I'm Dave.
I honestly consider some people friends here without seeing them in person, but I must say this......I'm proud of what has happened.
If you are something you can believe in......Then surround yourself with those like minded individuals.
What was the most interesting thing to my Friends and I?
I think it's how someone can't denounce their loyalties in public as well as can't confirm said loyalties at the same time. They can confirm loyalties in public.....Just not here. That's why there were no replies........No denials. In this case saying nothing spoke volumes. Denying it would render them worse than what they were trying to be.
That is what happened. There will never be a denial if they believe in what they are doing here. They just can't try to throw what they are around without this community knowing. We've been informed.
Eye opening. To use this game as a platform for those "messages" only screams how weak your "messages" are.
To say nothing speaks volumes.
I believe that because I'm Dave and I have real Friends. I can say that here.