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Mon, Feb 27 2017 4:33 PM (2,573 replies)
  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2016 1:00 PM


    On the other hand, I've read reports that Roman soldiers would occasionally pour copious amounts of wine into a comrade (wasn't that difficult to get him to keep drinking) and then stick a sword in his belly just to watch the wine pour out and maybe drink a bit of it themselves. 



    We have an expression in Scotland for being drunk, it's 'half cut'.

    We must have heard the phrase being spoken on the other side of Hadrians wall.

    And there's another myth, there were Roman settlements all across Scotland. There's a road, a river crossing and a fort around my town alone, they went as far North as Aberdeen. 

    My guess is the Romans actually built the wall to keep the English out.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2016 2:33 PM

    My wife and I spent a bit of time in Bregenz, Austria years ago.  There's a section they call the old town that the Romans built.  It was interesting to walk through the archways (one had to duck) and realize that at one time these 5'4" runts ruled the known world.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2016 2:40 PM

    LMAO...spluttered my tea there!

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2016 2:52 PM


    LMAO...spluttered my tea there!

    Reminds me of the Albert Brooks Famous School for Comedians...

    edit:  Vid won't play for some youtube for the above if so inclined.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2016 3:04 PM

    Crap, keep getting "error has occurred" trying to play the Brooks clip...

    In case anyone's interested, here's a link to the vid:


  • quelani
    219 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2016 4:14 PM

    5'4" runts

    Why do you feel the need to denigrate people of small stature?

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2016 4:37 PM


    5'4" runts

    Why do you feel the need to denigrate people of small stature?


    It's because he's a bigamist.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2016 5:13 PM


    5'4" runts

    Why do you feel the need to denigrate people of small stature?

    To be fair, some of the statures at the Colosseum were pretty big.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2016 7:12 AM

    Why do you feel the need to denigrate people of small stature?


    I see no reason for you to bring up your bedroom woes here.  I myself am hung like a baby carrot and two petit pois but I deal with it.  I think settle for what you have, and do not bother others with your small member.

  • quelani
    219 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2016 9:53 AM

    I see no reason for you to bring up your bedroom woes here.  I myself am hung like a baby carrot and two petit pois but I deal with it.  I think settle for what you have, and do not bother others with your small member.

    Ok...'fess up...Where did you hide the camera?