I have no difficulty spotting the re starter and simply put I won't play anyone over level 48 unless they are Legend.
How do i know it's a restart, simply put any P, TP M and TM in the MPC, is a restart, end of story. Each and every single one of them, no exceptions.
How do i know this, because a real P, TP, M, TM won't play more than 1 time for credits in those MPC and they are gone, long gone.
Another problem is, and it's far harder to spot, the restarted TL that's now on the Legend Tees sporting a 70 plus average who proceeds to hand your a$s to you on a platter. Do not be fooled by the average, it means nothing.
They are the biggest problem of all the multi's and in the MPC in IMHO..
Bottom line unless you have game, and a good 1 at that, forget the MPC with strangers, go play something else, you will, and I promise you, get your a$s kicked.
You can spend 10 minutes profile searching before you accept, but profiles and stats can be manipulated and is a complete waste of everyone's time.
I will not play anyone over level 98 anymore either, sorry for that, but that driver is a tee box longer than mine, 10 yards is 30 feet, that's a significant advantage in my books, and advantage I want nothing to do with and is exactly the same advantage over me as playing a restarted TM.
If you don't want to be cheated, do not play for credits.