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Dedication? Integrity? or Stupidity?

Mon, Mar 25 2013 6:10 PM (7 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Mar 23 2013 5:41 PM

    I carded a 37 on St. A back nine. Started out birdie, birdie, (yes the ugly par 3 eleventh, I birdied). Game going well for me -3 at 15. On 16 the wind was 17 dead across from 3-9. I aim just about oob on the right. Ding the drive and the ball leaves the driver dead right, no wind at all. Double bogey. Number 17, wind 16 down the pike, drive goes 345, easy second shot, nope--16 wind turns to 26, green turns to ice, you can figure out the rest. I kept the game because it doesn't matter. What upsets me is losing 2 Nikes on a course I used to shoot easy 30-31 on. OK, I feel better now. Maybe tomorrow I will get a par round.

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Sat, Mar 23 2013 6:39 PM

    I feel your pain, I too got a high score on a tournament of Kiawah Island.  Seems the green speed a lot higher then very fast. And a few of my shots did not make any sense at all with moderate winds after compensating for them. And it was a one time play so I kept it even though it was well over par. I think I ended up with 6 over. I know this course rather well so I guess the gods of golf win this time...LOL

  • drmoose
    3,538 Posts
    Sat, Mar 23 2013 6:48 PM

    Bottom line is, what we're talkin' about is this is the "New WGT" ,where  how well you shoot has no basis on the results of your shots. Game has gone to crap. You people are whacked if you think your customer base is going to put up with this much longer. Take a look at your numbers ( it takes forever to put a game together these days) last one out turn the lights off.

    Doc :(

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 9:59 AM

    I certainly mean no harm at all, never to the community, or to WGT as a whole. You all know me well enough now, to realize that I will come on and give my opinion, or comment. I will not tolerate people who make racial, or sexual comments (unless they are made directly to me), some of them can be invigorating. Anyhow, I will continue to hack away and just dream of the day that this game gets back to basics. Play and play, practice, and practice more, learn the course management, buy equipment and balls as you are able. And wish in one hand and $hit in the other hoping you see the fruits of your labor, and not a totally fixed result. The honest, paying, fun loving members of WGT deserve this. We don't want your freebies, or your promises of we are looking into this. I don't care if some one shoots a damn 20 for 9 holes or a 39 for 18. Let me shoot the 29's and 30's that I worked so hard to accomplish. You (WGT) can deal with the ridiculous, leave the real alone.

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 10:20 AM


    I certainly mean no harm at all, never to the community, or to WGT as a whole. You all know me well enough now, to realize that I will come on and give my opinion, or comment. I will not tolerate people who make racial, or sexual comments (unless they are made directly to me), some of them can be invigorating. Anyhow, I will continue to hack away and just dream of the day that this game gets back to basics. Play and play, practice, and practice more, learn the course management, buy equipment and balls as you are able. And wish in one hand and $hit in the other hoping you see the fruits of your labor, and not a totally fixed result. The honest, paying, fun loving members of WGT deserve this. We don't want your freebies, or your promises of we are looking into this. I don't care if some one shoots a damn 20 for 9 holes or a 39 for 18. Let me shoot the 29's and 30's that I worked so hard to accomplish. You (WGT) can deal with the ridiculous, leave the real alone.

    My friend, I fear it all falls on deaf ears.  lot's and lot's of what used to be great companies are out of business now because they failed to listen to the customer base.  Little by little, they allowed greed and their own perception of what the customer wanted guide their decisions and implemented practices that inevitably cost them their livelihood and their business.  

    With the number of new players coming on board right now, their (WTGT's) perception is "we must be doing it right", and to a few they are.  Many, many more are frustrated with WGT's representations that are inaccurate and the effect it has on their game.  For many, it is just a game, as it should be.  But without the reward of accomplishments that satisfy the reasons we all play this game, the thrill of playing will soon give way to overwhelming frustration and many, if not most, will move on to some other fantasy game as many already have.

    There are those that say they do not see these issues with the game.  I am happy that they do not.  I only wish no one saw these issues at all and the game was what it used to be.  Cest La Vie!


  • drmoose
    3,538 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 3:54 PM

    I certainly mean no harm at all, never to the community, or to WGT as a whole.

    Most certainly, I am of the same belief. My major objection to how the game plays now has always been that we were sold equipment that "promised" performance, and delivers little of what we paid for. I am simply not that good a player, first to admit it, so,  I bought into the hype, "buy this equipment and you can shoot like the pros". Check my score history, I purchased the G20 Pings and scored three eagles in one day. Is that "realistc", hell no, but I purchased the ability to do that, only to have it stripped away. I , like you Renni, do not play for credits, and only wish to get what I payed and practiced for, not a game that makes your expensive gear work like starter crap.

    Doc :(

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 4:29 PM

    I think the problem is that WGT was not founded on, nor is its mission statement to serve its customers.  WGT wants to be and is trying to be the most realistic golf game on the web(forgetting that it is still just a game).  WGT sees all these low scores and unlike a bunch of us who aren't all that concerned with our average or stats, WGT is immensely concerned with that.  It seems they can't stand that there are all these players that can shoot 26-29 on 9 holes and 55-59 on 18.  In real life these numbers would rarely happen, if at all. I still say who cares.  I personally don't care what the numbers are, but like everyone if I have taken the time to learn the yardages of my clubs and how they interact with different balls, different wind and different amounts of spin to the point where i can dial them in, I just want them to do what I expect, allowing for a small amount of variation because of the amount of dots of precision and forgiveness(not the ridiculous amount of variation we all appear to be experiencing)

    WGT is also forgeting that on the various levels of pro tours you maybe have hundreds, no probably thousands of golfers, who play tourneys on the weekends only. The have 1 maybe 2 ranked rounds per day. So the chances of those low scores are based on the amount of golfers and rounds played.  On WGT you have millions of golfers( including the multis) who play sometimes 5, 10 or even 15 rounds of golf per day, so in reality the frequency of these low sores is not totally out of whack in comparison to how many rounds are being played per day, and a gain who cares.A lot of players have been playing here for years and this has been happening and no body really cares. People only want there shots to do what they expect, again allowing for a small amount of variation.

    I hadn't really experienced this variation until recently and have to say it is a tad frustrating and certainly makes the game less fun.  One of the things i like about this game is the growth and learning. As you play with others you can learn how to become better and practice and learn your gear, then upgrade and get better.  I have done that through the levels and tiers, but as this variation gets turned up or whatever it makes it more of a game of guesswork.  Might as well just go with the club the caddy gave you, put power to a best guess and let her rip and let the VEM decide if you are worthy to have a good shot or not.  That doesn't really excite me, so I hope WGT finds a happy balance

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 6:10 PM

    Very good responses, we are all on the same page so far. All we want is what we have payed for to this point. More important than the money we have spent, is the time we have spent. Hundreds of hours of grinding should have an equitable pay back. We all lose balls, we all make wrong shot choices or just plain bad shots. I don't think any one would ever complain knowing it was our fault, plain and simple. When a well thought out shot, executed well goes totally awry, this makes the game less enjoyable. I truly believe, it is not necessary for WGT to continue to turn up the VEM. AS a few devoted, honest players have commented, let the rift raft have their gold star rounds, they are only kidding themselves, let us have our 30-31 and the rare 28-29 that we used to be capable of. This is all we ask. If you want good fresh oats, you will pay a fair price. If you want oats that have all ready been through the Horse, then they are cheaper. I pay for fresh oats. That is what I expect to get.