It exists ONLY in a crappy little youtube post. I watched a TV programme called Pawn Stars the other day. Some bloke been in London, bought a "real" replica gun and took it in to make his killing. He looked devastated when he was told it was WORTHLESS. The youtube post is WORTHLESS JUNK.
I have also given the link to the actual site ( by PM, I cannot put it on here or it will, rightly, be deleted) where you can download the cheat and it is real enough. No, I cannot verify if it actually works but enough people have downloaded it from that site for me to be reasonably satisfied that it does, after all if they had been ripped off you would expect a torrent of abuse or at least complaints.
Not being rude but the other day you were asking about how do people hit the ding and they answered you. Respectfully don't get caught up too much on the ding................just get close and enjoy..........if you hit a tennis ball high and soft on a windy day it will be wind affected more than low and hard etc etc.............this game has all that in an intuitive interface.
No offense taken I assure you, am I hung up on hitting the ding? Perhaps, but I hope not to a silly level, I do know it's not everything but I do think it is important. But, I like you am just trying to enjoy the game, that really is all.
I feel I can say all that as I am not as say some wonderful player, I was in your level "yesterday", but I have no issues with any of this. And I obviously don't work for WGT because I can also be V critical of where equipment should be available, but I voiced my opinion's elsewhere on that. Forget about the ding and utterly stupid youtube posts please! Once you get to my level and above then I cant comment properly as that's above my experience..........................But up to Legend (61 average at TM) and now 63.? I can a little .................Honestly that youtube post is a HOAX! CRAP! stupid software! I mean that respectfully!!!!! Forget about all that nonsense and people on here have NOTHING to FEAR that way either!! .................................It's really JUST a V good game!
I have issues with 'cheats' not because of their effect on me, (they have none, I don't play for credits) but with the effects they could have on the future of the game, if cheats prosper too much genuine players will leave or not even bother joining.
The You tube video is NOT a hoax, the cheat is genuine and is out there. Why do so many players spend so much time rubbishing it? It is proven, too many people have downloaded it without any notable complaints for it to be a hoax.