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Buying my first set of clubs - advise needed

Fri, Mar 1 2013 5:48 PM (22 replies)
  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 8:08 AM

    best thing i think you could do is get some good wedges an work out your short game learn how to use all the shots flop,pitch,chip, an punch shots,, an by time u can perfect that u should be much higher level for some good clubs like the g20's,, an will save some bucks for yourself an wont have to try learn 3 or 4 different sets clubs,,, well good luck to ya an hope to see ya on the tee's sometime......

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 2:30 PM


    ... and always check the stats of advice givers. :-)

    Do people who start at this game know how to look at those stats ? I don't think so, but they ain't missing anything. Stats only tell half the story.

    One player quits rounds when they "turn bad"; another player finishes all rounds. One player plays the easier slow meter clubs with expensive slow meter balls; another player plays fast clubs with starter balls. one player wants to tier up as fast as possible; another one wants to level up as fast as possible, yet another one maybe sandbagging. One player is only playing the easiest course(s); another one is only playing the hardest course(s), yet another one plays a mix of all courses. In the end stats tell even less than half the story if you ask me.



  • TyTyler714
    100 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 5:48 PM



    ... and always check the stats of advice givers. :-)

    Do people who start at this game know how to look at those stats ? I don't think so, but they ain't missing anything. Stats only tell half the story.

    One player quits rounds when they "turn bad"; another player finishes all rounds. One player plays the easier slow meter clubs with expensive slow meter balls; another player plays fast clubs with starter balls. one player wants to tier up as fast as possible; another one wants to level up as fast as possible, yet another one maybe sandbagging. One player is only playing the easiest course(s); another one is only playing the hardest course(s), yet another one plays a mix of all courses. In the end stats tell even less than half the story if you ask me.



    Yikes! If that action reflects badly on the stats I would like to know that. Sometimes I am struggling so bad that I refuse to add that game to my "card". Is there a place to view that info? 

    BTW - I don't quit when I am in a competitive situation, only when i am playing alone.
