oh no ....
they dun gone an slipped SHOE the kooliad...
sorry ..but i don't think any amount of.. BLA BLA BLA.. TIPS.or help. threads will curb the .... WELL ..i call em RIGGED theorist ..
HEK ..i enjoy em anyway... good for a laff or two usually.. :) ..
i do wish we could have a discussion on the MULTI mess... an just sorta explain ..like why they hire TWO of ya to.. umm control us i guess..
where they need more on multi patrol.. there are a few folks that KNOW exactly who the MAJOR multi's are .. hek im not that good as some for sure at doing the detective work... but i can trail SOME real,, EZ !!! ..
it just seams .. pointless.. i don't play for creds anyway.. and from what ive seen doing follow up checks..
WGT will shut down like the one account seen.. say on the leaderboard.. THEN poof,,.gone to lunch.. no cheking on the friends of said multi ...or where the multi has been sendin stuff to anuther multi.. bla bla bla.. . so it never ends..
but hey... we need to be control'd ... while the MULTI'S RULE..
please clear yer cashe... ugggg
u wanna see a POSITIVE THREAD ???
START A TODAY'S MULTI HIT LIST THREAD ... an yea i get the no naming ppl.(by reg player's)... and i agree.. or ever sore looser on here would be wanting to name someone.. im saying WGT name the ones ..shut down .. and ones put on notice that are regular friends of said multi's...
not sure why..and that would be something i'd understand if explain'd...WHY cant WGT name said banned multi's ??
SORRY ..thats the best i could word my thoughts.. an are just thoughts..