have owners like that KKK dude, whose CC has 57 members...Only post I've ever seen from him in here is that nonsensical drivel, rife with foul language.

    I agree that recruiting is difficult, so how the hell did he capture 57 members?

    funny game, this.


    Nice to see intelligent and thoughtful dialog these days. You would think the KKK people would prefer violent video games to this "gentlemen's" game. This is chess compared to a gunfight at the not so OK corral. LOL

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Oct 19 2016 12:45 PM

    You would think the KKK people would prefer violent video games to this "gentlemen's" game. This is chess compared to a gunfight at the not so OK corral. LOL

    Surprisingly they actually prefer word games, their favourite at the moment is the old classic; Hangman.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, Oct 19 2016 7:23 PM

    Henry Henry  Henry, why do you want my thread so bad? I am not looking for attention or any sort of anything? I started this so we could get to know each other on here. There has been many interesting stories whether true or false. Again the sole intent is to learn a little bit  about our fellow players. I Honestly let people now who I was so when they played a game with me they could picture who they were playing against. If i let you take over this Let"s Be Honest thread I am fairly confident it would end.

    Just saying


  • txzdave
    1,316 Posts
    Thu, Oct 20 2016 7:16 PM

    I'm Dave.

           I honestly consider some people friends here without seeing them in person, but I must say this......I'm proud of what has happened.

                If you are something you can believe in......Then surround yourself with those like minded individuals.

                What was the most interesting thing to my Friends and I?

            I think it's how someone can't denounce their loyalties in public as well as can't confirm said loyalties at the same time. They can confirm loyalties in public.....Just not here. That's why there were no replies........No denials. In this case saying nothing spoke volumes. Denying it would render them worse than what they were trying to be.

             That is what happened. There will never be a denial if they believe in what they are doing here. They just can't try to throw what they are around without this community knowing. We've been informed.

                  Eye opening. To use this game as a platform for those "messages" only screams how weak your "messages" are.

                      To say nothing speaks volumes.

             I believe that because I'm Dave and I have real Friends. I can say that here.



  • txzdave
    1,316 Posts
    Thu, Oct 20 2016 7:18 PM

                  I'm not gonna speak of this anymore unless asked to. I'm 42 and can rant a bit if you don't know me yet.....Sorry to explode, Cats.
