give the guy who can't putt 30 yards shorter an approach from the guy that can, the chances are he's putting from 6 feet as opposed to 15 feet.
Exactly, in some situations the new driver is going to allow a player to play 1 club shorter to the green than someone with an R11. Not often granted but where the R11 guy might hit a choked PW or 9 iron the R1 player may be able to hit a full 56 wedge or PW and have a better chance of getting close.
I'm all for the best clubs hitting longer or being more precise, that's the whole point of them but making it more forgiving and giving it a slower meter as well? Risk/reward WGT, otherwise it's boring. And boring doesn't keep people coming back day after day.
I think that the biggest problem with
WGT is that it is almost no difference in terms of difficulty to hit
100% strength instead of 90%. There should be a risk involved if you
want to go for those extra 5 yards.
That is a great idea, I'd never considered that. In real life I very rarely hit a drive as hard as I could, the result was almost always a disaster.
How about as you draw the power meter back the last half inch is red, go into that and the forgiveness drops to half a dot or so. Clubs could be shown with 2 distances, normal and overdrive. Use overdrive at your own risk.
Risk/reward again.