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Cheats/Fraud et al

Sun, Nov 17 2013 11:41 AM (186 replies)
  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 8:15 AM


    Whilst I have always felt there are cheaters in the game, I have always felt it was a very very small number of individuals. I do think that number is higher now than it was a couple of years back. The bigger problem for WGT is there is a real perception amongst regular players that the problem is much, much bigger than it possibly is in reality.

    Just because somebody joins and becomes Legend in a few months doesn't make them a cheat. This game is so much easier now than it was 3 years ago. Off the champ tees with the best equipment you are able to drive the ball to where I used to hit it when I was a Master playing with G10s and an R9 driver. Not only that but the swing meter is way slower and the forgiveness makes it nigh on impossible to miss fairways.

    The learning curve now to get to a good standard is a far shorter journey than it previously was and you can get there without learning the same shots you had to a few years back. You needed to be able to chip, pitch, punch and flop to a high standard back then and it was far harder nailing down how far the ball would run with the lower grade balls. I haven't hit a chip shot in 18 months, I rarely ever flop unless I have no other option and pitching is a breeze compared to a few years back.

    The bottom line is if a new player gets good at putting in a short period of time, he'll be shooting the lights out within a shorter period than it took the old stagers....

    Yes very true Tiffer but for a tour pro that started in Jan to be winning the tour pro monthly open with a 55 on bethpage i need to read or learn what they learned.

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 8:25 AM


    Yes very true Tiffer but for a tour pro that started in Jan to be winning the tour pro monthly open with a 55 on bethpage i need to read or learn what they learned.

    Gotta be a multi accounter one would think. 

    This is where the muddied waters could be cleared significantly by WGT in my opinion. We all know WGT have no issue with players starting another account as long as the original account is closed. Well the easiest solution to this problem is to have something specific added to their player name by WGT that denotes this player has previously played the game under another account.

    eg I open a new account under ctm67, WGT adds an asterix to the name therefore I'm *ctm67* or the account name is set in Italics, therefore *ctm67*.

    It won't solve the problem entirely but it would greatly reduce the anger at these people gaining credits via MPCs in an underhand manner.

    It's not something I worry about greatly, I am more concerned about the cheat engine users.


  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 8:50 AM


    Gotta be a multi accounter one would think. 

    This is where the muddied waters could be cleared significantly by WGT in my opinion. We all know WGT have no issue with players starting another account as long as the original account is closed. Well the easiest solution to this problem is to have something specific added to their player name by WGT that denotes this player has previously played the game under another account.

    eg I open a new account under ctm67, WGT adds an asterix to the name therefore I'm *ctm67* or the account name is set in Italics, therefore *ctm67*.

    It won't solve the problem entirely but it would greatly reduce the anger at these people gaining credits via MPCs in an underhand manner.

    It's not something I worry about greatly, I am more concerned about the cheat engine users.


    I agree with those thoughts on restarters, if players close an account to go back to the Hack tees and as long as they have no other accounts open, no rules have been broken.

    Their progression through the lower tiers can be monitored easier, and they can be tiered up quicker to a level where they should be if they are tagged somehow .Plus if they do wish to play MPCs the opponent is aware.

    I am not overly concerned with these players, at the Tour Legend tier, competition is fair however many accounts you have. However, i fully understand the consternation of lower tier players not having a even playing field for tournaments.

    There is no defence for the users of cheat software, they should be removed and all credits withdrawn. These cheats are out there and hopefully WGT can implement the means of finding them and removing them before one goes and wins a major prize.


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 9:41 AM

    We all know WGT have no issue with players starting another account as long as the original account is closed. ....<snip>....... have something specific added to their player name by WGT that denotes this player has previously played the game under another account.

    I like this idea to help us in knowing who we are playing against. What I'd like to see, is the new account name in a different color font with a hyper link to the old account stats  page. I feel that would be of great assistance for us and maybe a bit of a deterrent for those who would like to deceive others with the new account.

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 9:56 AM

    I have no difficulty spotting the re starter and simply put I won't play anyone over level 48 unless they are Legend.

    How do i know it's a restart, simply put any P, TP M and TM in the MPC, is a restart, end of story. Each and every single one of them, no exceptions.

    How do i know this, because a real P, TP, M, TM won't play more than 1 time for credits in those MPC and they are gone, long gone.

    Another problem is, and it's far harder to spot,  the restarted TL that's now on the Legend Tees sporting a 70 plus average who proceeds to hand your a$s to you on a platter. Do not be fooled by the average, it means nothing.

    They are the biggest problem of all the multi's and in the MPC in IMHO..

    Bottom line unless you have game, and a good 1 at that, forget the MPC with strangers, go play something else, you will, and I promise you, get your a$s kicked.

    You can spend 10 minutes profile searching before you accept, but profiles and stats can be manipulated and is a complete waste of everyone's time.

    I will not play anyone over level 98 anymore either, sorry for that, but that driver is a tee box longer than mine, 10 yards is 30 feet, that's a  significant advantage in my books, and advantage I want nothing to do with and is exactly the same advantage over me  as playing a restarted TM.

    If you don't want to be cheated, do not play for credits.

    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Mar 30 2013 10:04 AM

    AMEN!! Well put JFH.

    I want a RESPONSE to this WGT.


    1,189 Posts
    Sun, Mar 31 2013 6:43 AM



    Yes very true Tiffer but for a tour pro that started in Jan to be winning the tour pro monthly open with a 55 on bethpage i need to read or learn what they learned.

    Gotta be a multi accounter one would think. 


    Not necessarily. The rest of that person's scores don't really say that. I think this might be another popular form of cheating, where people from lower tiers strike a deal with a better player to play some important (higher stakes) tourney for them, in exchange for a percentage of the prize. All they need to do is to send them their password, the 'star' plays one tourney and then it's 'back to normal'. And I don't think anyone can see from what IP a certain tourney was played 2 weeks before they received a report.

    I'm pretty sure the same process took place with a certain person who won the TP monthly premium in August and September of 2012, his scores (in those 2 premiums) were 10 strokes better than his RG rounds, lol.

    I think this kind of deals are not that uncommon, considering even I received a few offers to do this a few months back and laughed them off. However, when I checked the leaderboard at the end of the month, one of them was in top 3. I wondered who he got to play for him. And if I could've done a better job from those baby tees, lol.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Mar 31 2013 8:42 AM

    this might be another popular form of cheating, where people from lower tiers strike a deal with a better player to play some important (higher stakes) tourney for them


    Oh what a tangled web they weave when they practice to deceive :-(

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Sun, Mar 31 2013 2:16 PM


    this might be another popular form of cheating, where people from lower tiers strike a deal with a better player to play some important (higher stakes) tourney for them


    Oh what a tangled web they weave when they practice to deceive :-(

    I'm not really sure what is meant by that comment, I've played against Puholino in MPC matches and have found him to be a friendly, courtious opponent, I have won but Puholino was very congratulating in my win.

    I don't believe Puholino should be questioned as a cheat.


  • mikemcknight
    62 Posts
    Sun, Mar 31 2013 2:33 PM

    The thought of this "auto-dinger" or whatever the hell it is, is making me puke! I WANT A RESPONSE TO THIS CRAP WGT!